Email Notifications Organizer For WHMCS is a module crafted with one idea in mind - reducing the number of messages received by your clients from the WHMCS system. You will be able to send out data from multiple notifications combined into single emails, reminding your customers about the upcoming expiration of their domains as well as due dates of invoices.
Our product will empower you to be in full management of the consolidated messages, providing as much personalization into the process as practically possible. Thanks to its handy toolkit, you will freely set how often they should get sent and what email template should be used. Summaries of delivered and blocked notifications can be viewed for the present day and last week, month, or even year, giving you a particularly deep insight.
Email Notifications Organizer For WHMCS is a perfect pick if you want your clients to obtain key information in just a single piece of message. You will also optimize your server resources usage and spread the eco-friendly vibe by reducing the carbon footprint of your business. Order the module today and ensure an untrashed inbox for your customers!
Addon Module Features:
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