Released January 19th, 2025
Latest Version
- support PHP 8.2 + 8.3
- Encryption ionCube 14
- Soporte PHP 8.2 + 8.3
- Encriptado ionCube 14
- Soporte PHP 8.2 + 8.3
- Encriptado ionCube 14
Previous Versions
Released January 21st, 2024
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- Error in the update count at the end of the process
- Error en el conteo de actualizaciones al finalizar el proceso
Released February 3rd, 2023
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New feature
- Deletion of unnecessary files
- Supports php8.1 and ionCube 12
Nueva caracteristica
- Registro de Actividad del modulo.
- Eliminación de archivos innecesario
- Soporta php8.1 y ionCube 12
Novo recurso
- Registro de atividades do módulo.
- Exclusão de arquivos desnecessários
- Suporta php8.1 e ionCube 12
Released April 1st, 2021
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New feature
- Exception of auto recalculation for products, domains and plugins.
- Optimization of SQL queries
- Elimination of unnecessary code
Bug fix
Nueva caracteristica
- Excepción de auto recalculo para productos, dominios y complementos.
- Optimización de las consultas SQL
- Eliminación de codigo imnecesario
Correccion de errores
- Tiempo de carga del modulo
Novo recurso
- Exceção de recálculo automático para produtos, domínios e plug-ins.
- Otimização de consultas SQL
- Eliminação de código desnecessário
Correaoo de bug
- Tempo de carregamento do módulo
Released March 1st, 2021
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Nueva caracteristica
- Excepción de suscripciones (Productos, dominios y complementos).
Correccion de errores
- CRON actualización de licencia
New feature
- Exception of subscriptions (Products, domains and add-ons).
Bug fix
Novo recurso
- Exceção de assinaturas (produtos, domínios e add-ons).
Correcao de bug
- Atualização da licença CRON
Released October 6th, 2020
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- Soporta WHMCS 8
- Se corrigió las cadenas de traducciones
- Se despreciaron las versiones de whmcs anteriores a 7.8
- Supports WHMCS 8
- Fixed translation strings
- Released whmcs versions prior to 7.8 were deprecated
Released May 21st, 2020
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- Se cambiaron varias consultas SQL a la nueva función Capsule
- Se soporto la versión WHMCS 7.10.2
- Se agrego el idioma Portugués
- Se cambio La función AJAX que muestra la tabla de consulta para hacerla mas rapida
- Several SQL queries were changed to the new Capsule function
- WHMCS version 7.10.2 was supported
- Added the Portuguese language
- The AJAX function that shows the query table has been changed to make it faster
Released September 24th, 2019
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- Boleto #388081 se corrigio el error al actualizar complementos personalizados que no estaban asociados a un complemento creado en los productos/servicios
- Se realizo cambio en en todos los modulos para que cuando no haya un estado selecionado, no se actualice ningun servicio, dominio y/o complemento
- Ticket # 388081 fixed the bug when updating custom add-ons that were not associated with an add-on created in the products / services
- A change was made to all modules so that when there is no selected state, no service, domain and / or add-on is updated
Released September 21st, 2018
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- Boleto #388081 Se corrigio el error al actualizar los precios de los complementos cuando solo esta activo el ciclo anual de precios
- Ticket # 388081 The error was corrected when updating the prices of the complements when only the annual price cycle is active
Released July 1st, 2019
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- Se cambiaron las consultas SQL en la tabla de clientes para hacerlas más rápidas
- Se agregó mostrar error en pantalla si se produce un error
- SQL queries were changed in the client table to make them faster
- Added show error on screen if an error occurs
Released March 21st, 2019
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Domains: the failure in the price of domain subscriptions based on price groups was corrected
Dominios: se corrigio la falla en el precio de las suscripciones de dominios basados en grupos de precios
Released March 14th, 2019
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Complementos: Se detectó y se corrigió la falla en los precios de los complementos para los ciclos Mensual, Trimestral y Semestral
Métodos SQL: Se cambiaron los métodos de consulta a Capsule DBAL para garantizar la compatibilidad con los entornos PHP modernos y las mejores prácticas.
Licencia Se actualizó el método de verificación de licencia para prevenir el uso no autorizado de este.
Addons: The failure in the prices of the addons for the Monthly, Quarterly and Semi-Annually cycles was detected and corrected.
SQL Methods: Query methods were changed to Capsule DBAL to ensure compatibility with modern PHP environments and best practices.
License The license verification method was updated to prevent unauthorized use of the license.
Released February 6th, 2019
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LogActivity: the writing function in the activity log was added
CRON Services: Fixed bug that does not run the automatic update according to the specified CRON
LogActivity: se adiciono la función de escribir en el registro de actividades
CRON Services: Se corrigió la falla que no ejecuta la actualización automática de acuerdo al CRON especificado
Released September 26th, 2018
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Bug Fix Corrected the failure in the domain update cycle
Add Domains support promotional codes in the recalculation
Add Ability to select the type of CRON jobs
Falla Corregida Se corrigió la falla en el ciclo de actualización de dominios
Se Agrego Dominios soportan en el recalculo los códigos promocionales
Se Agrego Habilidad para seleccionar el tipo de trabajo de CRON
Released September 18th, 2018
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Bug Fix auto recalculation of domains according to the currency selected in the customer's profile
- Add JQuery for the execution of self-recalculation processes to perform updates in the background
Falla Corregida Se corrigió la falla que no permitía recalcular los dominios de acuerdo a la moneda seleccionada en el perfil del cliente
- Se Agrego JQuery para ejecutar los procesos de actualización en segundo plano
Released August 31st, 2018
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Excepción de Grupos: se agrego la opción de seleccionar los clientes sin grupos
Group Exception: the option of selecting clients without groups was added
Released August 26th, 2018
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Auto Recalculo Dominio: Se agrego la funcionalidad de tomar los precios de los complementos y sumarlos al valor recurrente del dominio
Hook Recalculo Servicios: Se agregaron nuevas sentencias al código para trabajar con el CRON en la ejecución diaria
Dashboard: se cambio el modo de carga de la tabla de grupos y clientes a tarea en segundo plano para mejorar el rendimiento del modulo
Licencia: se agrego el sistema de licenciamiento al modulo
Auto Recalculo Dominio: Added the functionality of taking the prices of the add-ons and adding them to the recurring value of the domain
Hook Recalculation Services: New sentences were added to the code to work with the CRON in the daily execution
Dashboard: change the load mode of the table of groups and clients to task in the background to improve the performance of the module
License: the licensing system was added to the module
Released May 8th, 2018
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Auto recalculo de dominos: Se encontró una falla en la API Interna de WHMCS 7.5.1 en la función
'UpdateClientDomain' 'autorecalc' = true
por lo que se reescribió el código para que no usara esa función.
Hook: Se cambio la función de recalculo de dominios y se agregaron los desencadenadores tipo cron
Auto recalculation of dominos: A failure was found in the Internal API of WHMCS 7.5.1 in the function
'UpdateClientDomain' 'autorecalc' = true
so the code was rewritten so that I will not use that function.
Hook: Domain recalculation function changed and cron triggers
were added
Released April 12th, 2018
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- Corrección traducción
- Soporta php v7.1.x y v7.2.x
- Soporta ionCube 10.0.x
- Translation correction
- Supports php v7.1.x and v7.2.x
- Supports ionCube 10.0.x
Released January 4th, 2018
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- Added the automatic recalculation for domains, and addons
- Added the functionality in the auto hook recalculate domains and addons
- Added buttons to activate and deactivate service hooks, domains and addons
- Se agrego el recalculo automatico para dominios, y addons
- Se agregó la funcionalidad en el hook de auto recalcular dominios y addons
- Se agregó los botones de activar y desactivar los hook de servicios, dominios y addons
scotty Maturin @AlienStreams
i have purchased this module as it stated above to use with php 7.2 but the module does not work with php 7.2 i need the download files for php 7.2 i have opened a ticket on the website.. waiting for a response
Andy @andy9156
Very nice addon! There's only one thing I didn't like about it: the fact that it keeps updating all domains even if the price doesn't change.
In the log I can see a whole lot of entries with "previous amount" and "new amount" exectly the same. It shouldn't be trying to update those entries if the price is the same, right?
Benjamin Biswas @benjamin5545
Using this module almost a month & really very happy to use it. It's doing everything automatically without any manual touch. It's saved lots of my time. Thank you, the developer team.
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
We are very pleased with your feedback and very happy to announce that we have just released version 6.0.0 with support for php8.1 and ionCube 12, as well as incorporating an activity log to be able to monitor the changes made by the module.
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceNeftali Arango @neftali8523
Excelente modulo ahora tengo todo al dia en mi WHMCS lo recomiendo !
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Thank you for trusting us, we work to provide the best support and quality programs
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceScott @scott2252
The module did not work for me initially and they continued to work with me to help get it working.
I just needed a tool to do what the "Auto recalculate on save" feature does, but for all services in bulk. This addon does just that as well as for domains and addons if you choose.
Worked like a charm!
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Each instance of WHMCS is unique and presents different integration challenges, so we are committed to finding together with our customers the solutions that allow the correct functioning of the module. We are pleased to welcome you to our group of clients and you can be sure that we will support you in each of your concerns and / or suggestions.
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceJorge Mendez @jorge4336
Necesito hacer unas preguntas acerca del modulo, para decidir comprarlo, donde puedo hacerlas?
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Hola Jorge, puedes usar los canales de comunicación que tenemos destinados para el area de ventas:
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceEmail:
Puedes Ingresar a la pagina y usar el chat o comunicarte al numero 315 8112314
Paulo Pina @paulo5871
I Had a very bad experience. I bought this same addon twice. Paid twice. $26.5 in total. I have installed the addon following the instructions (Im not a novice at WHMCS) but it simply don't works. When I try to access the addon at Admin Area, the page keeps loading forever.
I opened a ticket at CaribeHost and the proposed solution was basically to give full access to my WHMCS Installation so they could help me. I think that this solution is simply ridiculous, because of the lack of security. I think they should give support via Skype or in these cases, even because of I have paid the installation fee twice and because I have other WHMCS modules bought from CaribeHost.
I felt alone with this problem, with no support. Probably I'll never use this addon and lost my money. I don't recommend.
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Hello paulo, our answers to the support have been immediate, as we do not speak English or Portuguese we asked you to give us access to your instance of whmcs and to cpanel to correct the failure, each instance of WHMCS is unique, you did not want to provide the accesses , we will make the refund of the module for you.
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceReimbursement of the two bills is made one for 15 USD and the other for 6.50 USD
Henry Rodriguez @henry8421
Este plugin facilita mucho las cosas, funciona excelente y el soporte es muy bueno
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Nos complace sus buenos comentarios, y nos anima a seguir adelante con el desarrollo y el soporte tecnico
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceAli Yetkin @ali5380
- Is it possible money back if I don't like.
- Why setup fee included?, Can I setup myself?
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Hello, we have a 7-day trial license that you can request via chat or support, the value of the installation helps us to finance the development of the module and all the updates that customers ask us for. the value of the renewal remains the same at 15USD Year, as well as the monthly, quarterly and half-yearly billing cycles are activated. we put all the effort to solve all the doubts of our customers, as well as develop all the features that ask us without any additional cost.
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud Serviceyüksel @yksel9835
its really helpful Nice module and working great.
Developer has done a great job.
Very simple to use and with very good support.
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
Hello, we put all our effort into the user experience, we want to simplify the work to our customers, we are convinced that a good job is accompanied by excellent after-sales support, we want to thank you for your good comments
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceAdrián Badino @adrin4338
Excelente complemento para países con economías fluctuantes. Muy simple de usar y con muy buen soporte abiertos a nuevas ideas.
Excellent complement for countries with fluctuating economies. Very simple to use and with very good support open to new ideas.
FREDY COHEN @fredy3413
### Spanish
Owner@CaribeHost | Cloud ServiceGracias por sus buenos comentarios, nos encontramos desarrollando la nueva funcionalidad para actualizar los valores de las facturas no pagadas, muy pronto estará disponible la actualización
### English
Thank you for your good comments, we are developing the new functionality to update the values of unpaid invoices, the update will be available very soon
### Portugues
Obrigado por seus bons comentários, estamos desenvolvendo a nova funcionalidade para atualizar os valores das faturas não pagas, a atualização estará disponível muito em breve