With this module, you can see the discounts on your product pages. In the admin section, you can choose to give a flat discount or a percentage discount. Once the order is placed, and you go to checkout, it automatically adds the discount. The client will be getting a one-time discount, a monthly discount, or a recurring discount.
We also offer source codes for all our products. Please contact us for more details.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions at all, you can contact us via our group page.
Pricing Information:
Once that year ends, it sends an invoice to you for renewal. It will be $19.99 for two years. After payment, you will continue to receive support and updates on our module release. If you do not want to continue, you can email us to cancel the invoice - Optional Renewals. This will entitle you to continued user support, Module updates, and access to a stored download on our website.
Additional Feature Request:
Are you looking for a specific feature or have an idea to enhance this module? Reach out to us! We'll happily add it for you please contact us
Please also note that our WS Module is provided as described on our website and is subject to our Terms of Service. Information provided about this product on the WHMCS Marketplace may be outdated. If you have any questions or doubts, please either refer to our website for the latest product information, or contact us directly via our website.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
This module allow you to add a page for your terms of use and you can add description and keyword
Social Login is a free WHMCS plugin that allows your visitors to comment, login and register with 40+ social networks like for example Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google and Yahoo.
This module allow you to add a page for your privacy policy and you can add description and keywords
Oduntan Stephen @oduntan3283
Before i purchased this module, i was worried it will not be compatible with my theme. I contacted whmcsservices and they tested it and made sure it works with my theme. Aside that, adding coupon code sometimes can be tasking, especially when targeting large audience. This module has just simplified the existing feature of promotional service in whmcs, you do not need to place a coupon code, the service will be discounted automatically. I really prefer this style than using coupons.
Hatem Yahia @hatem5553
very good module thanks for WHMCS Services team
Jay R @jay1232
Although this module initially had bugs the support team were very quick to diagnose and resolve the fault. Wouldn't go anywhere else for WHMCS modules.
Russu Igor @russu7553
The platform is very intuitive, making it easy to set up new discount rules or promotional campaigns. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to make it work, which saves a lot of time.
Dylan Mallet @dylan2608
One more module with this designer, fast and functional integration :)
Gianluca Iannotta @gianluca9380
No comment provided.
Ethan Figliola @ethan1745
Good product.
Shohanur Rahman Shohan @shohanur3419
It greatly benefits us.
We can set the discount as a default option and it is functioning flawlessly. Furthermore, they also provide a developer license..
This addon has significantly simplified my task. I strongly recommend them.
Adam Coates @adam5136
If you're looking for a company to create custom WHMCS add-ons, we highly recommend WHMCS Services. We've been working with them since early 2021, and they've been instrumental in helping us streamline our business operations. The team is amazing, and Andy in particular has been a fantastic resource. We're extremely grateful for all that they've done for us, and we hope they continue to thrive in the years to come.
Alfred Pogner @alfred9474
happy happy
Alfred Guenter Pogner @Alfred
Perfect Module
mohammad sadra Adeli @Averdad
This plugin is great if you want to sell more products or services than others.
For example, 5 GB hosting plan
With this plugin, give a discount for this plan, it will be tempting.
SAGIR AHMMED @sagir5043
Great Seller! After payment confirmation License Instant added to the account. "Discount Manager" is an Excellent module for business. WHMCS Services Provided exceptional service so far and hopefully, I will continue to do business and grow my customer rapidly using this module. The interface is very simple easy to use. customer support is excellent. I would like to personally thank the developer team for making this a timely and up-to-date module.
Good experience. Pretty much recommended!
Somyot Sutpratttanatawin @somyot2615
Good Module, Good value, support is fast too.
Ken D. @ken3932
Just another addon, I expected to be "built-in" with WHMCS...
Well, glad I found this addon :-)
Could use some more features, but it´s already more than usable with the current version!
Sikandar Memon @SuperSolutions
Good Module to show Discount on Specific Products.
Good For Quick Discount without Entering Promo Codes :)
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesDavid Merten @david7867
Just great that module, easy and fast for products to set up a discount, it does not get better. A good price with good and fast support.
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Owner@WHMCS ServicesJimmy Gonzalez @jimmyg
Nice module
WHMCS Services @whmcsservices
Thank you so much for Rating :)
Owner@WHMCS Services