Remind your clients once, twice or several times. Expiring licenses or domains, due invoices...
You can set any day BEFORE due date. Your client will receive a reminder-email two weeks, 7 days to... Or on the seventh, the fourth, the last day. Just as you like. Applicable to every service. And for every single reminder you can create a separate email template if you want.
Great and essential module!
Comes with English and German language file. You can easily create own language files in other languages
Leased: 6,99 EUR (~7,90 USD) / monthly OR 49,99 EUR (~56,50 USD) / yearly - free updates and support included
Owned: 99,00 EUR (~112,00 USD) one time - includes 1 year free updates/support, then 10,00 EUR (~11,30 USD) per year
Erinnern Sie Ihre Kunden mehrfach an auslaufende Lizenzen, zur Löschung anstehende Domains, fällige Rechnungen...
Sie können beliebige Tage / beliebig viele Tage VOR Fälligkeit einstellen an welchen der Kunde eine Erinnerungs-Email erhalten soll. 14 Tage, 10 Tage, 7 Tage... Oder am 7., und am 5., und am 4., ... und am letzten Tag.... Ganz wie Sie wünschen. Für jeden Dienst / Service anwendbar. Und für jede einzelne Email können Sie ein separates Email-Template in WHMCS anlegen. Super einfach und super flexibel.
Ein absolut notwendiges Modul!
Mit deutscher und englischer Sprachdatei. Eigene Sprachdateien in anderen Sprachen können leicht hinzugefügt werden
Leased: 6,99 EUR (~7,90 USD) / Monat ODER 49,99 EUR (~56,50 USD) / Jahr - inkl. kostenlose Updates und Support
Owned: 99,00 EUR (~112,00 USD) einmalig - inkl. 1 Jahr kostenlose Updates und Support, danach 10,00 EUR (~11,30 USD) / Jahr
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Released July 2019
Easily accept Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum and many other crypto payments on your WHMCS website
As WHMCS does provide tax rules options where you can configure your GST tax but we have some extra features in our module that makes it stand out and necessary to use.
A handling fee are the costs that business owners incur when processing payments from customers.
Introduce discounts applicable to orders of specified products combinations or quantities.
Patrick Bourne @patrick3697
No response from support and no documentation. No way to actually add the additional reminders. Will update this review if I hear back from iTrena, otherwise will be raising a case with PayPal to get a refund.