SmarterMail is an award-winning email, collaboration, and group chat server that easily meets the needs of any sized business, from the individual proprietor to large corporations and enterprise organizations. Features include:
With lower hardware requirements, superior stability and reduced maintenance costs, SmarterMail has significantly lower TCO and is the best-in-class Microsoft Exchange alternative for businesses and hosting companies.
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The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
*Fixed an issue where users could se their account mailbox sizes higher than the max domain disk space. *Added a button that allows Administrators to select if they want domain administrators to be able to manage user mailbox size.
*Fixed an issue where initial order submissions succeeded, but generated MySQL errors in WHMCS. *Fixed an issue where the provisioning process for new domains failed due to a missing $ in one of the PHP files.
Admin Area Features
Client Area Features
A simplistic, free & open source hook allowing instant Discord notifications when an action is triggered.
Netgsm Sms addon provides you sending customized bulk sms and creating sms templates.
MSG91 WHMCS SMS plugin gives you the power and flexibility to stay connected with your customers by sending them an SMS and OTP's for 2FA at the crucial steps that matters the most.