Released February 28th, 2025
Latest Version
- New Feature: Introduced "Access Control" tool allowing administrators to manage staff access to specific module sections, functionalities, and actions
- New Feature: Implemented easy-to-use "Translations" tool for customizing module language files directly from the addon
- New Feature: Rebuilt "Logs" section to track log entries for related services, providing detailed information and statistics for each status
- New Feature: Added usage history graphs based on the service resource usage in both the client and admin areas
- Improvement: Updated framework code to provide better compatibility with the latest WHMCS versions and other modules
- Important: Due to changes in the name of the module directory and other files, please follow the upgrade instructions to avoid problems with module update
- Improvement: The service list will now contain the product name with its domain instead of the ID number only
- Improvement: Client information on the services list will now also contain its ID number and company name
- Improvement: The "Support Administrator" dropdown list on the ticket template edition will now include only the admin users that are assigned to the selected ticket department
- Improvement: Added information to the overview notice about the cron commands that will be executed during the "hourlyCron" task
- Improvement: Minor UI adjustments
- Changed: The cron module's frequent cron will now have to be executed with the "hourlyCron" command
- Bug Fix: The "Last Month" statistics now correctly reflect data from the past 30 days instead of only the current month
- Bug Fix: Added missing sorting options to some columns in tables
- Bug Fix: Failed service suspension or termination attempts are now properly logged
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem where "English" ticket template might not be sent to the client when WHMCS default language was set to "English" and the client language was set to "Default"
- Bug Fix: Eliminated number of entries generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table
- Bug Fix: Other code corrections, UI and language adjustments
Previous Versions
Released January 24th, 2025
View/hide detailed changelog
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.12 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Bug Fix: Email messages and tickets triggered by cron jobs are now sent and opened as the system user instead of an admin user - case #189
- Bug Fix: Resolved conflict with the OpenStack Projects For WHMCS module that caused the Management Panel in the client area to disappear - case #185
Released October 1st, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.11 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem with a new ticket being opened with each cron run when the "Ticket Status" step was set to something other than "Open" - case #186
Released July 18th, 2024
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- Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue where email template styling broke after making changes - case #182
Released January 26th, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.9 support
- Bug Fix: Corrected invalid "No language required to open a ticket has been specified" error message in logs if there was a typo in the used merge field variable in the ticket template - case #163
- Bug Fix: Fixed conflict with the Amazon Lightsail For WHMCS module that interrupted the loading of VM's "Connection Details" - case #165
- Bug Fix: Solved problem with broken search functionality in the module's "Logs" section - case #164
Released October 31st, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
- New Feature: Display table with daily service bandwidth and disk usage directly in the client area product view - case #99
- New Feature: New "Basic" method for calculating resource overages, based on the current data from the WHMCS disk space and bandwidth overage billing feature
- New Feature: Added a bunch of new supported merge field variables to use for ticket templates
- Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Improvement: When adding a rule, products will now be sorted alphabetically in the dropdown list selection
- Improvement: Minor adjustments regarding the default content of the "Service Usage Limits Notification" email template
- Improvement: Adjusted look of adding template translation window
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Bug Fix: Added missing "None" option for selecting email template when adding a step to the rule
- Bug Fix: Corrected log error status in case the module could not send an email message
- Bug Fix: The module's cron will no longer perform its tasks if the addon module has been deactivated but it was still scheduled in crontab - case 103
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem when notifications set to a one-hour interval could be sent only every two hours - case #151
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections, UI and language adjustments
Released June 7th, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.7 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Bug Fix: Fixed rare problem with the cron execution on PHP 8.1 if a certain step value of a rule has not been provided - case #147
- Bug Fix: Cron will now collect metrics for the products selected in rules only instead of obtaining them for all services - case #148
Released November 23rd, 2022
View/hide detailed changelog
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.2 version
Released October 29th, 2021
View/hide detailed changelog
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Bug Fix: Fixed duplicating email templates on the dropdown list when adding a step if multiple template languages were added to WHMCS
- Bug Fix: Adding a greater number of products when creating the rule will no longer obscure the "Save Settings" button
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "No language required to open a ticked" error that might have occurred when a client did not have the default language set
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released June 9th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with deleting a view from the database
- Bug Fix: Fixed certain security issue
Released November 17th, 2020
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- Bug Fix: Resolved certain compatibility issues with the PHP 7.4 version
- Bug Fix: Slight code corrections related to optimization of the module
Released October 15th, 2020
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- New Feature: Support for setting up the selected "Ticket Status" when creating the step rule - case #127
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9 previous
- Bug Fix: Fixed case where the module could have opened another ticket for the service once the previous opened ticked had its status changed - case #128
Released August 18th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
Released April 23rd, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: Fixed case where the wrong support administrator could be assigned to informative tickets - case #119
Released March 13th, 2020
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- Improved: Libraries used by the module have been updated to the latest available version
- Bug Fix: Fixed "General error: 1615 Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared" SQL error that might have occurred when executing the cron job - case #112
Released December 18th, 2019
View/hide detailed changelog
- New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
Released July 1st, 2019
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- Bug Fix: Fixed problem related to "hostingDatesView" table in the database that might have caused problems with backups creation - case #110
- Bug Fix: Corrected support for PHP 7.3
Released March 26th, 2019
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- New Feature: PHP 7.3 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem with requests not being sent when using MariaDB database - case #109
- Bug Fix: Eliminated issues related to rules execution due to charset being set to "UTF-8" instead of "dynamic" for module's "usage" table in the database - case #108
- Bug Fix: Timestamps in log entries will now correctly take the timezones into account - case #106
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with saving the "Department" and "Support Administrator" options in the ticket template configuration - case #107
Released November 23rd, 2018
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- Bug Fix: Solved issue with expanding menus in the admin area when using custom WHMCS themes
- Bug Fix: Fixed setting of the default charset for tables creation
- Bug Fix: Optimized records selection to resolve issue occurring in a database with a large amount of data
- Bug Fix: Removed foreign keys from a database to resolve issues with WHMCS systems that still use MyISAM instead of InnoDB engine
- Bug Fix: Corrected calculation in proper MB units with a fixed type method
Released September 12th, 2018
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- Improvement: Completely rewritten code
- Improvement: Rebuilt module user interface
- Improvement: Easier configuration of rules
- Improvement: Assorted language adjustments
- New Feature: Define the frequency of sending email notifications to a client
- New Feature: Automatically suspend and terminate the service after a defined resource limit has been exceeded
- New Feature: Automatically open new a new ticket for a client after a defined resource limit has been exceeded
- New Feature: Create ticket templates in multiple languages
- New Feature: Define resource limits based on the percentage of the WHMCS "Soft Limit" setting
- New Feature: Define multiple steps for the fixed rules
- New Feature: View daily usage of products
- New Feature: View statistics about sent email notifications, opened tickets, suspended and terminated services
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
Released January 12th, 2017
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- Bug Fix: Resolved fatal error related to 'Renew' and 'Change Package' updates
Valentin Scerbacov @valentin3410
It's a good module, it does its job well, there are no problems with it
Rupan Santra @the9453
No comment provided.
Joanna Byjoś @JoannaModulesGarden
Hi Rupan! It looks like this question has already been answered for you by our support specialist. We strongly recommend that from now on we only stick to the ticket you previously opened, that way you'll easily track all the instructions in one place. We still look forward to hearing back from you, please respond to our emails as soon as you find a moment so we can assist you some further.
Owner@ModulesGardenSjoerd K. @onestopisp
We have been using Hosting Quota Notifications for a week now, we are quite impressed by the performance of this module, it already sent out about 300 email notifications, this means clients/users who where previously or are overusing their hosting package.
With this solution we can inform them before they go over their limit, or if they are over their quota.
This helps us informing customers, and also helps us because clients are more willing to upgrade their hosting package so also upselling customers to a new hosting package.