If you want more information in the whois lookup results, like registrar address details, their contact details, admin address and their contact information details, technical contact information details, name server details. registry and expiry details, domain status details then; this module provides complete information about the whois information stated above for the searched domain. When you install and activate this module, the whois info throughout the whmcs admin area will be coming from this module automatically. The module supports PHP 7 Versions.
Please give a try and suggest us. We will always be updating the module and will keep adding new features as per your suggestions.
Be the first to review MW Whois.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
First Release - 1.0
Working comfortably with ResellerClub's products and services through your WHMCS system requires additional tools.
The module developed to add meta description and meta keywords and change the page title
This module will integrate WHMCS with Dropbox to upload a copy of WHMCS database onto the cloud. You will never have to worry about losing data any more.