Developed By BlueRabbIT

Compatible with WHMCS v8.9

More professional looking PDF invoices and quotes

The built-in WHMCS PDF generation is pretty limited, with only two configurable options: page format and font. Are you tired of, or overwhelmed by, tinkering with php files to get acceptable results?

BestPDF has got you covered. This module massively improves the way WHMCS generates PDF invoices and quotes. With its easy to use GUI, it allows you to set over 200 different parameters that allow you to create your PDF invoices and quotes the way you want.

This allows for better quality output, since you can place anything you want in your PDF template like your logo, company information, banking information etc. BestPDF will then draw the customer address, invoice details, items and transaction table where they belong and you get the perfect invoice!

Plenty of features

  • Use PDF templates for high quality output - BestPDF will draw the invoice on top
  • Upload custom TrueType fonts
  • Highly customizable with over 200 configuration parameters
  • Set layout, positions, formatting, fonts and colors of all the various invoice/quote elements
  • Output HTML items and text in PDF, HTML and Emails
  • Supports long, multiple page documents
  • Supports LTR and RTL languages
  • Integrates with the BlueRabbIT module (optional)
  • Integrates with the BlueRabbIT Swiss QR/ISR module (optional)

Actively maintained

This product is actively maintained and we use it ourselves.

We are here to listen, so if you have any requests or problems, we will be happy to assist you and further improve the product.



5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Jekson Lucas @jekson6320

May 27, 2022 at 02:54:46 PM

Best I've ever seen, but I have a concern. If I forget to renew the subscription, none of my clients can issue an invoice. This is tricky because it can lead to me losing sales.

This happened to me in the trial version when it ended. Why not allow the issuance of invoices with a stamp of your brand. Or put your brand on the footer. Now preventing people from selling is not good. Thats why I give 3 star. Reconsider how to get your customers to renew, but not stop them from selling.

Now I am using a paid version, but afraid that something happens with subscription validation and you block my customers from issuing an invoice.

Sebastian Vassiliou @BlueRabbIT

November 27, 2022 at 05:20:21 AM (Edited)

Hello Jekson, thank you for your review. And sorry for replying so late, unfortunately WHMCS does not send notifications about new reviews.

Anyway, I understand your concerns. Invoicing is a critical part of a business.

Regarding trial licenses, they used to expire without warning. We now have a system in place that sends a reminder a couple of days prior to license expiration.

Paid licenses of course would receive all the invoicing related emails regarding payment reminder, and overdue notices. We are actually pretty accommodating on these, as the licenses will continue to be active for at least 30 days after due date, which makes it at least 50 days from our monthly invoice.

There are also mechanisms in place in case there are any connection issues preventing the license check from working, so that a license will still continue to work for about a week.

Lastly, in case of license issues, BestPDF will send out an email notification to all WHMCS admins alerting of the situation, so that it can be quickly rectified.

Nonetheless, I like the idea you brought up. I created a ticket and we'll address this in an upcoming release one way or another.

EDIT: version 2.16.0 now includes a system where if any license issue or other error occurs, it tries to fallback to classic WHMCS PDF generation, in addition to notifying the admins about the error. This behaviour is configurable in the general settings.

  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 2.14.0
  • Edited

Suhaib ali @suhaib9119

July 22, 2021 at 10:32:48 PM

Can we add QR to invoices (including : Vat number + total payment with Vat + date & time + Vat amount) ?
also does it support RTL and Arabic language ?

Sebastian Vassiliou @BlueRabbIT

November 18, 2021 at 03:08:06 PM (Edited)

Hello Suhaib,

we have a module in the marketplace called SEPA QR that integrates seamlessly with BestPDF. While it currently targets the EU, we could easily implement other QR standards for other countries. Please get in touch with us by opening a ticket at so we can discuss this further.

Arabic language support is possible, as BestPDF supports TrueType fonts. We just baked in RTL support in version 2.10.0.
Feel free to order a trial version and give it a spin!

  • 3 years ago
  • Version Number 2.9.0

MAPPUS Sébastien @mappus5804

June 11, 2021 at 09:47:17 AM

The best software to have pdf file customization for invoices and quotes.

In addition, the support is very responsive, really perfect, nothing to say.

Sebastian Vassiliou @BlueRabbIT

June 11, 2021 at 10:32:33 AM

Thank you very much! Glad to hear you enjoy our product.

  • 3 years ago
  • Version Number 2.8.0

Bo Bjering @bo4452

April 5, 2021 at 10:38:07 PM

Incorrect price.
Price is 199$ to buy, 5$ is leasing price.
So basicly click-bait..

Extremely overpriced as the PDF format is open sourced.

Edit: as responce, it should be set to 199$ then, not 4.99$... thats not the BUY NOW price.
Of course i give it 1 star review on price when its not true, tbh, you can get alot of different plugins for eg wordpress that does the same for less, so its also overpriced, at this price though i will write my own, the price is your business, but saying 4.99$ is a shabby business tactic, no offence.

Sebastian Vassiliou @BlueRabbIT

April 6, 2021 at 02:43:39 PM

Unfortunately the WHMCS Marketplace does not allow us to define multiple pricing, so we use the "starting from" logic and put the lowest price.
We also offer a free trial version. Too bad you did not bother to try it out and decided to leave a 1-star review based on the price alone.

  • 3 years ago
  • Version Number 2.7.2
  • Edited

Chris Mayer @chris6796

December 28, 2020 at 02:05:47 PM

Wir haben auch noch dieses Modul von BlueRabbit im Einsatz nebst dem Pingen und Swiss QR WHMCS Modul. Auch dieses hier können wir zu 100% empfehlen, denn es erleichtert das anpassen von den WHMCS Rechnungen und Offerten sehr. Es bietet sehr viele Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung der Rechnungen und Offerten. Hier möchte ich auch noch erwähnen, dass bei jedem Modul von BlueRabbit eine sehr gute README/Installations und Konfigurationsanleitung beiliegt.

Vielen Dank für das tolle Modul!

Sebastian Vassiliou @BlueRabbIT

April 6, 2021 at 02:23:01 PM

Vielen Dank für die tolle Bewertung! :)

  • 3 years ago
  • Version Number 2.5.0
  • Edited

Igi Vuillemier @igi3142

April 14, 2020 at 11:10:30 AM

this module is absolutely brilliant, the developer works cleanly, exactly very quickly and very reliably. I can only recommend it, therefore 5 stars out of 5.
Thank you for this very useful module.

Sebastian Vassiliou @BlueRabbIT

April 6, 2021 at 02:22:22 PM

Thank you! Glad you appreciate the work that went into this product :)

  • 4 years ago
  • Version Number 2.1.0

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.9

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.4
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.0
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.10
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.9
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.5

System Requirements

  • ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick or Poppler (recommended)
  • PHP FileInfo extension
  • PHP Intl extension
  • PHP memory limit 256 MB
  • PHP mbstring extension

* Requirements listed are in addition to the WHMCS default system requirements.

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By BlueRabbIT


v2.17.0 Released January 15th, 2024

Latest Version

  • Add option to add quantity/unit price columns to invoice items table
  • Swiss ZIP no longer has CH prefix
  • Add absolute positioning option for SEPA QR module
  • Show module version in addon footer
  • Always show country in address box for Pingen
  • Update to FPDI 2.6.0
  • Show custom fields in quotes
  • Fix autofix being always enabled
  • Fix issues when client has billing contact other than default
  • Improve error handling when BestPDF is called but disabled


Previous Versions

v2.16.0 Released October 24th, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Add fallback option in case of errors
  • Add options to check and autofix templates
  • Add option to make first line item descriptions bold
  • Refactored date parsing to make it more reliable
  • Update to FPDI 2.5.0


v2.15.4 Released June 26th, 2023

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  • Fix pagination with own templates on WHMCS < 8.1.1
  • Make handling of language overrides more failsafe
  • Fix quote without client failing to generate when credit or account summary are enabled
  • Fix license check fallback mode


v2.15.3 Released November 28th, 2022

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  • Fix trimming breaking some UTF8 strings (now requires mbstring extension)
  • Fix payment method shown in quote details box
  • Fix payment slip unnecessarily initialized for quotes


v2.15.2 Released November 7th, 2022

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  • Bundled encoding for easier transition to PHP 8.1


v2.15.1 Released October 20th, 2022

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  • Client total due now takes transactions into account
  • Fix showing thumbnail error on save when thumbnails are disabled


v2.15.0 Released September 19th, 2022

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  • Improved performance
  • Add ability to show total amount due in account on invoice summary
  • Add ability to show credit balance on invoice summary
  • Add compatibility for new BlueRabbIT SwissQR v5 addon
  • Add compatibility for WHMCS v8.6
  • Add compatibility for PHP 8.1
  • Fix overdue status wrongly shown for DD/MM/YYYY date format


v2.14.0 Released May 11th, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Add option to include product descriptions in invoice items
  • Add option to strip empty product custom fields from invoice items
  • Add option to show transactions on next page
  • Fix some settings not replicating correctly in Details tab
  • Avoid empty client name line


v2.13.1 Released February 2nd, 2022

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  • Fix margin handling with new datails box alignment settings
  • Fix margin handling with new SEPA QR slip display mode


v2.13.0 Released January 31st, 2022

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  • Show actual errors when generating thumbnails fails
  • Added several new variables available as mergefields
  • New option for SEPA QR positioning in SwissQR style (requires SEPAQR v1.2+)
  • Add option not to show page label
  • Add alignment options for detail box fields
  • Add option to show page numbers at page horizontal center
  • Configurable label suffix for details box
  • Option to configure printability of SwissQR slip (requires SwissQR v4.9+)
  • Option to show notes before transactions
  • Add payment method option to details box
  • Fix license validation doing unnecessary checks
  • Fix thumbnail bin showing as not executable on some systems


v2.12.0 Released January 10th, 2022

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  • Add option to skip company info on page with SwissQR slip (requires SwissQR addon version 4.8 or greater)
  • Show proper error message when required PHP extensions are missing
  • Improve error handling when generating thumbs
  • Improve tolerance in config handling


v2.11.0 Released November 29th, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Improve configuration handling
  • Add ability to configure data path
  • Warn if WHMCS is not compatible on upgrade
  • Show if thumb binary is found and executable
  • Allow to use templates and logos at the same time
  • Add ability to embed font subsets – does not work with all ttf fonts
  • Restore WHMCS 7.5+ compatibility – PHP 7.2+ still required though
  • Fix handling of negative x position in summary
  • Fix not able to deactivate transaction table header borders


v2.10.0 Released November 22nd, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Render HTML in invoice/quote items and text
  • Honor Notes x position when below summary
  • Date formatting is now configurable
  • Code is PSR12 compliant
  • Optional regex filter for line items
  • Ship template files in child templates
  • Implement automated code quality checks
  • Implement support for RTL languages
  • Fix tax label not working in quotes
  • Fix licensing check issues
  • Fix preview not adhering to WHMCS date formatting
  • Fix handling of negative x position in summaries
  • Fix date formatting not being applied to all dates
  • Fix font upload not working on some environments
  • WHMCS 8.0 is now the minimum required version


v2.9.0 Released June 11th, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Add option to display invoice line item number
  • Fix importing PDF template might show slight right and bottom margin
  • Fix wrong invoice generation date with some locales
  • Fix notes text background not being transparent


v2.8.0 Released April 6th, 2021

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  • Add option for showing paper fold marks in both A4 and Letter formats
  • Maintain original font names on upload for better readability in the UI
  • Automatically reinstall fonts if necessary
  • Use client localized short date format
  • Fix blank page being added in seldom cases


v2.7.2 Released February 15th, 2021

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  • Fix number formatting in quotes being inconsistent
  • Fix clients with default locale getting wrong number formatting
  • Update FPDI libraries to version 2.3.6


v2.7.1 Released February 1st, 2021

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  • Fix currencies without decimals showing decimals
  • Add support for tax rates with three decimals


v2.7.0 Released January 25th, 2021

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  • Configurable invoice message to show on all invoices
  • Configurable additional notes text to show on all invoices
  • Add support for our new SEPA QR module
  • Ability to configure separate table header options for invoice summary
  • Improve template rendering error handling
  • Fix regression requiring PHP 7.3 – 7.1 is now again the minimum version
  • Fix quote generation failing if summary transactions show is set to always
  • Fix some third party modules injecting tabs into GUI


v2.6.0 Released January 4th, 2021

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  • Implemented addendum functionality
  • Pass custom invoice number to SwissQR 4.7+
  • Added template examples for WHMCS 8.1 twenty-one theme
  • Updated FPDI libraries to version 2.3.5
  • Fix company info escaping issue in WHMCS v8


v2.5.0 Released October 6th, 2020

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  • Added support for WHMCS v8 language parameter
  • Implemented bottom margin p2+ setting
  • Updated FPDI libraries to version 2.3.4
  • Reduced memory consumption when handling logo images
  • Fixed some localizations producing errors on manual e-mail send
  • Fixed tax rate number not being localized


v2.4.0 Released August 31st, 2020

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  • Fallback to standard font when custom font cannot be loaded
  • Implemented localized price formatting
  • Company details now can draw outside margins
  • Adapted sidebar styling to WHMCS v8
  • Company info can now show translation strings using $lang variable
  • Fixed wrong invoice status with localized date formats
  • Fixed invoice generation date not being localized
  • Fixed paid date not being shown in invoice details


v2.3.0 Released July 13th, 2020

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  • Added “never” option for displaying subtotal
  • Date format can now be localized via language files
  • Tax names can now be localized via language files


v2.2.2 Released July 1st, 2020

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  • Fallback to logo mode if template mode is set without templates
  • Fixed large logo files corrupting pdf file on some systems
  • Fixed file corruption when using certain custom fonts


v2.2.1 Released June 1st, 2020

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  • Case conversion with special characters now works correctly
  • Fix “Show credit when > 0” not working for currencies with prefix
  • Integration page now takes Pingen Address Position setting into account
  • Fixed language files not always loading correctly
  • Fixed overdue status not set when past due date but no overdue notice yet
  • Updated FPDI libraries to version 2.3.3


v2.2.0 Released April 14th, 2020

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  • Added “show on last page” option to company details
  • Added option to not show transactions in summary
  • Improved Pingen configuration check
  • Implemented invoice overdue status and show invoice overdue message
  • Removed no longer necessary USA country name workaround for Pingen module
  • Updated FPDI libraries to version 2.3.2
  • Fixed transaction amount in summary not always being correct
  • Fixed company info editor stripping html attributes on save


v2.1.0 Released March 23rd, 2020

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  • Added Client VAT to details box
  • Company info now supports Smarty syntax with merge fields
  • Company info now uses tinymce WYSIWYG editor
  • Implemented automatic international address formatting
  • Added option to make white background transparent in tables
  • Added option to add empty line before last summary line
  • Improved error handling on file upload
  • Show error if thumbnail generation fails
  • Column widths automatically adjust to sum 100% on save
  • Company info no longer page breaks when hitting margin
  • Fixed table borders being too thick
  • Fixed summary layout in position mode


v2.0.1 Released March 19th, 2020

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  • Fixed ImageMagick creating thumbnails with transparent background
  • Fixed upgrade procedure failing when license is invalid
  • Fixed company info being cut off at 255 characters
  • Improved layout of template upload form


v2.0.0 Released March 17th, 2020

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  • Complete rewrite
  • New configuration interface with over 200 configuration parameters (v1 only had 7)
  • Upload PDF templates from GUI
  • New logo mode in case you don’t want PDF templates, with logo upload
  • Upload custom TrueType fonts
  • Preview changes instantly
  • Automatic and seamless upgrade from v1
  • Supports BlueRabbIT Pingen and SwissQR modules
  • Updated FPDI libraries to version 2.3.1
  • WHMCS 7.5 and PHP 7.1 are now the minimum required versions


v1.1.1 Released January 20th, 2020

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  • Fixed quotes not fully generating when no notes are present
  • Adapted USA country name so it works fine with our Pingen module
  • Improved license status handling


v1.1.0 Released July 1st, 2019

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  • Fixed WHMCS Batch PDF functionality not working properly
  • Improved licensing check when running from cron


v1.0.2 Released May 27th, 2019

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  • Fixed page break not always working properly with SwissISR module
  • Updated FPDI libraries to version 2.2.0


v1.0.1 Released December 17th, 2018

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  • Added support for our Swiss ISR module


v1.0.0 Released November 28th, 2018

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  • First release


See also

Accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments - CoinGate for WHMCS

Easily accept Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum and many other crypto payments on your WHMCS website

Account Statements Module

Send account statements to customers

GST WHMCS Module For India

As WHMCS does provide tax rules options where you can configure your GST tax but we have some extra features in our module that makes it stand out and necessary to use.

Handling Fees

A handling fee are the costs that business owners incur when processing payments from customers.

Discount Center For WHMCS

Introduce discounts applicable to orders of specified products combinations or quantities.
