Released January 18th, 2025
Latest Version
- Comparability with WHMCS v8.12.0
Previous Versions
Released June 16th, 2023
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- New Google Analytics v4 (GA4) widget for the theme.
- GA4 patch, to upgrade all older versions of Lara (from WHMCS v8.0) to use the new GA4.
Released October 8th, 2017
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New in version 7.3 - (For WHMCS v7.3 Only) :
Advanced WHMCS orders/income integration : Fully customizable graph, with Google analytics and WHMCS orders/income, broken down by any of the following :
Product Type (Domain Names, Shared Hosting, Reseller Accounts, VPS/Servers and Other Products & Addons).
Product Groups (as defined in your WHMCS).
Individual Products.
Not only that, but with a dedicated Graph Options menu, each administrator can :
- Customize all graph options and colors.
- View all orders, new orders or renewal orders only.
Google Real Time Monitor [Beta] : Real-Time allows you to monitor activity as it happens on your site or app. The reports are updated continuously and each hit is reported seconds after it occurs. For example, you can see how many people are on your site right now, which pages or events they're interacting with, and which goal conversions have occurred.
Google Analytics Devices Report : See which devices or brands drives the most mobile traffic to our website, all in one place.
Custom Image Logo: Easily customize the logo of your WHMCS admin interface (Text or Image Logo).
Released December 15th, 2016
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New in version 7.1 - (For WHMCS v7.1.x Only) :
New Dashboard: Based on the amazing dashboard, introduced in WHMCS v7.1, with tons of features :
Fully customizable interface, with the ability to move, close and resize widgets according to your needs.
Smart responsive layout, where the number of widgets per row will change according to your screen size ( 1 widget/row on smartphones, 2 widgets/row on tablets and finally, up-to 4 widgets/row on large screens).
Google Analytics Widget: Updated to the latest version, which includes :
WHMCS orders/income integration: Now, see a combined graph, with analytics data and WHMCS orders/income.
Express Mode: Connect your WHMCS with your Google Analytics in less than 30 seconds, without the need to create your own Google APP.
Faster loading times: Combined all required script and css files into 2 files only!
Staff Chat Widget: Now supports multilingual and comes with a sound notification for new messages.
New Permissions Interface: Control all of the theme settings from one page, including admin groups permissions.
Custom Logo: Without the need to edit any files, easily customize the logo of your WHMCS admin interface.
Fixed Layout: Allowing the page contents to scroll while the side menus are fixed.
Faster Loading Times: Thanks to the new combined assets system, loading time has decreased dramatically!
Released October 6th, 2016
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- Released for WHMCS v6.3.1
- Admin Chat Widget: Staff members can easily chat with each other, directly from within WHMCS admin interface.
- Support Tickets Count: Better algorithm for counting tickets, and including the numbers on every page.
- Notification Banners: The 4 notification banners in the dashboard will now change their color according to the notifications count (Green : Zero notifications , Yellow : less than 5 notifications, Red : 5 or more notifications)
Released March 18th, 2016
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New in version 3.0.0 :
Gravatar integration, Each admin will have his/her own gravatar icon.
Google Analytics Widget : Without leaving your WHMCS admin area, check user sessions, countries, operating systems and other Google Analytics metrics. [ Free addon for Limited Time Only ]
Berke FİNCANCI @ankberke
I guess it was in the year 2017 or 2018, I couldn't be sure. It was sold unlimitedly and as open-source code. At that time, there was no licensing issue, just promises of updates. Later, as WHMCS updates came, the theme started to break, and I requested updated files from them. They told me that there were no such updates anymore and assigned a 1 year license to my account. Now, we can no longer use the Lara theme as intended. They fail to keep their promises and change policies, thus causing inconvenience to existing customers. I prefer not to work with them anymore. They used to have a Skype address, and we used to communicate through that.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hello Berke,
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeFrom our records, you only paid $14.99 once (for 1 year support and updates), 9 years ago (2016) .. I'm not sure how do you expect updates and (Skype) support till now.
I wish you the best of luck with your new provider.
VIS @vis9649
Just because it's cheap, not worth more than 15$.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
VIS , thank you for your kind words.
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themethorhost @thorhost8237
Worse than the default whmcs admin theme.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
thorhost, thank you for your kind words, and best of luck with your future provider.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRafael Blanco @rafael3932
Hello, please help. I made the purchase and I am waiting for the license. Friends, please assist me. Invoice #XTDEV20249552
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Rafael, I see that your license has been activated .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSelwyn Orren @Sellies
This must be the best module/template ever written. Support is brilliant, and the module makes WHMCS even easier to work with. The GA4 analytics shows me everything I need. Really love the development of this template. I will always use it!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Selwyn, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJacob Bowen @jacob7386
Analytics does not support new Google Analytics system, only connects to UA accounts (Which are no longer possible or usable). Great admin panel otherwise.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jacob, I am happy to announce the release of our new Google Analytics v4 (GA4) widget for the theme. We have also released a GA4 patch, to upgrade all older versions of Lara (from WHMCS v8.0) to use the new GA4.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRC @rc6636
Always a pleasure to work with
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
RC, same here .. I wish you the best :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRichard Wraith @richard3911
WOW! This theme is EVERYTHING that WHMCS should aspire to be. It's beautiful and so much more functional! WHMCS is a pain in the backside and really ugly, but this theme completely changes that!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Richard, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMichael @michael1903
It's better then Default template.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Michael, thank you for your rating :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Thememohammad famo @6198
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
mohammad famo, thank you for your rating :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeIonut ion @ionut3719
No comment provided.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ionut, thank you for your rating :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themeshahmir @shahmir5964
It's very nice and user friendly theme, But the only issue is it doesn't support RTL, while in the past reviews on 2017 they promised to release RTL support version.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Shahmir, thank you so much for your nice words .. as for RTL support, we didn't get enough requests for it, and that's why it wasn't a priority. Still, this might change in the near future.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMathijs van den Berg @mathijs4610
Great Theme, Absolutely F*cking love it. Admin dashboard has never been easier to use
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Mathijs, Thanks a lot for your nice words :D
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGary McHugh @gary4708
Excellent Work certainly makes Admin much easier to navigate and speeds up the work a little.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Gary, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeKen D. @ken3932
Just perfect!
And also compatible with pretty much everything - There is also already a stable 8.1 version!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ken, Thank you so much for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeChris Mayer @chris6796
Sehr gutes WHMCS Admin Theme. Kann es jedem nur empfehlen speziell seit dem das WHMCS 8 original Admin Theme noch unübersichtlicher und schlecht ist. Das Lara Admin Theme finde ich das beste weil die Client "Summary" Page so gestaltet ist damit man möglichst viel sieht und es ist nicht unnötig in die Länge gezogen wie bei anderen Admin Theme. Dann als zweites möchte ich speziell die Suche in der Menü Navigation hervorheben welche das Suchen egal von was erheblich vereinfacht. Ich und mein Team sind rundum zufrieden. Danke an den Entwickler!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Chris, Thank you so much for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themeitalia @italia2923
No comment provided.
rolive @rolive1229
grande y bueno
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Rolive, Thanks a lot for your nice words.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeShannon Plaquet @shannon4335
it's mind blowing at the lack of attention that WHMCS gives their templates, both frontend and backend. THANK GOODNESS some folks are paying attention!
Lara is clean, sleek, beautiful... easy to familiarize with. it's just what WHMCS has been missing for all these years! ...hah!!! and so much so, that the latest WHMCS backend theme even started migrating to this look/feel.
hands down, worth the purchase. not only do i absolutely love it, but my staff are continuously thanking me.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Shannon, I cannot thank you enough for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeCzink Albertus @czink5504
Its the best admin template :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Czink, thanks a lot for taking the time to write this review :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themesaki @saki3604
No comment provided.
Danijel Kanuric @danijel207
This one is essential :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Danijel, thanks a lot .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themejuliana rose @julianarose4657
If Yes! Then let me tell you, you have come to the right place, cause here I will show you the whole procedure that how you can take the Five Below Customer Experience Survey at
Ronald M. @ronald5419
This WHMCS admin theme is clearly the best admin theme ever. Bought it 2 years ago, have never looked back.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ronald, Thank you for taking the time to write this review .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSven - @annchristin4077
Should be the WHMCS Default.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Sven, thanks a lot for your nice words .. enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeIsix Hosting @MartfoxWebHosting
Still the best admin theme we have seen!!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Isix, thanks a lot for your nice words and comment :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRamon Henry @antzbusinesssolutions
The theme well built and most importantly it provides a mobile layout that is easier to use. The additional functionalities such as chat for staff and the intelligent search is something I never knew I needed. If you are looking for a very intuitive admin theme this is IT.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ramon, Thank a lot for your nice review .. stay safe my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeXinder @xinder8240
The best WHMCS admin theme
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Xinder, Thank you so much for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGiles Keen @giles1452
I love this admin theme, have had it a number of years now and have just upgraded to the lifetime support option because there is no way I will be installing any other theme ! Great Work Guys, Love it !!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Giles, Thanks a lot for the nice words .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeQualitetch uk @qualitetch2677
Excellent work , It a very nice and eye catching Theme, works great and being constantly developed.
Using you could find out how chemical etching is used in the manufacture of jewellery. This chemical etching is incredible for crafting jewellery as it provides wonderfully precise accuracy and precise components, so you receive an incredibly stunning piece of jewellery using this method. So if you would choose to utilise this photo etching service for your business then simply phone us for a chat and we could then provide an amazing jewellery manufacturing using photo etching so that you could then provide your stylish jewellery.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Thank you so much for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeTom Gorski @tom6801
It is awesome product! I recommend it for every small business.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Tom, Thank you a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJay Vasallo @jay4673
This is the best admin template available for WHMCS. The template is smooth and compliments the WHMCS billing system in every way. Amir is a great person to work with and will be there for you if you should ever need help! The cost is pennies ... pennies and is worth 10 times more than the price he charges. We use this template in all of our businesses and will continue to use it for years to come. Great job Amir!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jay, Thank you so much for the kind review .. I will keep doing my best to make the theme even better.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeValdemar Lopes @valdemar2449
Well I have used Lara for the first time on march 2018, about 18 month ago, and since in that time I had a few experience with WHMCS, I stopped used Lara because I though Lara Theme changed my WHMCS layout and make it different so perhaps it damaged my WHMCS blend, I did not test all theme functionality on that time. a few days ago, I bought Lara Theme again, and could not be more happy. This theme is unrivaled in their category. I have tested those 2 giant in Admin Theme, and be sure on when you decide to buy an Admin Theme to give Lara a try. All business need a tools that power you with a way to analyse and interact in a manner to maximize and give´s you ability to take best decision. Thank to it is google analytics integrate on main WHMCS screen and staff chat. menus were reorganized better than blend.
I wish developer all the best and long life, I not see my self without this theme anymore. Developers looks step forward from WHMCS native theme blend and hope he keep innovating because WHMCS will improve some day, so that is when he should keep innovating.
If I started using this module before my business definitely grow up faster.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Valdemar, I cannot thank you enough for your amazing review. I will do my best to keep the innovation going on :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBehade Network @behade8805
Well done Lara Team, I really love this theme..
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Thank you so much for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSteven Dey @steven6394
Very Impressive
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Steven, Thank you so much, you made my day :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeManuel Garcia @Siteiria
Great Job! we are very happy with this solution for whmcs, Many Thanks!
Manuel Garcia
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Manuel, Thanks a lot for your nice words and review .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themesean idle @sean5206
Great theme! Easy on the eyes and saw a definite increase in work efficiency. Combined with the price point and I'd say it's unparalleled.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Sean, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJohn Wick @john1376
Hello, Can i use as a free trial?
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
John, while we don't offer a free trial, you can check a full working **Demo** by visiting our WHMCS Admin Demo at :
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeWill Bermender @will1141
Prettier than the default, easier to navigate, and more useful.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Will, Thank you for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themestrx @strx8261
The theme should get integrated into WHMCS core :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Strx, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy !
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeChris Balak @chris6208
Fantastic Admin template and is far more mobile responsive than the default WHMCS! Really glad I purchased it!
THANK YOU for providing this feature rich and better looking template and for not charging an arm and a leg for it!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Chris, I am glad to hear that .. Thanks a lot for leaving a review :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNoah Christopher Kemm @noahchristopher7583
Great Theme! I love it. Works fine with newest whmcs version. Im using PHP7.1 and newest ioncube version!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Noah, Thank you for taking the time to review the theme .. you made my day :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDeUndrae Samuel @deundrae6051
Great theme and great support
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
DeUndrae, Thanks a lot for your nice words !
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeKale Bullen @kalebullen
Amazing product! Love it! keep up the great work!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hello Kale, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeReece Carolan @reece4459
Really nice theme. It cleans up the menus and settings a lot, which is nice, but I wish it improved the styling of tables by default. For example, the list users view still looks pretty old and when viewing client details the information is super small, basically default WHMCS. I would love it if you guys did a visual improvement there. Otherwise, awesome theme!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hello Reece, Thank you for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNot all parts of WHMCS are themeable, but we are experimenting with ways to overcome this issue .. so stay tuned !
Adrián Badino @adrin4338
Excelente tema para el administrador. Sería bueno también una versión para el frotend.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hola Adrián, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSergej Anor @sergej3914
The best, most feature rich and we'll updated admin theme currently out there. 5/5
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Sergej, Thanks a lot for taking the time to review the theme .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJames Seals @scooby00
I have to say, I just purchased this admin theme and its AMAZING! The features are fantastic and it looks great. Great work!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
James, thanks a lot for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeKale Bullen @kalebullen
Great product!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Kale, thanks a lot for your nice words .. enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDaniel Cojocaru @daniel1088
Just one word: Perfect!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Daniel, Thank you so much for your review .. enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeChance Korte @chancekorte
This is a fantastic WHMCS admin theme and the support is excellent. I contacted support and they helped me out a ton to diagnose an issue that wasn't even related to Lara.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Chance, it was a pleasure talking to you, and I cannot thank you enough for your kind words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDaniel Berggren @tjockis
I was about to cancel my whmcs subscription because of the horrible layout.
Lara saves the day, now it looks exactly like i want it to.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Daniel, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBrian Curtis @brian9777
Have used Lara for over a year now with no issues (never had to open a ticket with support). I wouldn't dream of going back to the default admin template.
Lara is a clean, fast, easy to use template that is quickly updated to support WHMCS version updates when necessary (usually within 24 hours). Enhanced dashboard and intelligent search features, as well as the rest, make this a bargain even at full price.
I wish there was a customer theme version!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Brian, Thank a lot for your nice words .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAndrew Azarov @andrew9507
Great product, everything works, Ibrahim fixed everything within few hours. Fantastic support!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Andrew, Thank you for taking the time to review Lara :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeThe theme should work well on mobile devices, starting from smart phones in *landscape mode*, as portrait mode is too small to show all table contents.
I have sent you a patch that we are still testing, which should fix this issue on very small screens, give it a try and let me know the results. If the patch works well, we'll be releasing it with the upcoming theme update.
TUS EXPERTOS @tusexpertos
Fantastic Support, this is our second year with Lara Theme. The support is fast, clear and friendly. We recommend this Module as mandatory. Happy to found it :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSelwyn Orren @Sellies
I have absolutely fallen in love with this theme. Now I understand why everyone sings such high praises about it. As Amr knows I was hesitant at first, but after seeing it in action, on my site. I am convinced!
So in two words... Thank you!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Selwyn, it was a pleasure talking to you .. Thanks for all the nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGavin B @Gavin
What an amazing theme... It's clean, full of features, customisable and modern. A lot of work and skill has gone into this and at $14.99 a year you'd be mad not to buy it! The main reason for trying this theme was that I needed something that works better on mobile devices, the standard blend theme is ok but can be a bit irritating mobile, Lara theme is a massive improvement.
There were a couple of minor issues on mobile (mainly down to personal preference) that were easily changed with custom CSS, such as retaining the intelligent search box, removing unused icons in the menu and removing the banner at the top to free up a bit of screen space. If you like the sound of that then here's the custom CSS that I'm using:
@media (max-width:767px) {
.main-header .logo, #tnsearch-btn, li.dropdown.user.user-menu, ul.nav.navbar-nav li { display: none !important; }
#tnsearchbox, ul.nav.navbar-nav li.lr_tooltip { display: inline !important; }
#navbar-search-input { width: 165px; } .navbar-form { margin: -6px -15px; }
This theme really does deserve all of the 5 star reviews and although I haven't needed to contact the developer, from what I can see they're approachable and helpful.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Gavin, Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful review .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeWaled Ibrahim @waled9595
Excellent work, very nice theme, very light, and backed with many features.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Waled, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJeff Walker @CyberBasement
We have been using this theme for a month or so now and really like it. Today I had a minor compatibility issue with an add-on from a different vendor. Amr responded immediately and gave me a fix for the problem within an hour or two. Absolutely amazing support! Every company should stand behind their products like Amr does!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jeff, I cannot thank you enough for your nice words .. It was a pleasure talking to you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemePedro @pedro4829
hi amr, I am client since 2016, I wanted to know if u managed to add keyboard shortcuts to answer tickets and everything like gmail? Im planning to renew, but kb shortcuts, very important!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Pedro, Thank you for your nice words :) .. We are always adding new features to Lara and I'll be sure to add keyboard shortcuts soon. If you need a quick fix, please contact me directly.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeOleg Emeliyanov @oleg4342
Nice theme. Thanks to developer Amr.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Oleg, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeChristopher Fiedler @christopher3586
Great theme! Thank you!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Christopher, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMichael ONeil @NoDoze
A theme EVERYONE should use! WHMCS default themes suck! This is the ONLY theme that offers additional features, functions great, looks great, and is 100% mobile/responsive working! Amr is always quick to reply, whether it is a quick question or a customization question. He makes you feel he is here for you. Definitely 5 star worthy!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Michael, I cannot thank you enough for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeWolfy Day @ITWolfy
I like the theme very much and its certainly easy on the eyes.
The Built in Chat is awesome!! Now we can communicate on our own network.
It now clearly shows outstanding Invoices & Support Tickets.
It really just makes the admin side of WHMCS less intimidating to my new staff. (This is a big plus)
Thank you for an excellent product!
*Will be nice to have a forum where we can chat about customization and stay updated, maybe make some feature suggestions etc...
I would like to place most used menu items at the top-bar, as short-cuts, will this be possible?
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Wolfy, Thanks a lot for your kind words :) .. I'll keep the forum suggestion in mind, and as for the most used menu items, it's already on my list.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlfredo Tovar Valera @atovarv
LARA ADMIN THEME is simply the best dashboard theme, it has simplified the work, with great usability and the best support capacity of updates, fully recommended the best investment you can make. great work, Amr
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alfredo, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeLuke Thomas @websiteblue
Hi there, we have installed the theme and it looks great. Are you able to advise how I can customise the menu at all? I want to change the order of items in the menu within the admin section (not client area). The product page say customisable User Menus but when I go to settings there is no options at all to make changes. Cheers,
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Luke, Thanks for your nice words :) .. at the moment, there is no option to re-arrange menu items, yet you can edit the **menu.tpl** file if needed. If you need assistance, please open a support ticket and I'll be more than glad to help.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeHammad aBuhaTim @EXO
When release RTL version?
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hammad, we're working on an RTL version along with some new exciting features .. so stay tuned :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Thememazlie nadzri @mazlienadzri
For WHMCS version 7.2.3, when will it be released?
Thank you
Mazlie Nadzri
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Mazlie, The current Lara v7.2 is already compatible with WHMCS 7.2.3 :) ... also, 7.3 is around the corner .. so stay tuned!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBryce Wisekal @Wisekal
I've always loved WHMCS for handling our business (both Hosting and Web Design). Having discovered this Admin Theme awhile back, I absolutely fell in love with it and so did our team. It has improved the overall enjoyment within the backend of WHMCS. It visually enhances the experience making it much more enjoyable and welcoming. The support that Amr offers his clients is fabulous! We could not be happier. Thank you for making available your product. It's appreciated!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Bryce, You are most welcome my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlexander Garzon @agarzon
A must have! there is no other better dashboard for WHMCS than Lara. Having access to the source code allow you to tweak and adjust at your preference (if you're a dev as me). The Google analytics widget is just awesome.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alexander, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeThomas Baker @thomas5922
This has been a great asset to streamline our dashboard for the team. With all the features it is well worth the cost and has continued to pay for itself.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Thomas, Thanks a lot for your lovely words .. really appreciated!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAdam Brennan @Mekki
Laratheme is absolutely Fantastic. Wouldn't go back to Blend, have been completely spoiled by this Theme.
On top of that the support from them is amazing, I needed a new version but my download link had expired so they just whipped me up another one and away I went. 10/10
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Adam, Thank you for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMarc Warne @marc3283
Had a silly problem that was totally my fault when installing this, and the support I received for this was absolutely incredible, and stupidly quick. You don't just get a theme - you get top notch support and it's worth every penny.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Marc, it was a pleasure talking to you, and I really hope that you'll enjoy the theme as much as we enjoyed creating it :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJames O'Hara @Latic
We have multiple WHMCS installs and have always had the problem of logging into one and nearly doing something very silly!
Originally we sort out Lara to sort out this problem, however we quickly found the work flow when using this theme is far far better than the original WHMCS theme.
The fact it lets your know, in the menu, when you have tickets, orders and invoices pending is a huge advantage. In addition to this the theme works better on mobile than ever the aWHMCS product and is far cheaper!
All in all really happy with this product and wondering if eventually it'll be bought out and integrated into WHMCS itself.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
James, Your review made my day .. Thanks a lot for each an every word :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJim Walker @HackRepair
I've been using the Lara, WHMCS Admin Theme for over a year. I've tried a couple of others and simply put - Lara Theme beats them all.
And the price - Seriously!
Well worth the pocket change hiding beneath your sofa cushions.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jim, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. we'll keep doing our best to make our customers happy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeKeenan Cameron @keenan3099
Great theme I absolutely love it.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Keenan, Thanks a lot for your nice word :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJaden Black @Jaden
We're very impressed with this Admin theme and most importantly with the support Amr provides. He is very responsive and willing to help to make sure you are a happy customer!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jaden, Thanks a lot for your kind words my friend .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMattheus Yuval @Yuval
The theme looks amazing and just works excellent. Thank you.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Mattheus, Thanks a lot for your review .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDaniel Alves de Andrade @MegaProvedor
This theme is very beautiful and functional, both on PC and mobile. Congratulations! Highly recommend to all.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Daniel, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGeorge Gkouvousis @ggthegreat
Absolutely amazing and useful UI. Great work guys. I dont believe you have a competitor at the moment, neither will you soon. Keep up the good job.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
George, Thanks a lot for your kind review .. really appreciated :D
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlvaro Carneiro @AlvaroCarneiro
Excellent theme. Easy to install, support is fast and friendly. The developer is always updating the theme, making it compatible with the new versions of WHMCS.
Honestly, this should be the default WHMCS theme, I never want to use native WHMCS themes again.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alvaro, Thank you for each and every word .. Have a lovely day my friend!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNasos Liagos @valuehost
Nice work, great support, reasonable price.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Nasos, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNathan Gatt @GSVR
I have used a couple of templates for WHMCS. Lara is easily the best no question.
Even received an email from Amr when WHMCS 7.2.2 was released to let us know that it was safe to update with no compatibility issues.
Create a client template, please!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
@GSVR, Thanks a lot for every word .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeCharles Kane @alphaeva
Lara v7.x has a bug:
If you are on the `invoices.php?status=Overdue` page, you can not click `orders.php? Status = Pending` or `supporttickets.php` button on the top bar. This bug affects my use, I really hope this bug can be resolved.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Charles, Thanks for reporting this .. I've sent you a hot fix via email .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMarcos de Souza @marcos
Muito bom recomendo a todos do Brasil
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Marcos, Muito obrigado, meu amigo :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemePAUL ISPAS @RoJackal
Great theme, very nice.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
PAUL, Thanks my friend for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemePieter Rubeus @Meta Humans
Thank you Amr for your quick response on the update. This template is awesome and the response time on issues and queries are very fast and professional. I prefer this theme over the default five and six of WHMCS and already used Lara for for more than a year. The pricing of the theme is by far the best there is. Keep it up.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Pieter, Thanks a lot for your lovely words .. really appreciated!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMAPPUS Sébastien @mappus5804
Very good model, and technical support present.
Good work
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
MAPPUS, Thanks a lot for your review .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeCarlos Arias @carlitopkr
No comment provided.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Carlos, Thanks a lot for the rating .. Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAdmin Manager @Admin
Excellent product. Outstanding support. Two thumbs up. Thanks.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
@Admin, Thanks a lot for the review .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeLittle Ghost @Littleghost
Fully compatibility with WHMCS 7.2.1 running on Nginx, MariaDB10, PHP7.0.
But if you have newer version of WHMCS, don't worry, the author upgrade his script very fast. This theme also compatibility with my hobbies ^^ . It's very clearly, simple, smart, soft and balance colors.
Buy it, you won't be disappointed.
@the author: please update Changelog immediately when you release new version. I thought that it doesn't support whmcs 7.2.1 but I still buy.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
@Littleghost, Thanks a lot for your nice words :) .. For the change-log, I've updated it as soon as the theme update was released, but it needs to be approved by the marketplace admins before it's published.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMartin Walsh @FunkyWebHosting
I love this template it lays everything out very clear and all important iformation is available at a galnce
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Martin, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. we love you too :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeVincent S @Vinny14
This is a must have theme, Amr can code on a high level. The updates are quick and complete and the support is straight to the point.
I would recommend this theme to everyone.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Vincent, Thank you so much for each and every word :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBakhtiyar Sierad @bakhtiyar
Great Theme, very nice. Easy to use. Great job.
East to add custom menu. And nice price. haha
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Bakhtiyar, I'm glad you're enjoying our service :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themedave brennan @davebrennan
Great support from Amr why would you use anything other than Lara it meets all your expectations in an admin front end
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Dave, Thank you my friend .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeStathis Anastasiadis @HostChefs
Nice and elegant :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Stathis, Thanks for the nice words .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeWilliam P @MetallicGloss
This addition to WHMCS is definitely worth it, turning the old, drab and rather unpleasant WHMCS admin dashboard into something a lot more organised and clean. With the recent integration of Google analytics direct on your dashboard as part of the theme, there are loads of small features you will find laying around!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
William, Thank you for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeWolfgang Lengfelder @wolfgang
Fast Support. Problem with Paypal via Email solved. Great. Thanks a lot.
Regards Wolfgang
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Wolfgang, It seems that PayPal IPN reported a wrong payment amount, probably due to currency conversion, which caused your order to fail. I've corrected the issue and sent you the download links .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeStephen Arseneau @StephenA
Great template so far. Very quick to respond to any requests that I have sent in.
If you're on the edge, and not sure if this is worth it.... Buy it. It is worth it.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Stephen, Thanks a lot for your nice words, really appreciated .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJuni Yadi @juniyadi
nice theme,
i send you email from contact us, i want to re-download version for whmcs 7.1.. thanks
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Juni, I've re-sent the download links to you .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDwayne Smith @Dwayne
One of the best admin themes on the market. Clean, professional and works well. Updated regularly to follow with WHMCS updates. Top Recommendations in purchasing this theme.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Dwayne, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeIván Alvarez Martín @StackedCloud
Excelent theme!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Iván, Thanks for your nice words my friend .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeCaique Arize @Caique
Excelent theme!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Caique, Thanks a lot for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeChau Le @w360s
Hello i need your help. i have bought your theme but when im install like the tut, it not show up. help lz
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Chau, Please contact me directly using the contact form on my website and I'll do my best to assist you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAnna Turner @anna007
hi bro, I am already client, I wanted to download the latest version of lara, can u pass me the dl link, the oens u sent per email expired
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Anna, please contact me via email and I'll re-send the download links :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeWayne Visser @dbntech
Excellent Template and fantastic support. Thanks Amr for responding within minutes to point out I needed to upgrade my version.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Wayne, Thanks for your nice words .. Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSerge Huijsen @SergeDudeMT
WoW! This is a great template, easy to use!
This is a much better than the default theme!
WHMCS is a great platform, and this makes it greater!
I'm proud of this!
Damn! S/O to the Developer!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Serge, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the product as much as we enjoyed making it :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRuss Michaels @russmichaels
Great looking theme, better than the native admin theme and more intuitive, the staff chat widget is a nice feature too, definitely useful. Worth every penny.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Russ, Thanks a lot for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeShaw Rana @shamaniac
Great template, easy to navigate.
Had issues with compatibility with a ModulesGarden plugin, got it resolved promptly from the developer. Thanks!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Shaw, it was a pleasure talking to you .. Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMatthew Matters @ANSASERVERS
A+++ I sent an email to Amr Ibrahim and he replied back within 10 minutes and even though it was the middle of the night where he was he helped me fix an issue with the theme. This is what i call dedication
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Matthew, Thanks mate .. It was nice talking to you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeHammad aBuhaTim @EXO
Very cool styling and flexible, thank you Amr Ibrahim!
* We hope to see a RTL version soon! .
I wish you success.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
HAMMAD, Thanks a lot for your review .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJade D @ZADomains
No comment provided.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jade, Thanks for taking the time to rate us :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeIsix Hosting @MartfoxWebHosting
Good job man!!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Roman, Thanks a lot my friend .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGrant Ambrose @grantambrose90
I purchased this Theme an hour ago and I had a problem installing it. The Theme Author helped me fix it up - even went so far as to log into my WHMCS install and get it all up and working within minutes.
Great support and the product looks solid. Can't wait to play with it.
I'd recommend this Theme for the support alone.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Grant, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. It was a pleasure talking to you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeEric J @EricJ
While the theme looks nice, it does not function very well on mobile devices which is a pretty major letdown.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Eric, Thanks for your review .. The theme should work well on mobile devices, starting from smart phones in *landscape mode*. If you've any issues, please be sure to contact me directly and I'll do my best to help you.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRudi Heystek @webcafe
Thanks Amr for an awesome product and excellent and fast support!! Keep up the good work!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Rudi, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJanet Malaga @Hosting_Connect_SA
Happy New Year for 2017. I would just like to say what an incredible theme and what fantastic service a support. My hosting provider really messed up my site and my upgrade and I could not get it sorted for over 2 weeks. Thanks to the incredible support and help from the creator of Lara Themes (Amr) for your fantastic service in getting me sorted quick quick. I would highly recommend this them as it really comes with excellent service and support.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Janet, It was a pleasure assisting you .. Happy new year to you and your family :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNicola Cascio @waga
Excellent! One of the best admin theme so far. Great product and fast support. Always up to date with WHMCS new releases.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Nicola, Thanks for your review and we'll be doing our best to keep you happy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGizmo Wexler @Gizmo-Wexler
Happy New Year! I came across the Lara Admin Theme, purchased it a few days ago, installed it and it is one of the best ways of starting out the new year (2017)! Looking forward to the new year and thanks to the Lara Admin Theme it's a great flow, love the look and feel.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Gizmo, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Happy new year to you and your family :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDato Media @datomedia
Great admin theme to work with whmcs on the move because is fully responsive and in our office. Updated frequently and backed up with a great support ;-)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Dato, Thanks a lot for your nice review .. Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNicolas Stefanis @Hostdog
Excellent theme and professional support.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Nicolas, Thanks for your words .. really appreciated!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMichael Smith @finedesignz
Looks and feels great!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Michael, Thanks a lot .. Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAdrian Grigorica @Adrian
This is brilliant, took 5 min to install everything, has a very nice feel and added bits that make the job easier.
Keep up the good work
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Adrian, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. I really hope you'll enjoy using the theme :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSAMANTHA SCAFE @SmallBusData
Great piece of Kit!!!
No reasons to contact support - worked fantastically on our installation.
Keep up the great work!!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
SAMANTHA, Thanks a lot for the nice words .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeLAUNCH VPS @launchvps
The update is very, very nice! Great job!
The Google Analytics widget was altered to better correlate traffic with orders and revenue. This is incredibly useful and simple.
Thank you!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
@launchvps, This is just the start, as more blending between GA and WHMCS is on the way .. stay tuned my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeHelio Cardoso Soares @Helio
No comment provided.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Helio, Please let me know if there's anything that I can do for you.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGiorgio Recchia @Giorgior
I was one of the first to try lara, now I can not help it! The interface to be something more to the productivity of my business and above all the updates are in step with those of WHMCS! really super
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Giorgio, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAaron Winning @awinning
By far, the best admin template that I've used to date. I don't like the original WHMCS theme, and other templates are clunky and take way to long to load.
Especially love the intelligent search in this theme! And the support has been amazing!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Aaron, Thanks mate .. It was a pleasure talking to you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJohn Cheshier @HostCrusherLLC
Love this Admin Theme. This Theme makes the Admin Area look so much better. I can now move the Widgets around again and even maximize the Widget to get the full full! Great work!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
John, Glad to hear that you liked the new dashboard .. Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeIbanez Pratama @griyahosting
This theme is Awesome !!! Support is amazing !
Helped me for mobile, hope can will more optimized for mobile version.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ibanez, We are doing our best to satisfy our beloved customers .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBernhard Blaha @bblaha
This makes WHMCS so much better! Works on mobile, usability is way better, it is just a better overall experience!
Amr is also AMAZINGLY responsive!
Definitely one of the best plugins I bought for WHMCS!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Bernhard, Thanks for every word .. I hope you'll enjoy the latest release!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJack Evans @Scarce-Hosting
Great admin theme, Nice design, everything needed is included. The support is amazing as is the customer service. If you are looking for an Admin theme, look no further as this one is seriously the best!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jack, You are amazing too :) .. Thanks a lot.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSteve Fawcett @red5host
Absolutely superb. Love this admin theme.
Awaiting new WHMCS version with anticipation ;-)
Excellent service as well
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Steve, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. V7.1 is now fully supported, Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlfred Guenter Pogner @Alfred
Very good theme, very good service.....5x*
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alfred, It was nice talking to you and thanks a lot for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMatthew Aldaco @BlackyWolf
So far so good. It's a nice design and gives the admin section a more modern and user friendly look. If there is one thing I'd improve, it would be setting the main side menu to be fixed so that, say you have a pretty long page, you don't have to scroll all the way to the top to reach the menu again.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Matthew, Thanks a lot for your review ... as for the fixed menus, I've already added it to the upcoming update, so stay tuned :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeErnest Rivera @Andrew707
The best WHMCS admin TEMPLATE in the market, alongside the EXCELLENT support from Amr!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ernest, Thanks a lot for you nice words .. I'll do my best to keep my customers happy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJosé Nieves @uzielstudio7
No comment provided.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
José, even though you didn't write anything .. I can still feel the love :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAleksandr Ivanovitch @MwSpace
Beautiful theme,
We MwSpace, I now use for a long time,
Vacile installation, fast and above all smooth and without BUG =)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Aleksandr, Thanks a lot for your nice words and comments ... Enjoy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Themedave brennan @davebrennan
This i a great theme to use in whmcs so if you are buying one buy this one the support from Amr to his customers is just the best you wont regret it and i am a genuine customer Dave
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Dave, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. Enjoy my friend :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAshley Primo @ashleyprimo
Brilliant, innovative and extremely simple to navigate. It is packed with features and supplemented by regular updates.
Keep up the amazing work Amr! :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ashley, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. You are amazing too :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin Theme欣毅 胡 @胡欣毅
How can I download it? I have pay it through paypal
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hello, Please check your email, as download links are sent to you instantly, after payment. If you cannot find the email there, please let me know and I'll re-send it to you.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNicholas Hall @Nick
This was one of the easiest and fastest ways for me to get a clean and updated look for my admin interface. Myself and staff love login into the admin area now!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Nicholas, Thanks for you kind words. We love you too .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeArtur Volk @Volkinson
Amazing theme. The only thing is, that built in chat not support russian language. Could you solve that issue please? :) Thx!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Artur, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. as for the Russian language, I'll fix that in the upcoming update :D
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAhmad Faizal @ahmad
I don't know how to write much. but seriously, this module is awesome. Must have. Great support of course.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ahmed, Thanks a lot for you words .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDraven Vestatt @Xarcell
I just have to leave another great review. This product is that awesome. I've been using this theme for over two months now, since my last review, and thought it was time for another one since it has grown: with new features, updated with WHMCS 7 support, and continues to work great.
I'm a theme designer myself, and the author of this theme has made my job alot easier in customizing this theme to reflect my brand with a custom.css & custom.js files.
No to mention the Google Analytics Widget that's really cool & helpful, and cannot be found anywhere else.
Support..., well, has been some of the best & fastest support I have ever received on any product or application, anywhere.
My personal opinion is, if you want a better admin theme for WHMCS, then your being stubborn if you don't pick this one. It's clean, fast, cheap, easy to customize, and support is AAA+.
By the way, I am in no way affiliated with the author, other than just being a customer. Nor have I been asked or paid to say such nice things about it. This is a genuine customer review.
WHMCS Dev's, look at this theme and learn from it.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Draven, I cannot thank you enough for your words and I'm really glad that you're enjoying the theme. We'll do our best to keep adding new features and make our loyal customers happy :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeChris Williams @Cyclone
Amazing , Working Great
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Chris, Thanks a lot for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAhmad Faizal @ahmad
Hi Amr,
The Theme looks great. however there seem like there are some missing menu on my Lara theme when i update my WHMCS to V7.0.1. Is there any new update release recently to support this? if yes, how can i download it?
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ahmed, Yes, you need to use Lara v4, which is the version compatible with WHMCS v7. I'll re-send the download links to you.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeO Walton @OWalton
Wow! Wow! Wow! This theme is functional, intuitive and aesthetically pleasing. After taking the demo for a spin there was only one choice left: Make the purchase! The developer proactively updated the theme for WHMCS v7 compatibility before I could even ask for an ETA. Furthermore, I had to import a menu from a different add-on I was using and was having a CSS/JQuery issue making it behave properly, within the Lara theme. I emailed the developer, expecting them to point me in the right direction. What happened next literally blew my mind. Within 24 hours I received a reply with step by step instructions and customized CSS and JQuery code to make my imported menu behave as expected. I could not believe it! I can only surmise that the developer installed the exact same add-on I was using, figured out how to make it work and emailed me the instructions. The instructions were accurate and specific to the add-on. I cannot give enough praise to the actual theme or the developer who went above and beyond to help me. Thank you very much. Mind: Blown! Customer: For Life.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Walton, I cannot thank you enough for your nice words. Rest assured, that I'll do whatever it takes, to keep you and all my loyal customers happy .. Thanks again, and as always, Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlexander Dietrich @Muzixs
Really a top notch theme that is updated and on point with the latest WHMCS features. I've I yet to see another theme with such a intuitive design and stylish look. I actually enjoy managing our billing with this theme.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alexander, Thanks for every word .. We also enjoy serving customers like you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJean-Pierre Fourie @apptality
Loving the theme! Very user-friendly and looks great with different color schemes! :) Thanks
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jean-Pierre, Thanks a lot for your kind words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeTab Fitts @tabp0le
Awesome theme! Beautiful layout. Very functional and well done!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Tab, Thanks for the awesome words .. really appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMarcel Swart @Marcel
Very good theme... Very Fast Support!!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Marcel, Thank you for your review :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeSherri Owen @merchantmoms
Excellent! I've had this since it first came out and have always enjoyed it more than any other. Amr is always quick to respond to questions.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Sherri, Thank you so much for supporting us .. It has been a pleasure working with you, and as always, Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDaniel Hendricks @hendricks
This admin theme is amazing. I love how it brings attention (using badges) to items that need to be dealt with. The staff chat is great too. Easy to use and easy to install. If you're a WordPress user, be sure to check out their WordPress Google Analytics Dashboard Widget plugin too. It is excellent.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Daniel, Thank a lot for every and each word .. I'm glad that you're enjoying our products, and rest assured that we'll do our best to ensure the satisfaction of our beloved customers :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlfonso Miguelez @AlfonsoMiguelez
Great work, I installed the theme and it seems incredible.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alfonso, Thanks a lot for your nice words my friend .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRobin Vanderbilt @Robin_V
Wow!! WHMCS should make this the default theme! AsGergely mentioned below it's way more useful and productive and extremely intuitive and more manageable. I'm not scrambling everywhere to look for things. 5 stars to for building this theme.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Robin, Thanks for the amazing review .. I was going to buy the theme myself, after reading your review :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBjörn Strausmann @isp-serverfarm
i love it. Thank you Amr
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Björn, Thanks a lot .. we love each and every one of our customers :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGergely Lónyai @Gergely
It's the perfect frontend to a WHMCS admin. It is much more useful and productive than the original.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Gergely, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. each and every word is appreciated!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeShawn Berry @sgbwd
A great admin theme, more modern than default.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
SHAWN, Thanks for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJason Rhodes @cubewebsolutions
The best whmcs admin theme on the planet, and it comes with even better customer support!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jason, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. we also have the best customers on the planet :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJanusz C @JanuszC
Excellent theme after some time it's nice to change layout.
Any idea when WHMCS 7 Theme version will be out there are few things not loading like update or modules configuration in products
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Janusz, v4 was just released :) .. This version adds WHMCS v7 comparability and staff chat widget.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeEnjoy my friend!
Anna Turner @anna007
great stuff, really blown away
can u add just like gmail shortcuts like for composing ticket: C
send = alt+tab
I would pay and hopefully many others users find this useful too
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Anna, Thank you for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeI've added your requests to our roadmap, and they will be included in future updates.
Draven Vestatt @Xarcell
This a slick theme. There are several like this with the sidebar, but no other works as smoothly or has the Google Analytics Widget like this one. I had initial troubles setting up the widget, but the author took the time of his day to help me resolve my issues via Skype call. He was very polite and eager to provide support. I have no qualms or issues with this theme or support from the author.
Excellent work!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Draven, Thanks a lot for your nice words .. It was a pleasure talking to you :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeCit Dig @citricdigital
*Edit - We have updated or review to 5 stars following Amrs prompt reply to my support queries and fantastic new update. Highly recommended, thank you!
This theme has an absolutely fantastic layout however it has a significant page loading time difference in comparison with the default themes.
I am looking forward to future releases which will decrease the noticeable loading times.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Critic, Thanks a lot for the review and we'll be working hard to make the theme even better in future versions.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeI've done a comparison between blend and Lara, with the *default* widgets loaded and all the AJAX requests completed.
The results were as follows :
Blend :
53 requests - HomePage Size : 1,825 KB - Loading Time (without cache): 9.01 seconds.
Lara :
48 requests - HomePage Size : 1,240 KB - Loading Time (without cache): 8.9 seconds.
Without waiting for the Ajax requests to complete, both themes were loaded within 4 seconds.
So, could you please contact me and I'll take a look at your installation, to determine the reason of the noticeable loading times ?
Owen Keary @EchoKnight
Just Great. So much better than the default theme. Well Designed
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Owen, Thanks a lot for your nice words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBenjamin J @BenJ
The theme functions well on desktop and certainly looks a lot nicer than the default WHMCS admin, however after using it for a few weeks I've noticed a lot of the pages throughout the admin really struggle on mobile devices which is a bit disappointing.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Benjamin, Thank you so much for taking the time to write the review. Could you please contact me with more details on this ?
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGeorge B. @georgeb
I am really impressed, this is a good job, shows a pro work. Nothing else to say, everything is working like it is suppose to. Good Job !!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
George, Thanks for your kind words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeGeorge Miller @George
We have been using the theme for several months now. Everyone on the team absolutely enjoys working with it. $15 is a small price to pay for such flawless and well thought out design. Excellent work!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
George, Thanks for you and all of your team ..Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRuss Michaels @russmichaels
Much better than built in theme, more intuitive layout. It is mainly only the navigation that has changed though, shame it is not apply the page content as well.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Russ, Thanks for the review and be tuned for further updates !
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRyan Bealey @UncommonTrend
Great theme -- love everything about it.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ryan, We love you too!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJames Jones @3public
Great theme and amazing support!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
James, Thanks for the review :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeEnrique Emanuele @itecsa
simply... wonderful!!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Enrique, Simply, you are awesome :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBlake Bessett @Aioteck
This is one of the best admin themes we have used. You should definitely give it a try! Very clean and responsive.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Blake, Thanks for the nice words .. every single word is highly appreciated :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeHatem Shehata @Hatem
it is the first time to rate a theme with excellent, the author support is perfect plus the best admin theme for whmcs with the new Google. Analytics feature and easy install and configure plus nice look .
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Hatem, Thank you for the review .. I'm glad that you're enjoying our work :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeTyler Nienhouse @Tyler
This is a big improvement over the default theme. Thanks!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Tyler, Thanks for your nice words .. Enjoy the Theme :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJono Horne @JonoHorne
Amazing theme and an amazing developer. Has always been responsive to emails and requests! We are 100x more productive with this theme! Well done mate!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jono, Thanks for your kind words :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMarcos de Souza @marcos
I am delighted with the theme Lara when I found on google bought in 5 minutes and 10 minutes was already using. I spoke 3 times with the support and service very quickly I am very happy with the theme congratulations to all who developed this beautiful theme
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Marcos, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write a second review!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMohammad Ali Talaghat @alitalaghat
Best WHMCS admin theme ever!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Mohammad, You and our customers are also the best :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemePei Shyuan Lee @shyuan
I've once praised this theme on WHMCS addon site. And since it's now on the marketplace site, I am definitely going to say again, Lara is a very neat/clean/eyecandy theme for the admins. Not to mention the decent price. Thanks! :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Pie, Thank you for your support. It's kind words like this that keeps us moving forward.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRoberto Bondavalli @robbyd2
Awesome theme !!! Stable and a lot of graphic functionalities. Enjoy!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Roberto, Thank you and Enjoy my friend!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMike M @quakerzPGh
Awesome admin theme and support
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Mike, Thanks for your nice words .. Enjoy, my friend!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeRomero Carvalho @rjloc
Fantastic admin theme and Google Analitycs plugin is the best
Tema administrativo fantasto e o plugin do google analitycs é o melhor
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Romero, Muito obrigado :)
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAlberto Soriano Gómez @nodeNet
Very good work!!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Alberto, Thanks a a lot.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeTom Whiting @WHMCSGuru
Originally, a great theme, until one needed support
Then, like every other developer, it's always something else, someone else's problem
Problems DON'T show up in default admin theme, but all over the place in Lara
NOT recommended
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
@WHMCSGuru, Thank you for trying the theme and I'm really sorry that it didn't work well for you. I wish you all the best with your next provider.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeDenis Ardelmann @bady
I like this theme. It looks great, works great and being constantly developed.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Denis, that means a lot for us, especially when it comes from a fellow developer .. Thank you.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeEd Kelly @apidevlab
An excellent theme, well worth your investment :)
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ed, I'm glad you're happy with the theme.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeCheng Song @referblue
I bought it few days ago, great admin theme, I like it.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Cheng, Thank you for the review .. Enjoy!
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeNA NA @x9a3k
No comment provided.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Jordan, Thank for your review and nice words.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeJuan Manuel Zolezzi Volpi @duplika
Best admin theme we found so far, works great on mobile and looks very good.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Juan, It has always a pleasure having you as a customer ... Thanks a lot.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeAhmed Sharaf @Ahmed
Lara is a solid WHMCS theme, frankly one of the best and easiest to work with. What I really appreciate is how caring the Lara Development Team is. From what I have experienced they are very detailed oriented and the Team makes every effort to remain synchronized with WHMCS version updates. A client cannot ask for much more. Thank you very much!
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ahmed, also we cannot ask more from our awesome customers .. Thanks for every word.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeBen Miller @Ben
Far and away the best admin theme for WHMCS. Nothing else comes close to the elegance and functionality of Lara.
Honestly, the WHMCS admin theme options that were out there before Lara seemed amateur and out of touch. It's good to see someone take the time to do something great.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Ben, Thank you for your review, and be sure that we'll be working hard to always met your expectations.
Owner@WHMCS Admin ThemeMatthew Baylor @nswd
I love this template. It's easy to work with and modify if necessary. Support is prompt and they have been good at improvements. Well worth the cost.
Amr Ibrahim @aIbrahim
Matthew, Thank you for your nice words .. I hope you'll enjoy using the theme as much as we enjoyed coding it!
Owner@WHMCS Admin Theme