Cashback Promotions let you create cashback offers for the clients to get money automatically added to their account credit after their invoices are paid. This module is a unique way to engage and encourage customers to purchase more. Give your customer a reason to come back and make the order.
Flexible Rules
You can define cashback rules for Products, Addons, and Domains. A rule can include all or one of them. For each rule, you can select desired cashback type (fixed amount, percentage), billing cycle, and invoice type (new order/renewal).
Prevent Coupon Conflict
If you want the client not to get a cashback if he uses a discount code, just select Prevent Coupon Conflict option. With this feature, your cashback promotion won't conflict with your other marketing campaigns.
Cashback Delay & Reporting Section
If you offer a money-back guarantee and you want the cashback to be paid after the time of the money-back guarantee, just set the Apply Delay option. Cashback Promotions uses the cron job to add cashback amounts to clients' credit, the Logs section lets you track the settled cashback and pending ones.
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