Released January 24th, 2025
Latest Version
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.12 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Bug Fix: Resolved issues that might occur when performing the change package action with COS account options - case #341
Previous Versions
Released August 20th, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.11 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
Released July 17th, 2024
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- New Feature: Added support for the Zextras Carbonio platform
Note: The feature works based on the "Class Of Service" configuration in the admin panel, but setting up "Custom Settings" is not yet supported. Please refer to our Wiki for crucial information about enabling the Zextras Carbonio integration
- Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Bug Fix: Fixed options for the "Essential Features" where their settings may have been incorrectly reflected in the Zimbra panel
- Bug Fix: Corrected misplaced language entries for "Calendar", "Briefcase", "Contacts" and "Tasks"
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released May 20th, 2024
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- New Feature: Domain aliases can now be used when creating email aliases - case #328
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: Solved issue where the "Quota" field was not displayed when editing an email account, although allowed via the selected "Class Of Service" and the related configurable option was set to "Hidden" - case #226
Released August 2nd, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
- Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Released July 3rd, 2023
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- Bug Fix: Fixed case where the module might have caused a fatal error when adding a new server into WHMCS on PHP 8.1 - case #318
- Bug Fix: Resolved problems with using the WHMCS "Server Sync" tool after the module was activated - case #320
- Bug Fix: Eliminated rare fatal error that might have occurred when loading the module settings - case #321
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released March 8th, 2023
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- Bug Fix: Eliminated number of "TypeError" entries that could appear after WHMCS daily cron job on PHP 8.1 - case #316
Released February 8th, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.7 support
- New Feature: Added option to force the password change, upon login to mailbox, when adding the new email account - case #262
- New Feature: Select which of the mailbox "Statuses" will be available for clients to choose from when adding an email account - case #288
- New Feature: Choose whether to change the "Mail Delivery Status" to disabled, when the domain is suspended, or keep it enabled - case #230
- New Feature: Support for Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
- Improvement: A service downgrade will now be possible only when the number of currently existing mailboxes is lower than the new limit - case #291
- Improvement: The "Class Of Service Name" along with its ID will now be stored in the database to allow several Zimbra servers to work together in a single group - case #272, #289
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with passwords auto-generation when adding a mailbox after pagination on the accounts list was used
- Bug Fix: Fixed cases when a single distribution list or an email alias could still be created even if the limit was set to zero - case #304
- Bug Fix: Eliminated problem with the "Required Product Module '' Missing" error notice that could be displayed in the WHMCS activity logs - case #299
- Bug Fix: Increased limit of the email accounts displayed in the dropdown list when adding an email alias - case #307
- Bug Fix: Other code corrections and improvements
Released December 16th, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Improvement: The mail service features in the module settings will be now available for customization only when the related option is chosen for the "Class Of Service Name" option - case #292
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.2 version
Released January 13th, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
- Bug Fix: Fixed compatibility with the Multibrand For WHMCS module where Zimbra management icons in the client area redirected to a wrong brand - case #287
Released September 29th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
- Bug Fix: The "Domain Max Size" module option will now properly set the "Domain Aggregate Quota" setting instead of "Domain Quota" in Zimbra - case #281
Released August 10th, 2021
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- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Bug Fix: If the password settings are not set in the product configuration, the invalid password validation error will no longer occur when creating a mailbox - case #282
Released May 27th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
- Bug Fix: Fixed "No memory at line" error that might have occurred in the client area for accounts with a large number of mailboxes created - case #277
- Bug Fix: Slight UI adjustments
Released April 29th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Improvement: Added "Select All" option to the product features configuration - case #264
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Bug Fix: Providing "-1" value in "Default Email Aliases Limit" and "Default Domain Aliases Limit" fields will be now properly treated as unlimited - case #268
- Bug Fix: Fixed problems with setting "Domain Max Size" quota in Zimbra panel - case #271
- Bug Fix: Eliminated: "Failed opening required platform_check.php" error - case #270
- Bug Fix: Assorted corrections related to passwords generation - case #263
- Bug Fix: Providing "-1" value in the "Domain Max Size" field to set it as unlimited, will no longer cause "ZimbraailDOmainQuota value(-10000...) smaller than minimum allowed: 0" error upon account creation
- Bug Fix: Added missing validation of the "Last Name" field to make it required when adding a new email account
Released December 17th, 2020
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- Improvement: You can now choose whether to display or hide the "Log In To Mailbox" action from the client area - case #256
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue that might have caused the "Call to a member function setAttrs() on bool" error when performing daily cron for the account termination - case #261
- Bug Fix: Fixed certain security issues
- Bug Fix: Minor code correction related to WHMCS V8.X
Released August 21st, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with the "Quota" dropdown that was empty when adding a new email account if the configurable options were generated without any "Class of Service" - case #253
Released July 10th, 2020
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- Bug Fix: Fixed case that could prevent loading product's module settings - case #246
Released May 27th, 2020
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- New Feature: Support for built-in WHMCS "Metric Billing"
- New Feature: Support for built-in WHMCS "Server Sync Tool"
- New Feature: Support for built-in WHMCS "Disk Usage" statistics that are updated via system cron automatic tasks
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: Zimbra Email sidebar menu will no longer be displayed in the client area if the given product has changed its module type to a different one - case #240
- Bug Fix: Solved problem with "Document parse failed" error that might have occurred when creating a new email account with credentials using non-Latin characters - case #239
- Bug Fix: Resolved integration problems with "WHMCS Bridge" WordPress plugin to prevent "Uncaught TypeError" - case #245
- Bug Fix: Fixed case when the "Allow clients to choose Class Of Service Quota Per Account" setting was not correctly applied for the created service once configurable options were not used - case #236
- Bug Fix: "Filter Accounts By Class Of Service" setting will now properly filter out mailboxes outside the given quota size range from the client area - case #238
Released March 30th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
- Bug Fix: When creating or editing the mailbox account, the "Quota" dropdown will now display only class of services that were paid by the client instead of all available ones from configurable options - case #221, #225
- Bug Fix: The built-in default Zimbra mailboxes will no longer be listed in Email Accounts Management - case #223
- Bug Fix: Resolved problems with editing mailboxes after reaching their maximum limit
- Bug Fix: Minor corrections related to the distribution list edition
Released December 6th, 2019
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
- Improvement: Added possibility to set the custom connection port for clients' mailboxes when using the "Log In To Mailbox" option - case #212
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem that could have caused dates on the module being set to "01/01/1970" - case #211
- Bug Fix: Corrected display of classes when the "Class Of Service Quota Per Account" option is set along with generated configurable options - case #213
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with authentication with Zimbra server if there were certain special characters used for a password - case #215
- Bug Fix: Solved issue with PHP buffer clearing that could have caused problems with loading of product's module settings - case #216
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem with limits set from the configurable options if the product had previously generated two sets of options - case #217
Released November 13th, 2019
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- New Feature: Clients can now log in to the selected mailbox directly from their "Email Accounts" list
- New Feature: Set accessibility to specific pages in the client area from the product configuration
- Improvement: Completely rewritten code
- Improvement: Rebuilt user interface module
- Improvement: Perform bulk actions on various records in most of the client area sections
- Improvement: Added time to the mailbox "Last Login" date
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Bug Fix: Assorted code adjustments and tweak-ups
Released August 5th, 2019
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.8 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with updating mailbox quota after product's upgrade/downgrade - case #138
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem with setting up a new mailbox password that contains certain special characters (e.g. "$" or "&") - case #140
Released May 16th, 2019
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- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with assigning a chosen "Class of Service" to the created account in the module settings - case #135
- Bug Fix: Fixed case that might have caused "500 error" to occur during service termination - case #136
Released March 1st, 2019
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with mailbox features not being applied when Class Of Service was set to "Allow clients to choose Class Of Service Quota Per Account" - case #133
- Bug Fix: Assorted code corrections related to validations - case #132
Released January 2nd, 2019
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- New Feature: Allow clients to choose multiple "Class of Service" quota per account in a single order
- New Feature: Clients are able to create mailboxes within the predefined "Class of Service" quota and their quantitative limit that has been chosen during the order
- Changed: The validation of email addresses, e.g. distribution lists, has been updated to pass through more email formats supported by Zimbra by Zimbra
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue that might have caused an error during saving a distribution list with the "Dynamic Group" option enabled
- Bug Fix: Minor code corrections
Released November 21st, 2018
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- Bug Fix: Added verification of the "Service Details Overview" sidebar menu to eliminate the 500 web server error
Released July 11th, 2018
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- New Feature: Domain Aliases - give customers the ability to add domain aliases to their main email domain
- Improvement: Added information about the minimum password length and its strength validation when creating a new email account
- Improvement: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) at various records creation and edition pages
- Improvement: Webmail redirection will now be opened in a new window instead of in the current
- Improvement: Added option to select all checkboxes at the email accounts list
- Improvement: If the 'Webmail Login Link' field is left empty in the configuration, it will be obtained from the server configuration
- Improvement: Minor UI tweaks and error notifications corrections in the client area
- Improvement: Slight language alterations
- Removed: Support for an obsolete WHMCS 'five' template
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
- Bug Fix: It is now possible to change an email account password on the mailbox edition view
- Bug Fix: 'Class Of Service' options are now properly generated for configurable options when allowed to choose by clients
- Bug Fix: Corrected notifications about already existing email accounts or aliases
- Bug Fix: Corrected display of error notifications in modal windows after their closure
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with product termination if all distribution lists have not been previously deleted
- Bug Fix: Fixed minor navigation problems with the sidebar menu
- Bug Fix: Adjusted display of 'Phone' field for email account creation and edition
- Bug Fix: Solved issue with the impossibility to terminate an account if its domain has been suspended
- Bug Fix: Assorted code corrections
Released April 27th, 2018
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.5 support
- New Feature: PHP 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 support
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with the action of changing a password from the edit email account details view - case #62
Released February 7th, 2018
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- Improvement: Support for a new version of API
- Improvement: Added checkbox to filter out mailboxes that use another 'Class of Service'
- Bug Fix: Assorted corrections related to the 'SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Cannot find encoding' error
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with displaying an invalid data format
Released November 29th, 2016
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- New Feature: PHP 7 support
- Improvement: Inform administrator if system lacks required SOAP PHP library
- Bug Fix: Corrected process of logging in to webmail from both admin and client area
Released March 30th, 2016
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- New Feature: Edit email account
- New Feature: COS configurable option
- Improvement: Block email account creation upon exceeding a total capacity limit
- Bug Fix: Handle product with unlimited resources
- Bug Fix: Minor fixes
René Bayer @ren4790
With the Zimbra Email For WHMCS provisioning module from Modules Garden its a ease to provide our customers managed Zimbra Hosting.
Thanks to the Modules Garden Wiki, the setup was very easy. The module works without any problems so far.
Highly recommended!
I have been using this module for a long time, facilitating the administration of the Zimbra server. Installation and configuration is quite simple, so I recommend using it. Highly efficient team to help with possible problems.
Mehmet Ali Demirci @mehmetali4809
We are using this module and this module is very useful with whmcs.We can create zimbra user and packages.
Thank you!
Nghia Than @itvietnam
I work with ModulesGarden for more than two years and never see better modules for WHMCS. Recently I buy Zimbra Email For WHMCS so clients have all tools to manage Zimbra accounts on their own. Support is also very helpful and quick to respond. Recommend with no doubt.
Christopher McGill @christopher8239
This particular plugin from ModulesGarden has turned out to be rather popular amongst our clients at GekkoFyre Networks and whilst it might not be that much of a money maker itself, it does a fantastic job at introducing new users to your product lineup over time. That said, it is great at building brand loyalty among your user-base. Regarding the module's features, it works quite well at interfacing with our Zimbra Collaboration Open Source server with very little in the way of setup being required. It just plugs right on in and starts doing its job right away.
Christopher McGill
PvdB @pvdb671
It works very well with the Network Edition and Community Edition. Users are able to manage their domain without a need for administrator-rights on Zimbra
Balaji Sankaranarayanan @balaji201
We had a doubt if this module would work with older version of Zimbra, particularly the Community Edition. But the guys out there are Modules Garden assured things with certainty. Had been using the module for more than a year and managing around 500+ mailboxes.
We are really happy to receive positive feedback from our customers, who praise us on the convenience and ease in managing their accounts with all necessary functionalities. Options for adding mailbox, alias and distribution lists for customers really takes out our dependency for such tasks. We are witnessing 80% customer growth over last year, simply because of this module.
Cheers to your guys !!
Paul Janssen @jibr
We do use this Module and it's running like a charm. ModulesGarden support is also very competent and replies fast to inquiries.
We do recommend this module as it's integration with Zimbra is perfect.