Social Media Login For WHMCS

Social Media Login For WHMCS

Developed By ModulesGarden

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

ModulesGarden Social Media Login For WHMCS is a convenient module that connects with various social networks and allows quick login without the need to type in the username, email or WHMCS password. Do not ask your clients to remember further login details to yet another system and let them sign in to your client area with their preferable social media accounts!

The module configuration could not be easier. All you have to do is decide which of the supported providers you wish to enable and then create the application on the social media platform site. Choose from the most popular in the world, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and many others. Thanks to that, your customers will get a chance to sign up with any available personal details being automatically downloaded and filled out. If already registered, they can log in to your client area with their favorite social network both on the main login page and when placing an order as well. An added benefit arises from the ability of your customers to link their existing WHMCS accounts with any available platform!

Move with the times! Let your clients compress numerous profiles and access their accounts in WHMCS with a greatly time-saving method. Order Social Media Login For WHMCS and watch your customers enjoying its features to the fullest!

Admin Area Features:

  • Configure And Enable Social Media Platforms
  • Load Your Own Icon sets
  • Define Custom Colors Of Login Buttons - Per Provider Or Global
  • Define Custom Names Of Login Buttons
  • Define Order Of Available Providers
  • View Statistics On Registered Accounts
  • Manage Users With Linked Providers
  • View Integration Instructions
  • View Error Logs

Client Area Features:

  • Use Single Sign-On With Social Media Platform Credentials On:
    • Login Page
    • Registration Page
    • Checkout Page
  • Automatically Fill Available Client Details Into WHMCS Account
  • Link Existing WHMCS Account With Social Media Platform
  • Manage Providers Linked With Account

Supported Platforms:

  • Amazon
  • Azure
  • Discord
  • Disqus
  • Dropbox
  • Epic Games
  • Facebook
  • GitHub
  • Google
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Microsoft
  • PayPal
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Steam
  • Stripe
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • VK (VKontakte)
  • WordPress
  • Yahoo!

General Info:

  • Integrated With Multibrand For WHMCS And Resellers Center For WHMCS - Allow Clients To Log In Via Social Media Per Brand
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.4
  • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six","Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
  • Supports WHMCS V8.9 Back To WHMCS V8.6
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
  • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version



5 stars
4 stars
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2 stars
1 star

Paulina @paulina6270

October 3, 2021 at 10:00:54 AM

ModulesGarden - thank you so much for this module. As a hosting company, we've been looking for the best solution for WHMCS and we found this one. Easy to install, configure and use. Thanks to this module, our clients streamlined the login process to their accounts that's why we happily give 5 stars to this product.

  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 1.3.7

Johan Keyser @johan4463

May 8, 2019 at 09:31:36 AM

Excellent Product. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

  • 5 years ago
  • Version Number 1.3.1

Christopher McGill @christopher8239

February 7, 2019 at 02:44:51 AM

As the head of a hosting services company, we have to say that this module is an absolute blessing that's all contained within a simple, easy-to-install and configure packaging. I'm not sure what Scotty Maturin's issue would've been above but for us at least, configuring the OAuth mechanism for each and every social network medium has been extremely easy as this module guides you through the entire process from start to finish, leaving not a trace of doubt in whether you've messed something up. We're more than happy to give this a 5-stars in both the usability and polish department.

  • 5 years ago
  • Version Number 1.3.0

scotty Maturin @AlienStreams

June 8, 2018 at 07:28:05 AM

i got it to work.. now its not syncing existing clients. says they are not registered

Joanna Byjoś @JoannaModulesGarden

June 28, 2018 at 07:07:28 PM

Scotty, if there is any sort of difficulty that you cannot manage to solve on your own, you should definitely contact our Support Specialists - they will look into the problem and help you clear it up for good.

  • 6 years ago
  • Version Number 1.2.2
  • Edited

Antony O. @Unihost

November 24, 2017 at 08:12:43 PM

Cool module, easy to understand and configure. And support is great, helps with any issue quickly and efficiently!

  • 6 years ago
  • Version Number 1.2.1

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By ModulesGarden


v1.4.0 Released February 21st, 2024

Latest Version

  • New Feature: Social media accounts linked with WHMCS users can now be managed from both the admin and client area - case #94
  • New Feature: Social media login buttons can be now placed on the WHMCS registration page by using the newly provided integration code - #127
  • New Feature: Support for Discord provider
  • New Feature: Support for Epic Games provider
  • New Feature: Support for Steam provider
  • Improvement: Updated icon and naming for X (Twitter) provider
  • Improvement: Updated Font Awesome libraries to keep icons from other providers up-to-date as well
  • Improvement: Adjusted integration support for the upcoming Lagom WHMCS Client Theme 2.2.4 version
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with re-registering a client's account using social media providers after it was deleted from WHMCS - case #123
  • Bug Fix: Corrected integrations with Twitch, Stripe, Instagram, and LinkedIn providers to address the issue where obsolete scope API authorize requests were not initializing the account connection correctly
  • Bug Fix: Corrected display of "Redirect URL" for the Yahoo integration configuration
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted instruction for the Instagram integration configuration
  • Bug Fix: Other code corrections, UI and language adjustments


Previous Versions

v1.3.12 Released January 29th, 2024

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 and V8.9 support
  • Improvement: Updated code for Facebook integration to ensure compliance with the latest version of the Graph API - case #130
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with loading sign-in platform buttons when the ['REQUEST_SCHEME'] header was set to "http" - case #129
  • Bug Fix: Corrected mismatch issue with the redirect URI when using the Google platform integration - case #128
  • Bug Fix: The drag-and-drop functionality used to order configured providers will now properly save the changed arrangement - case #136


v1.3.11 Released November 25th, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 support
  • New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.2 version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issues with a critical "TypeError" that could occur when the client tried to sign in using invalid credentials - case #124


v1.3.10 Released June 23rd, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.5 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous


v1.3.9 Released February 8th, 2022

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
  • Improvement: When using Microsoft login integration, giving the "writes" permissions to update the user account, will no longer be required - case #122
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Updated API requests to resolve problems with login using that social service - case #121
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issues with redirection to configure the Twitch API authorization - case #120


v1.3.8 Released October 22nd, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed case where users could log in to other user accounts after the new associated user management system was introduced in WHMCS V8.0 - case #118


v1.3.7 Released April 2nd, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support (Note: dedicated integration code is required)
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Assorted corrections related to the "Friendly URLs" option, when that is set to "Friendly index.php" in WHMCS general settings
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and adjustments


v1.3.6 Released October 12th, 2020

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Minor code corrections


v1.3.5 Released June 17th, 2020

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  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with activating the addon module that could have resulted in the "Field 'mini_icon_sets' doesn't have a default value" error on certain WHMCS instances - case #98


v1.3.4 Released April 9th, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous


v1.3.3 Released January 16th, 2020

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Minor corrections to the client summary redirection URL - case #95


v1.3.2 Released November 19th, 2019

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with obtaining user's email address from Twitter even when the "Request email address from users" option was enabled - case #87
  • Bug Fix: Fixed missing username details when creating a new account using Google provider - case #89
  • Bug Fix: Corrected "PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ADDON_PATH" errors that might have occurred during certain WHMCS installations - case #90
  • Bug Fix: Solved issue with invalid "client_secret" parameter errors when logging with the use of Microsoft provider - case #91


v1.3.1 Released March 13th, 2019

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved integration issue with Multibrand For WHMCS module
  • Bug Fix: Corrected Callback URL in the Twitter instruction
  • Bug Fix: Fonts will be now correctly fetched using HTTPS instead of HTTP


v1.3.0 Released August 1st, 2018

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: Support for Disqus, Vimeo and VK (VKontakte) providers
  • New Feature: Set up a custom name for a provider that will be displayed on the sign-up button
  • New Feature: Integration with Multibrand For WHMCS and Resellers Center For WHMCS - Clients may log in with a social media button per brand
  • Improvement: Adjusted logs section to extend handling of API errors as well as to include successful sign-up logs
  • Improvement: Added notification of the changes being saved in the 'General Settings' section
  • Improvement: Assorted language and code corrections
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Default settings restoration will now properly use HEX or RGB formats set in the 'Default Colors' fields
  • Bug Fix: Corrected double arrows displayed at the column sorting
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with the Twitter provider, which forced a client to log in over again as the last login session was not saved


v1.2.2 Released April 11th, 2018

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.5 support
  • New Feature: PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support


v1.2.1 Released October 9th, 2017

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.3 support
  • Bug Fix: Corrected error that prevented clients from accessing invoices in certain cases


v1.2.0 Released June 28th, 2017

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: Support for Pinterest, Stripe and Twitch providers
  • New Feature: Define the order of providers using drag & drop feature
  • New Feature: Load your own sets of icons
  • New Feature: Define custom colors for login buttons - global and per provider
  • New Feature: Linking existing WHMCS account with social media account is now possible even if each has a different email address
  • New Feature: Dashboard now includes statistics on the number of registered accounts
  • Improvement: Assorted code refinements
  • Improvement: Minor UI alterations
  • Bug Fix: Slight language corrections
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted integration code


v1.1.3 Released June 9th, 2017

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.2 support


v1.1.2 Released February 14th, 2017

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  • Bug Fix: Prevent JavaScript breakdown while using Facebook login URL


v1.1.1 Released October 26th, 2016

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  • New Feature: PHP 7 support


v1.1.0 Released September 28th, 2016

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7 support
  • New Feature: Connect with existing WHMCS account - supported by Instagram, Reddit and Tumblr
  • New Provider: Amazon submodule
  • New Provider: Dropbox submodule
  • New Provider: GitHub submodule
  • New Provider: Instagram submodule
  • New Provider: PayPal submodule
  • New Provider: Reddit submodule
  • New Provider: Tumblr submodule
  • New Provider: Yahoo! submodule
  • Improvement: Supported providers - handle providers that have no option to identify clients' accounts by email address


v1.0.0 Released July 27th, 2016

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  • Stable Release


See also

Social Login

Social Login is a free WHMCS plugin that allows your visitors to comment, login and register with 40+ social networks like for example Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google and Yahoo.

Simple Sitemap

Add a valid, dynamic and easily updated XML sitemap for WHMCS.

Affiliates Plus

Get notified when they get a commission for a sale

Tspanelim WHMCS Modul

Gelişmiş TeamSpeak3 Modulu

Multibrand For WHMCS

Manage multiple brands on multiple websites while using just a single WHMCS installation.
