Released December 30th, 2024
Latest Version
- Fixed Multiple Language Support
- Fixed Client 2FA SMS Verification
- Fixed Custom field if the Mobile Number
- Fixed Fully supported WHMCS 8.12.x
- Fixed support for ionCube Loader v14
- Updated 360 Messenger Gateway
- Updated Remove Support for WHMCS V8.7.x to 8.9.x
- Updated Remove Support for PHP 7.4
- Removals OneSMS Gateway Use Nulled WHMCS
Previous Versions
Released December 12th, 2024
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Verify New Client Accounts With SMS
- Added Verify New Orders With SMS
- Added SMS Reminder for Project Management Addon
- Added Doiteasy (WhatsApp)
- Added Zenziva SMS Gateway
- Updated mNotify API Gateway
- Updated API Gateway
- Updated Move menu item
- Fixed 2FA modal default country
- Fixed SMS Office API Gateway
- Fixed Translation problem it used to always send messages only in the main language (English), Now it sends messages based on the client's default select language
- Fixed Authentication SMS not failing on the Provider end, Incorporated the DLT ID passed on to the MSG91 Gateway Module.
- Fixed Available Merge Fields Issue, The merge fields were not sent correctly when a Sub-account / Contact open a ticket via email.
- Fixed No SMS Sent on Password Reset
Released April 23rd, 2024
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added SMSoffice Gateway
- Added Afrinettelecom SMS Gateway
- Added Burst SMS SMS Gateway
- Added Transmit SMS Gateway
- Added Mytihost SMS & WhatsApp Gateway
- Fully supported WHMCS 8.10.x
- Updated Bulkgate SMS API
- Updated Clicksend SMS API
- Fixed Mass Sent
- Fixed DLT ID
- Fixed 2FA not working
- Fixed 2FA Language not showing properly
- Fixed not showing on the Sidebar of "Account"
- Fixed Error "Invalid Mobile Number field"
Released January 11th, 2024
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added 4jawaly SMS Gateway
- Added TurboSMS SMS Gateway
- Added SMSGatewayCenter SMS Gateway
- Added MadarSMS Gateway
- Added Generic SMS Gateway
- Added 360Messenger WhatsApp
- Added SMS Noc Gateway
- Added Quote Delivery Field
- Added Expiration dates of domains Field
- Added WinSMS SMS Gateway
- Added ADN SMS Gateway
- Added Joke SMS Gateway
- Added SMS-iT Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added DianaSMS Gateway
- Updated MobiShastra SMS Gateway API
- Updated Bulkgate SMS Gateway API
- Update Infobip SMS Gateway API
- Updated Xeonbd SMS Gateway API
- Updated Improve ionCube Loader
- Updated work with Licence System
- Updated Remove Support for WHMCS V8.4.x to 8.6.x
- Fixed Fully supported WHMCS 8.9.x
- Fixed support for ionCube Loader v13
- Fixed Client Change Password
- Fixed Invoice Due Date
- Fixed 2FA Don't Show
- Fixed SMS Mass
- Fixed Pre-fill language
Released January 12th, 2023
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added 2FA expires after x minutes
- Added Kmsger SMS Gateway
- Added MailerSend SMS Gateway
- Added OneSMS SMS Gateway
- Added SMSit SMS Gateway
- Added mNotify SMS Gateway
- Added Labsmobile SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Done SMS Gateway
- Updated API
- Updated Remove Support for PHP 7.1 to 7.3
- Updated Remove Support for WHMCS V8.1.x to 8.3.x
- Fixed support for ionCube Loader v12 and PHP 8.1
Released April 12th, 2022
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Msegat SMS gateway
- Added Netgsm SMS gateway
- Added MDP Network SMS Gateway
- Added ClickSend SMS Gateway
- Added HostPinnacle SMS Gateway
- Updated SMSEagle Gateway API
- Fixed Issue gateway with Unicode SMS
- Fixed Issue with validating custom mobile field
- Fixed Issue with localization country code custom mobile field
- Fixed Issue with admin area home page logs pagination
- Fixed Issues with PHP 7. x
- Fixed Issue with styling two-factor tpl
Released January 14th, 2022
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added SMS Alert SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Deals Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway Hub Gateway
- Added Gateway
- Added AakashSMS Gateway
- Added Gateway API
- Fixed Client languages in 2FA
- Fixed BulkSMS Unicode messages
- Fixed 2FA Missing Languages
- Fixed Problem with cron job CLI
- Updated BulkGate Problem with Unicode parameters
- Updated Twilio API
- Updated Dita Selia API
- Updated BulkSMS API
Released June 24th, 2021
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed Problem with yes/no translate in the notification page
- Fixed Problem with saving custom field mobile
- Fixed Problem with pending domains reminder
- Fixed Problem with MSG9191 balance error
- Updated India DLT Template added for MSG91 gateway
- Updated About Page
- Added OnVerify SMS Gateway
- Added Auto Updated On This Module
Released February 17th, 2021
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed Help text adding to gateway
- Fixed Problem with WHMCS v8 2FA Admin
- Fixed Problem with long SMS in SMSGLobal Gateway
- Fixed Modules Log for WHMCS V8.x
- Fixed Clients Status (Receive SMS) not working
- Fixed SMS to reset or change password is not sent
- Fixed Problem with admin search clients
- Fixed Problem with direct SMS vars
- Updated Amazon library removed and used WHMCS default one
- Updated Infobip SMS Gateway API
- Updated SMSGlobal API
- Updated MIM SMS API
- Added OVH SMS Gateway
- Added Branded SMS Gateway
- Added SMSQ Gateway
- Added Wirepick Gateway
Released November 25th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed Registration Lang
- Fixed Special Characters in SMSAPI
- Fixed User on registration
- Fixed Problem with client currency in invoices
- Fixed Problem with WHMCS v8 templates
- Updated Gateway SA SMS Gateway API
- Updated Amazon SNS library
- Updated Text Marketer SMS Gateway API
- Updated Remove deprecated dakiksms SMS gateway
- Updated BulkGate SMS Gateway API
Released October 28th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added IletiMerkezi SMS Gateway
- Fixed Language files
- Fixed Problem with ticket ID in SMS
- Fixed SwiftModders Admin Theme
- Fixed Problem with domain addons invoices
- Fixed Schedule Days
- Fixed Text not included in language files
- Fixed 2FA admin active
- Fixed Admin open ticket SMS
- Fixed Problems with WHMCS v8
- Fixed Problem with 2FA for WHMCS V8
- Updated Remove Contact 2FA
- Updated Remove v4 Admin theme from distribution
- Updated Remove Support for PHP 5.6 to 7.0
- Updated SSL Wireless Gateway API
- Updated SMSGlobal Gateway API
- Updated BulkGate API Gateway API
- Updated SMSAPI Gateway API
Released June 15th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway
- Updated Help Page
- Updated MiM SMS gateway name renewed
- Fixed All SMS are sent twice
- Fixed Default Country
- Fixed SMS on open ticket
- Fixed MSG91 gateway codes renew
- Fixed Not enabled for International SMS but It's delivering (MSG91)
- Fixed Problem with mysubmail gateway
- Fixed Problem with cron job SMS sending
- Fixed Problem with Swiftmodders Themes
- Fixed logs send SMS status
- Fixed invoice merge fields
- Fixed clients list icon is missing
Released April 10th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added 2FA Code Length
- Added Admin Invoice Payment Notification
- Added Clickatell Balance show
- Added mysubmail china SMS gateway
- Added Hide SMS Notifications Menu Item in Client Area Side Bar
- Updated eSMS and DOT DB SMS gateway
- Fixed resellerclubmods_tools module
- Fixed smsapi SMS gateway
- Fixed Schedule send SMS
- Fixed Twilio gateway
- Fixed Send SMS Date Time
Released February 6th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed Problem with Domain Reminder
- Fixed Problem with Admin Numbers
- Fixed Problem with turn/off Settings
- Fixed Clickatell SMS Status
- Fixed Problem with Lagom Theme
- Fixed Problem Client Area Design
- Fixed Problem with Merge Fields
- Fixed Problem with on many clients list
- Fixed Problem Configuration Save
- Updated Mass Send Client Group
- Updated iSmart SMS Gateway
Released January 17th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Updated MSG91 API
- Updated MessageBird Balance API
- Updated Mim SMS Balance API
- Updated Mim SMS API
- Updated Plivo Balance API
- Updated Plivo API
- Updated Dita Selia API
- Fixed Jawwal PS API
- Fixed SMSGlobal Name
- Fixed Clickatell (Platform) API
- Fixed Template icons
- Fixed Admin 2FA Activation
- Fixed Invoice merge fields
- Fixed 2FA moved to WHMCS 2FA settings
- Fixed Register and services hooks
- Fixed Client merge fields
- Fixed Saving hook language
- Fixed Multi lang show
- Fixed invoice total showing
- Fixed Invoice Balance Notification
- Fixed Lagom Themes
Released January 14th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added MiM SMS Gateway
- Added Twilio Balance API
- Fixed MSG91 API
- Fixed BulkGate API
- Fixed Plivo API
- Fixed Lang file
- Fixed Sent SMS Invoice
- Fixed Only Bugs
v7.0.0 Beta
Released December 20th, 2019
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added SMSAPI SMS Gateway
- Added BulkGate SMS Gateway
- Added SMSGlobel SMS Gateway
- Added Client can choose what they like to receive
- Added Schedule SMS Send
- Added client enables the 2FA they need to verify first
- Added index.php to all directories
- Added Sub-Contact now receive SMS
- Added Admin can see what client enable/disable for Notification
- Added Invoice SMS Status
- Updated Improve UI
- Updated BulkSMS API
- Updated 46elks API
- Updated Improve Log
- Updated licensing system implemented
Released September 5th, 2019
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed 2FA to work with WHMCS 7.8.1
- Fixed problem with invoice merge fields
- Fixed custom field problem with WHMCS 7.8.1
- Fixed password show in logs
- Fixed BulkSMS API password
Released July 17th, 2019
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Amazon SNS SMS Gateway
- Added 46elks SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added gw1202-gsm-series SMS Gateway*
- Added Jawwal SMS Gateway
- Added Birthday Message
- Added MSG91 Balance
- Added BulkSMS Balance
- Fixed MASS SMS Option does not send sms using WHMCS contact number
- Fixed misspelled word
- Fixed encoded characters
- Fixed same time different gateways
- Fixed domain name in invoice creation
- Updated rename connectbind to RA Mobile
- Updated MSG91 select API type
- Updated BulkSMS API
Released February 22nd, 2019
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Terminate SMS notification
- Added Admin terminate SMS notification
- Added Client logs
- Added Delete logs button confirm
- Added App & Integrations
- Updated Log Page
- Fixed africastalking DB problem
- Fixed SMS Log
Released December 10th, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Infobip SMS Gateway
- Added QSMS SMS Gateway
- Added SMSEagle Gateway
- Fixed SMSBao Gateway
- Fixed Clickatel (platform) gateway
- Fixed WHMCS blank admin page auto fixing
Released October 4th, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Msg91 SMS Gateway
- Updated API parameters change
- Fixed 2FA problem with WHMCS phone field
- Fixed Active Languages none option
- Fixed Admin SMS sent log activity
- Fixed SMSBao Gateway
Released June 22nd, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Plivo SMS gateway
- Added Send SMS from Client Summary Page
- Added Using WHMCS phone number
- Added Send SMS on a specific time
- Updated Multi-line SMS added on the management page
- Updated menu added to a module
- Updated SMS Gateway
- Fixed Invoice reminder hook renewed
Released May 4th, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added africastalking SMS Gateway
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added MessageBird SMS Gateway
- Added Domain name added to paid invoice notification
- Added User Optout report added to africastalking SMS gateway
- Added Admin notifications added: Admin Login, Domain registration, Domain registration failed, Domain Renewal
- Added client notification added: Module change package
- Updated BulkSMS SMS Routes
- Updated SuperSolutions SMS
- Updated Changes to WHMCS default menu
- Fixed Making work with PHP 7.1 & PHP 7.2
Released January 15th, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed javascript not found problem
- Fixed SMS Message sending report in manual send is change
- Fixed Small bug fixing and improvement
- Added Show the number of characters in the message as we type
- Updated API
- Updated Auto adding custom mobile custom field added to module
Released January 3rd, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Auto set country flag
- Added Mass sending feature
- Added FullName for 2 factor
- Added WHMCS SERVICES help page
- Fixed Two-Factor Authentication
- Small bug fixing and improvement
Released November 25th, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed SMS Manager two factor database
- Fixed country code added in field prefix
- Added Arabic language
- Updated API
Released November 1st, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added SMS Directcybertech Gateway
- Added New feature require or optional mobile number
- Updated BulkSMS API for unicode message added
Released October 4th, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Send SMS to client on ticket status changes
- Added Multi Language SMS
- Fixed Client user ID added to all functions
- Fixed BulkSMS Characters
Released September 8th, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Mapping fields SMS Manager and Phone Verification modules
- Added Prefix Country Code
- Added Gateway by customer country (multi gateway)
- Added Send SMS alert to client on admin response
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added SMSbao SMS gateway
- Fixed BulkSMS Arabic message
- Fixed BulkSMS special characters
Released May 27th, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed changed InvoiceCreation to InvoiceCreationPreEmail (fixing 0.00 on send SMS)
- Fixed Currency Not Displaying Correctly of WHMCS 7.2
- Fixed Merge Fields dont work WHMCS 7.2
- Fixed Responsive to admin menu
- Fixed New WHMCS version changes
Released May 18th, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed 2FA working problem
- Fixed Admin login SMS send to client problem
- Updated Clickatell Communicator / Central API
- Added Default Enabled SMS Alert to BULK turn on SMS for all clients
Released May 9th, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- All PHP warnings on modules removed
- DakikSMS blacklist type changed
- Userid Added to all Hooks functions
- Clickatell SMS compatibility with the latest API version
Released May 1st, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Fixed Fix params
- Fixed custom URL problem in BulkSMS
- Updated log on SMS send
- Updated Change The Clickatell SMS Gateway to new API
Released April 22nd, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Added Send Domain expire reminders
- Added Client Notifications to allow admin to enable/disable client page
- Added SMS Gateway
- Added Send Domain First, Second, Third Overdue
- Updated Every things is Capsule and working with WHMCS 7 and PHP 7
- Updated DakikSMS gateway problem resolved and now sending SMS
- Updated Change The Twilio SMS Gateway to new api
Released January 21st, 2017
View/hide detailed changelog
- Updated Clickatell's new Platform API has been added as an additional gateway
- Updated 10 new merge fields
- Updated Merge field listing on SMS Templates Manager
Released December 19th, 2016
View/hide detailed changelog
- Security Gateway password is now encrypted
- Added Admin receive SMS when a new support ticket is submiitted
- Added Admin receive SMS when a support ticket receives a customer response
- Added Admin receive SMS when a support ticket is closed
- Added Admin receive SMS when client submits a cancellation request
- Added Admin receive SMS when a new order is placed
- Added Admin can personalise the messages which are sent to admins
- Added Admin can choose which SMS are sent to admins and also choose which type of SMS is sent for each department
- Added Twillo SMS Gateway
- Added Dakiksms SMS Gateway (Turkey)
- Updated New and faster licensing system implemented
- Updated Clientarea style improvement
- Updated Admin Area style improvement
- Updated BulkSMS now works in all countries by typing your API URL manually
- Updated English Language
Released November 2nd, 2016
View/hide detailed changelog
- Updated Improve Licence Check
- Updated Change the company name
- Updated WHMCS 7 SUpport
Hatem Yahia @hatem5553
awesome module thanks for WHMCS Services team
Cit Dig @citricdigital
Excellent, thanks!
Doep Du Plesssis @doep5508
After using the module for a couple of years I can only rate it as a 5.
Support is always prompt' I strongly recommend the module
Gianluca Iannotta @gianluca9380
Excellent module, it works very well but the multilingual mode must be corrected because it only works in English.
WHMCS Backup @WHMCSBackup
Very nice add on
Otmar Schuster @otmar9969
Very good module. i used it for many years ago and it's so beautiful.
Michael Attah @michael1310
For the price range, this is a fantastic module. It does all the work and improved upon my income with the invoice reminders. Support is great.
And best of all, this is one of the only couple of sms addons that support services from my country. Very grateful for this
Lee Blake @lee4384
Fantastic addon. Looking forward to the upcoming updates
Hosting VPN @hosting4151
One of the best SMS module out they.
bumlosapse @bumlosapse5359
No comment provided.
Nujan Sitaula @nujan6771
One of the best SMS module worth using! I would recommend this to everyone. It supports multiple SMS gateways, especially I haven't expected any module to support Nepali SMS gateway but this module does.
AD Computer @archil2851
Good services, product looks amazing. Really nice module. Keep up the good work.
Louis @louis2272
One of the best SMS Module I see
langtou @langtou6749
I come from China, and the module of WHMCS services is very excellent. It has solved many of my problems, and they always solve my problems in a timely manner
Customer Dan @dan4998
One of the best SMS module I see alot feature :)
Customer @customer2876
Last version (7.3.0) introduced a bug that they don't solved since the release date (January/2023) and now is July/2023. The bug is a variable on invoice related sms that send the variable name "{invoiceDueDate}" instead of send the actual date. Check your logs and you will see.
I will give 5 stars because the module is very good, but not fixing a SIMPLE BUG in SEVEN MONTHS is not fair. Cmon guys, our customers receving sms like: "Your invoice is 199USD, due in {InvoiceDueDate}" and not corrected in months, make us seem very unprofessional. Probably is a typo on coding, not too hard to fix. Thanks!
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Am total sorry about this but not major bug that cost the whole module not to work but my developer working that now with new feature am add whatsapp
Owner@WHMCS ServicesGregory Franklin @gregory3407
No comment provided.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
HI Check my system I don't see no name with Gregory Franklin this fraud reviews
Owner@WHMCS ServicesCloud Hosting @remillard7867 has truly outdone itself with its exceptional WHMCS modules. One the best SMS module
UM Host @ben5514
Great add-on for my WHMCS.
J P @james7615
Very Nice Module
James Gatewood @mr7707
Awesome plugin and customer service. Top Quality service every time. The options within the plugin are simple and easy to understand. It was easy to set up, and my clients love the new features. I definitely recommend this plugin and be sure to check out their other plugins as well.
O'Brian Davids @obrian3737
absoluted awesome plugin. work seemlessly. easy to install. The put alot of effort into this plugin. you can activate and deactivate various SMS triggers events (invoices, orders, domain registrations). You can send an SMS manually and track which SMS's have been triggered. You can choose various SMS gateways. just beautiful!
Oduntan Stephen @oduntan3283
The best addon I’ve seen so far for whmcs! Great plug-in
Adam Coates @adam5136
If you're looking for a company to create custom WHMCS add-ons, we highly recommend WHMCS Services. We've been working with them since early 2021, and they've been instrumental in helping us streamline our business operations. The team is amazing, and Andy in particular has been a fantastic resource. We're extremely grateful for all that they've done for us, and we hope they continue to thrive in the years to come.
Brendan O'Toole @brendan6948
A great plug-in for an affordable price! The developer appears to be on the ball with updates and feature requests. Can’t be happier.
Coder Drop @coder3175
Great Service & enjoying the module
Rezwan Rafid @rezwan2074
This is indeed one of the best working whmcs module. I love the simplicity and availability of this SMS module, so many gateways to choose from even my favorite gateway is present. Thanks to the developers.
Nazmus Shadhat @nazmus7490
An excellent module from a great company. The support is also excellent. It is very convenient for me because they have integrated Bangladeshi SMS service.
Highly recommended module for this category.
Chris Baker @chris4855
Great Product, work extremely well!! must have module for you WHMCS
Host The Best @host3753
WHMCS Services has a great range of Modules and the support always responds very quickly. I use their modules for many years.
e-Filoxenia @efiloxenia4357
As a new company in the web hosting industry, the right infrastructure tools are a must! This particular add-on, in addition to the updates for upcoming service expirations of our customers, gives the possibility of even sending birthday messages, something very important for strengthening the personal relationship with each customer!
In order not to tire, yet another excellent tool from whmcs services, I highly recommend it
jonhson @jonhson3947
So far, It has been very good. Purchased 5 Ready made modules and one Big custom ordered module. For our site, we are using 90%+ modules from as the modules are too interesting and cheap. Their Pricing for custom work is also way cheaper than others. They take security matters seriously which is another reason we are using them. We will wait for more interesting Modules.
IP TV @ip6192
I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for the excellent service I have received from WHMCS Services
MD RUHUL @md4027
I have been using it for a long time, works very well and their support is very good.
Gayle @gayle3704
Running smoothly. It is a great plugin.
N S @jk5851
Works fantastic, as all other modules we bought from you.
docksidelg @docksidelg6424
Our company have worked with WHMCS Services, and his team since 2017 and they done several custom modules for us.
vpnmarks @vpnmarks8203
An excellent module from a great company. The support is also amazing.
Keep it up you guys are doing an amazing Job!!
System Administrator @system7126
This is the best plugin for my clients, because many times they can't check their email, but they can receive any information on their mobile anytime anywhere because we use SNS Gateway... Thank you...
Voice Over Radio TV @voice4227
This is a MUST HAVE MODULE for the price and what it does do yourself a favor if you are serious about doing professional business... BUY IT!
Tech A Byte @techa7176
The SMS Manager By WS is the best without any thoughts.
Tested lots of SMS Modules but they are the best in provide updates, rich in features.
Thanks to the team.
M N @ymichelen5477
Very Nice module can not wait on Phone Verification add it
Rishi Kumar @ono2035
Best Plugin, i recommend to use everyone
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thank You
Owner@WHMCS ServicesAdministrator Tech @gabriel8256
Running smoothly. It is a great plugin. The support team is very helpful
Brett Strydom @brett3761
This is an HONEST review. It is not intended to be malicious or praising in an unnecessary fashion. It is purely to provide good solid insight in to this module.
This module is priced very well for what you get from it. I have used other SMS modules in the past and found that this module does most of what you need. There are 3 issues that are urgently in need of improvement though and this is why I cannot give it a 5 star rating.
1. There is absolutely no way to know if the SMS that is sent has in actual fact been delivered. Certain other SMS modules have the ability for a callback URL that reports back to the module to indicate whether the SMS was indeed received by the recipient gateway as well as whether it has actually been delivered to the mobile device. Most SMS gateways have this callback facility but this module does not cater for any of the gateways that have that facility (not even the major ones) which is a huge drawback because sending an SMS with this module leaves you wondering if the customer actually received it or not and the only way to know for sure is to enable debug mode every time and check the module log or log in to your Gateway dashboard and go and look.
2. The second drawback (and it is minor) is that the module lacks a widget on the Admin home screen that could show how many SMS's were sent for the day and how many were delivered and how many failed to be delivered. This would tie in with point 1 where being able to see the delivery status is crucial.
3. The templates give you what you need but some categories lack tags available for further customisation. Yes, some might say that you only NEED a minimum set of tags but there could be more tags available for use in more descriptive message templates that simply aren't there leaving a lot to be desired.
My original review included 2 serious bugs that I found and noted that I had hoped the developers would resolve urgently. To my surprise, the developer really stepped up here and went out of his way to resolve these bugs. It took a little longer than I would have liked but the problems were solved to my satisfaction. However, due to the language barrier between their nationality and my own nationality of being English as my first language and theirs not, there was a lot of times that there were some communication problems and misunderstandings but we managed to get around it. :-)
Support will make a concerted effort to look in to problems immediately to resolve them urgently if they are serious. Support can be a little intense at times and their support tickets can be a little short in response but I think their willingness to go that extra mile shows that they are honorable and loyal to their customer base.
Even though the 3 features above are not part of this module, the module is working now exactly as it is advertised and it is a fabulous module and does what it says on the tin.
Changing my review from 3 stars to 4 stars.
Alfred Guenter Pogner @Alfred
Robert Taramelli @robert5810
AWESOME module!!
ahmad zaaterah @ahmad4689
this module worked will and compatible with every best SMS company in the world
it have been tested with Whmcs 8.4 and worked will .. with no problems
Brian N. @brian3741
An excellent module from a great company. The support is also amazing.
NInja Tech @marco6162
Good item, works well! and good company.
ISP Company @williamdaiz4918
Highly recommend you get this addon 100% professional works as it should & support is great also
Tony_WN @tonywn5351
A fantastic product, upgraded from their previous tool and this is even better. I didn't think it was possible but it is. Great support too. Fully featured and easy to integrate and get working.But can wait integrate the Phone Verification.
365 VPN @8011
Very nice module thank WHMCSServices
Khalat Jalal @khalat7149
Thank you,
Very Useful Module, especially "two factor Authentication" feature.
It works perfect with Twilio which we have tested on.
Support center is good, they helped as make it run.
Keep it up
Rabijit Khuntia @rabijit1035
Excellent and must-have module to send SMS to the clients. Support is Awesome.
Torab Ahamed @torab9953
This module is really great module for sending SMS to clients. Support is awesome.
HyperX Hosting @eric9262
LOVE THIS Add on! I use it with Twilio and it works perfectly! I like how as an admin I get an SMS when orders are placed or a support ticket is created. This way I never miss anything. This plugin is a MUST have plugin for any serious hosting provider.
Adam Coates @adam5136
Highly recommend you get this addon 100% professional works as it should. Will be buying some more modules from you soon
crowneplaza35 @crowneplaza4471
One the best SMS module I see
Ankit Singh @ankit8338
I didn't find any issue with this module, I was facing some problem in the starting but support team is really helpful and their responce time is also brillient.
VPN Company @vpn1415
This module is amazing and works great!
Jekson Lucas @jekson6320
Pretty Good product. Great support! No regrets!
I recommend this product developed by one of the best WHMCS module developers in this Marketplace
Sean Davis @seandnz
Brilliant! I should have purchased this a long time ago. The product works perfectly and really gets around some of our critical emails getting blocked so we can send clients SMS messages to get them to check their junk mail. Easy to use and install and the support was very patient and helpful as well. This is the third product I have bought from WHMCS Services and will purchase a few more for sure.
InfoBahn Sales @infobahn7009
Great Product. Works as advertised! Easy to use. Didn't find compatibility issues even after updating WHMCS to upper versions.
Junaid Miaje @junaid7749
One of the best modules so far and the developer is super friendly to support all the things I needed.
I have asked them to add one of my SMS gateways in their SMS module and they did it for me without any further question.
Every time I needed any kind of support, they were fast to respond and solve the issue. I really recommend whmcsservice not for just the SMS module but for all other modules they have.
Much love for them! <3
Hosting VPS @hosting8215
Excellent module & the support very fast and helpful thank you
Russ Michaels @russmichaels
It seems like a good module with a lot of features, certainly seems better than some others I have tried, if only I could get it to work.
I bought this module back in July 2020 and it has never been working properly and has not sent out any automated SMS's EVER.
the only thing I have been able to do with this plugin so far is send manual SMS messages.
I opened a ticket with WHMCS SERVICES, providing them with login details to investigate back in September 2020, but after 5 months still no response from them and no solution.
Having chased this up again recently, it turns out they have not investigated this at all or done anything with my ticket in the last 5 months.
There was no apology at all for the complete lack or responses for the last 5 months and I have ended up having to solve the issue myself.
I also unfortunately have to say that I found the attitude of the ticket responses to be quite rude and arrogant and unhelpful.
He also blatantly lied and claimed he had sent SMS messages out from my WHMCS system to his own mobile to prove it was working.
This was a 100% lie, he had not logged into my WHMCS system in the last 5 months, the logs prove this.
He also admitted in the ticket that he had deleted the login details from the ticket 5 months ago and so longer had access.
He sent screenshots to try and prove there was no issue but the screenshots were from from his own WHMCS system, not mine.
If the module works for you great, if you need support, then you might be in for a hard time.
UPDATE: I notice below he has commented "I email you the approval that it working fine."
As mentioned above, the screenshots he sent me proving it was working were FAKE, they did not come from my WHMCS system. The WHMCS logs prove that he had not logged into my system and he had already admitted he lost the login details.
He created screenshots form his own WHMCS system and then lied and said they were from my whmcs system. Not only did the screenshots prove this, but as I mentioned, the WHMCS logs showed he had never logged into my system for 5 months and had lost the login details anyway.
So it would have been impossible for him to take a screenshot from my system.
Also since I posted this review, they have also banned/blocked me, even though I am still a paying customer, so now I am not able to even download the module updates.
Very dishonest and unethical.
I took screenshots of the ticket and all his lies before I got blocked, so feel free to ask if you would like to see them.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
My staff responds to the ticket asks you to provide me your information so I can approve to you that nothing wrong. If they were something wrong I will be getting alot emails or I will fix it with the last update I did
Owner@WHMCS ServicesI email you the approval that is working fine.
UPDATE: Once again you total wrong and I can 100% approve you or anybody, that this module works fine. I don't need to lie to anybody if somehow it doesn't work I FIX
Roberto @roberto8938
One of the best SMS Module I see
Adam @adam8037
One of the best SMS out they can not wait when they add Phone Verification on the next version
Dario @dario6789
El modulo funciona perfecto, de facil instalación y configuracion. Los sms se descuentan del credito sin errores.
The module works perfectly, easy to install and configure. The sms are deducted from the credit without errors.
Somyot Sutpratttanatawin @somyot2615
This is a very good module. Very easy to set up. SMS manager is very very helpful. Messaging directly to the client's mobile phone. Most clients did not open emails until they get an SMS alert. I really appreciate and recommend this module.
khouloud Ezzine @khouloud5270
great module with great support :)
System Administrator @system7126
Excellent work ...
This plugin is the best plugin ...
It helps us at all times ...
WHMCSservices are the best!
Thank you
Top VPN @top1451
This module looks very nice
Tony Quach @thanh8765
This module is great, because is helping us! Good job, thank you...
jimmy @jimmy2772
One the best SMS modules out they
System Administrator @system7126
This module is great, because is helping us! Good job, thank you...
Aamir Shaikh @aamir8063
This is very good module with clean interface and well developed. Pro Active and superb support team.
System Administrator @system7126
Good job, all these modules are great, because all these modules are helping us! Thank you...
Kevin Jones @kevin8432
This is a fantastic module and super easy to use. It provides better features than other SMS modules for WHMCS, has a clean interface and is priced very competitevly. It's worth so much more than the actual license cost.
Rise Company @RiseCompany
Highly Recommended! This is the # 1 sms for whmcs that give you much rich features, new updates and best support
before we was suffering while using whmcsnow sms that was very poor from features with alot of bugs and no updates.
Michael Freeman @michael8442
Works as expected.
Rebecca @rebecca8246
Very nice module and the price is good also
Aman Singh @aman9879
This Is The Best Addon, After We Got Speedy Delivery & Prompt Service
Camiel Peeters @camiel2330
SMS Manager Is a fully featured module working In and with a lot of providers, I think It's one of the top 10 modules on the market. Also support for this module is really fast, they upload patchfixes on the fly and keeping there product stable, 5 stars, well deserved.
zarrouki @zarrouki8403
This module is greate for me, in the first time the sms manager wont work, i make a ticket in developer website 5min after i have answer, 1h the module work perfectly with integrate a gateway SMS API. thanks to team.
Pepun Barua @pepun4090
Using from last 1+ years, this is a great module for communicate with client through SMS. thanks big.
salah eldin elhamouly @salaheldin4826
supper easy to use also it makes me never miss any notification in real-time and makes clients feel secure especially when they are notified by SMS for login
Johnny @johnny1359
Plugin works and support is fast. Thank you
Randy Javier @randy4513
Advanced SMS System is perfect
Markus @markus4802
It works amazing and their Support is unbeatable. We had trouble setting up twilio ( our fault of understanding how their trial works ) and Andy has gone through it with us via chat to get it running within a few minutes.
So even you run into a problem its sorted by them so fast that is unbelievable. Thank you!
Shannon Monahan @shannon3911
There is no substitute for this module. It is 2nd to none. My customers love the addition of the text messages to the website. They get confirmation of almost anything you want to provide. Logins, payments made, invoices created. Heck, you can even go into their account and easily sent them a text, directly. Great product.
Green ViewSoft @system7873
really awesome SMS Manager module its helpful everyone!
Corneliu Stan @corneliu3142
Very good module. is WORKING.
support is super.
Can @can2230
If a company say that "we will integrate your SMS provider in a few hours", do you believe them? If you found WHMCSServices, yes, you can believe with no doubt! There are multiple SMS module available on the Market; however as an old and experienced WHMCS user, I can completely say that WHMCSServices Modules are very awesome. As a visually impaired user, they worked with me to get and activate the module, fix the issue that I reported and completed custom development for my provider in just a few hours! Thank you so much for your support and help!
VPS Services @gabriel2718
Very nice module they have & I like the new layout
Nicholas Sansom @My-Global-Solutions-Group
Easy to use, fast updates, seamless integration. What more could you ask for?
TOP QUALITY! As always <3
Airbus Renmit @frank2308
This is an EXCELLENT module. It integrates seamlessly! I strongly recommend it.
Mizanur Rahman @mizanur7195
Best SMS Manager plugin for whmcs. Using for the last one and half year. Really appreciated...
Damian Maravankin @TechnoGuy
You are going to find me in more than one module of WHMCSServices because I have more than 18 modules from them. Also 15+ custom modules that allow us to manage and do better bussiness every day. This SMSManager module is awesome. We had since 7.0 and very quickly they came up with the new updated 7.0.1 that has a much better front end. The team is fantastic. They keep all the modules updated to the last WHMCS version. We asked from some customization and they did it very quickly. I think personally is one or the #1 company of addons modules for WHMCS. Great service and communication.
Mohammad Masum @mohammad4687
Awesome Module!
The new version of v7.0.1 come with so many new features
Support now MiM SMS (Bangladesh) Gateway
Fixed Manual invoice notification
Support New Merge Fields: {PackageName}, {TicketSubject} and many more.
Show SMS Balance after send SMS (MiM SMS)
Admin can see what client enable/disable for Notification
I give 5 STAR and recommended to use this modules. Thanks
Pritam Mhatre @pritam3361
2021 review: (edited as module developer responded and helped activate my account to use the module so sharing all details after reviewing again)
New Module is Full of features and working Properly
New Module is having more organized sections to keep it easy to configure and Manage the SMS as per Category
Proper Logging system provided to help you see the sent SMS details and troubleshoot if required
I have no complains from the new module at the movement
Hope you keep the innovation and good work
Below Review from 2019
Dear All,
Do not Buy this module or any other Module by WHMCS Services you will suffer a lot, most of the review here are manipulated after giving a alternate solution after many months
I had a lot of issues with this module and reported the Bugs to the developer but instead i was asked for logs and prof which is Ok and i shared but still the developer will never check it, at last i had to create a video demo and share the process as they are not aware about testing on the module they develop
They have a lot of Bugs and if you report they respond not less than 2 days for a reply and than it will go on for minimum 2 months without a fix
They will claim of minor Bug or a new release in plan but that will never happen on time until you suffer a lot and get frustrated, in fact all new release will still have the same or more Bugs and than again the cycle goes on without fix and just the conversion from your side as they do not respond easily
1. Promised features will not work which are highlighted in their Module Description
2. Developers are not friendly with customers and will never respond you in time
3. Sharing snaps and error logs will not help as they are not aware on this part
4. Modules are never tested by developers and will have same Bugs even on future release
5. Support is not provided on time wasting the support period on Bugs on a new bought module so eventually they will force o buy support after 1 year
6. Each Bug you report will take 3 months to get fixed even when the logs clearly show it
I Just Bought the module as it was recommended from my provider as they got a tie up but I have reported the same to them as they may spoil their own name as this modules from WHMCS Services and not working for what you buy them for
I strongly suggest that you do not buy this module
I will be happy to help new users to share prof or details on my review as i have them collected, hope they improve their services as modules are still not working
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Client: Do not buy this Module or any other Modules by WHM Services. You will suffer a lot. Most of the reviews here are manipulated and giving an alternate solution after many months.
Owner@WHMCS ServicesWS: You totally wrong about this and I can approve you wrong with many clients who have used and are currently using Modules by WHM Services.
Client: I had many issues with this module and reported bugs to the developer. I was asked for logs and prof which is Ok so I shared them. But the developer still never checked it out. Finally, I had to create a video demo and share the process as they are not aware of testing on the module they develop.
WS: All I see is one ticket that you opened.
Client: They have many bugs and when you report these bugs they respond after 2 days (not less than two days) for a reply; and than it will go on for minimum 2 months without a fix.
WS: That not true. If there were that many bugs as you have claimed, I would have received many tickets reporting these bugs you have claimed but that is not the case. We are not a hosting company so our SLA is not ASAP. It states on the ticket the SLA -- it takes 24 to 72 hours for a response. If there is a bug that doesn't cost the module to break then I will not be a release a patch ASAP. If there is a major bug then we release the patch ASAP -- no question.
WS: You don't see or release a new version of every bug out there. Nothing personal with them. I made it very clear to you that I test with staff and they told me there are no issues. staff gets SMS. Plus we also informed you that we are going to release a new version that my developer is writing from scratch to making it easy for any custom gateway client to add as well as any new stuff that requests.
WS: I can approve to anybody that there are not many bugs as they have claimed. If that was the case then would not have a partnership with us. Furthermore, other MSG91 customers never email me about any bugs at all. They have made requests mainly for additional features (and not many bugs reported ) via my forums -- so that should tell you something. :)
WS- We did not suspend your account you can still have access to use your module. The only thing we suspender is that you can not order from us that all. Please share with me on my site that I said that I fix bugs right they in the spot.
Please if anybody needs approval that it really work I can show you on my dev machine
Anand mishra @anand1053
One of the best SMS sender its Works perfectly with my BulkSMS & MSG91 gateway, its amazing
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesAman Singh @aman9879
we bought sms manager, it had some configurations to be done, There customer care team handled the issue very carefully and made it work nicely. Thanks to their great support
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMohammad Abdullah @mohammad8316
Sometimes, important email reminders don't end up in clients' mailboxes, at which point comes the need for an extra way to ensure important notifications reach to clients. SMS Manager is a very useful module that helps in achieving that goal, it supports a wide range of SMS gateways making integration process very easy, we got our SMS reminders up and running in less than 30mins. Highly recommended.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesAlok Goenka @alok6318
I has purchased SMS Manager few days back , I am very happy to buy this product. This addon is working perfectly Alright with my MSG91 SMS service provider. I like to thank the developer for making my task easy.
Ashwin @ashwin3571
Invoice #2147489463.Sms not sent when new invoice created and in many more actions.Waste of money.Kindly refund.
Patrick Sánchez Beyrer @patrick7251
One of the best modules i ever used! SMS Manager helps me in every situation i need it!
Jian Yang @jian7782
I've been using this module for a few days and it feels good. Some minor problems were solved by technicians very quickly. I'm going to buy a server monitoring template and work with this plug-in. I think it's great.
Amol Saini @amol5535
I have been Using This module from last 6 months. its been working very perfect. SMS Manager is very important for whmcs security now days.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesLiz Diaz @liz6429
One of the best SMS I see and Works perfectly with my BulkSMS & MSG91 gateway,
Maitreya Patni @maitreya26
Great addon for WHMCS.
Works perfectly with my SMS gateway, instant delivery.
I really liked its feature of notifying whenever someone opens a ticket.
Pritam Mhatre @pritam3361
No comment provided.
sir @hamkaransms5427
great module, very useful for me.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
thanks for the feedback
Owner@WHMCS ServicesValdemar Lopes @valdemar2449
great module. very stable and usefull, will renew it.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
thanks for the feedback
Owner@WHMCS Serviceskozibaw @kozibaw5570
Bought it, read the documentation so far not bad. there is a problem with password authentication with (=`~) .
Pricing is also not bad , will be observing for more... for a beginner setup is moderate.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Can you please open a ticket about this if a bug I can fix it before I release a new version this week
Owner@WHMCS ServicesChristopher Pedroza @christopher8569
Man this think works like a charm. I love it. I get an order and a text comes right after. I like how I can edit the wording of the text messages my clients get. Makes the feel like it's a professional company. Great work guys!
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesRichard Jones @RJones
Professional module, works great, as intended!
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesRehan Hasan @rehan9928
Excellent module, They help me to integrate my infobip api and i this is the Number #1 sms manager for whmcs, We are using this for our business, Support is also very fast and they provide live support, My mark is 10/10
I recommended user to buy this module without any hesitation.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesBipul Alam @mdjobair5061
Nice and helpful addons , customer get invoice notification via SMS !
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesGaston Della Valle @gaston6805
Excellent aadon Great Job we recommend this company.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesCarlos Gonazlaez @carlosg
It get better and better :)
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS Servicesleonardo werbes @leowerbes1992
Una consulta aparte de este modulo debo comprar credito no?
Ebin V Thomas @Ucartz
can we able to set the only country for sending SMS ?
we have clients from the different country, we need this only for India, is it possible to set?
All SMS api works ? do you charge additional for initial setup support?
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
No need to give 4 Star if you don't have this module all this question you can email my sale dept
Owner@WHMCS ServicesCindy Jenel @cindyjenel8
Super module worth it to buy.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMário Augusto Paglia Junior - Presidente @mrio5853
WHMCS Services is more than recommended, creates great modules, well optimized as well as providing excellent support, very thoughtful, congratulations! I recommend!
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesBlake Bessett @SectorByteSolutions
Very good module if you want to allow your clients to be informed via SMS! It also saves money as it has its own 2FA built in.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMK & AS Services Pty. Ltd. @adrian7118
We have only used this module in our development environment, but quite happy with it, so will soon be deploying to production! We are big on communications with our clients, and this is just another way we can keep in contact.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesVladimir Marco Mujica Pinto @vladimuji
I like your job. It is very simple, intuitive, but very professional. I would like you add It is spanish but for the latins is very useful. Thanks
Filip Popovic @filip8128
I dont know which star to give. My expiriance is that owner of this whmcs services have a good an idea, but whats the problem he have a lot of modules, he cant update it fast. We wait for the version 7.5 too long. I think its better for you to put higer price, and employ 1 more programer and give to us fast update. Plugin need more FREE gateways ... I suggested messagebird because a lot of people use it. Owner want to do that and its good. I will give you now 5 stars because i want to give you motivation.
Dont do 1000 plugins if you dont have big team to update it and modificate it. Or if you want to that put higher price for addon and employ 1 more php programer.
Cheers, i hope you will catch it what i wanted to say, and i hope we will soon have 7.5 sms addon.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for your comments You get to understand the update we have a client pay me to add new SMS gateway. We add that and it takes time to tester both end :) Like we did with messagebird
Owner@WHMCS ServicesJade Benson @jade9105
Cant say I'm impressed with their latest update to the module in which they "forgot to include" support.
Much like the custom module that they developed for me, the product is faulty to say the least.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Am sorry but is they long time ago no reason give 1 Star
Owner@WHMCS ServicesCarlos Gonazlaez @carlosg
Very nice module
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for your comments :)
Owner@WHMCS ServicesVicente Jara @Xtrimesom
Excellent. It complies with everything that says and works perfect.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesSikandar Memon @SuperSolutions
My favourite Module Ever.
To notify my Clients & also it has 2 factor sms means 2 in 1 module.
Great Module to notify Customers.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesNaushad Hassam @Nonstopwebsites
This plugin has saved me alot of hassle chasing customers.
Had issues but the support was the best support I ever had. Always reply to my ticket and go the extra mile to sort things out.
Its working now and saves me alot of time
Thank you very much.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback
Owner@WHMCS ServicesStrong Hold @SHP
Nice SMS Module :)
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback
Owner@WHMCS ServicesFajar Rahmawan @penjuruhost
Great Module. GLWS
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback
Owner@WHMCS ServicesPeter Torries @PeterTorres
Nice module and support is good also #1
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback
Owner@WHMCS ServicesWaled Ibrahim @waled9595
Based on my experience, sms manager has a defect and bugs, did not work at all.
The seller has an attitude issue and lack of support, can't provide decent support for this addon.
Waiting for refund.
I don't recommend this addon nor this seller.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Am total sorry but we tell you to contact they change the API. I can approve you it work fine
Owner@WHMCS ServicesNetx Tech @netx
5 Stars! Plenty of good features and options to utilize the SMS messages for much improved communications, security and automation for both Admin and your clients. Works well with my SMS gateway (Twilio). Highly recommended module and great support.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMocanu Florin Ovidiu @mocanu6981
very easy to costomize and work very good.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMd. Taufiqur Rahman @mdtaufiqur4360
very user full module for our client
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesRobert Diaz @xtreme
This is a massive addon packed with needed features. It has many sms providers to integrate and the UI is very friendly. Great automation to have. Recommend it.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMohameed AlHelali @prohostsa
Thank you, very wonderful and easy settings
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesJimmy Wells @wellshosting
Nice work and kept up the good work
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesJames Polan @JamesPolan
No comment provided.
Liz Janal @ljanal
No comment provided.
JAMES PIERRE Salhuana Marinos @james9502
Es el mejor modulo que pude encontrar, gracias a los desarrolladores :)
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesMarina Popusoi @denis1815
Very useful module!
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesBlake Bessett @Aioteck
This is a very good module. Very customizable and clean. Support is always fast and helpful!
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thank you so much for Rating :)
Owner@WHMCS ServicesAlfred Guenter Pogner @Alfred
No comment provided.