HostingHub is a responsive and mobile friendly template which is fully integrated with the WHMCS software.
All CSS and JavaScript files are consolidated and minified, meaning fewer external requests, faster page loading times and improved customer experience and search engine performance.
All of our themes are extensively tested to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of all modern web browsers.
All of our themes come with one year of access to our customer support centre, including thorough documentation for all our themes and technical support via our support ticket system.
You may view the demo here: Demo
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The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
New in version 2.9 - (For WHMCS v7.x.x Only) :
Modern and fully responsive WHMCS email template, containing 3 different styles.
Lara is a WHMCS Admin theme, using the open source AdminLTE package.
Fully responsive WHMCS client area theme offering the choice of different styles and layouts for the ultimate user experience.