As a web hosting provider, people depend on you to manage their web presence. Ensure that they receive every account update by using a transactional email API or transactional SMS API. This MailerSend integration lets WHMCS send email notifications or SMS that reach recipients and feature your web hosting brand. This solution includes 3,000 free emails per month.
What do MailerSend Mail Providers do?
Transactional messaging service designed for everyone. Integrate with your API, use advanced analytics, send transactional SMS, and more
We also offer source code for all our products. Please contact us for more details.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions at all, you can contact us via our group page.
Please also note that our WS Module is provided as described on our website and is subject to our Terms of Service. Information provided about this product on the WHMCS Marketplace may be outdated. If you have any questions or doubts, please either refer to our website for the latest product information or contact us directly via our website
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
A simplistic, free & open source hook allowing instant Discord notifications when an action is triggered.
Netgsm Sms addon provides you sending customized bulk sms and creating sms templates.
MSG91 WHMCS SMS plugin gives you the power and flexibility to stay connected with your customers by sending them an SMS and OTP's for 2FA at the crucial steps that matters the most.
Oduntan Stephen @oduntan3283
I got to know about mailersend from Whmcsservices . I registered with mailersend, and they're pretty much one of the cheapest transactional email out there. Ever since i' started using them, alongside this module, my email delivery has been very good. no more spam emails, or email delays or email restrictions from servers. This is a very honest review.
Gianluca Iannotta @gianluca9380
No comment provided.
J P @james7615
Yes, Very Nice Module
Peter Clark @peter566
thanks whmceservices to let us know about , looks promising!
module is work as expected as well
jimmy @jimmy2772
Simple modules like it