Este módulo te permitirá emitir comprobantes fiscales de facturación electrónica en Argentina (AFIP), utilizando el API del servicio online de iFactura.com.ar.
Requiere una suscripción activa al servicio de iFactura.com.ar.
Este módulo se ofrece con soporte técnico comunitario vía repositorio oficial de Github (solapa Issues). Las instrucciones para su instalación y configuración se encuentran en la página principal del repositorio oficial (ver enlace de descarga).
This module will allow you to generate Argentinian electronic invoice (AFIP), using the iFactura.com.ar service.
Requires an active subscription to iFactura.com.ar service.
This module is offered with community technical support via the official Github repository (Issues tab). The instructions for installation and configuration can be found on the main page of the official repository (see download link).
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Compatibilidad con WHMCS v8.11, PHP 8.2, IonCube 13
Easily accept Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum and many other crypto payments on your WHMCS website
As WHMCS does provide tax rules options where you can configure your GST tax but we have some extra features in our module that makes it stand out and necessary to use.
A handling fee are the costs that business owners incur when processing payments from customers.
Introduce discounts applicable to orders of specified products combinations or quantities.
Juan Manuel Zolezzi Volpi @duplika
Ideal para clientes de Argentina que necesiten facturar con AFIP de forma fácil y sencilla, 100% integrada a WHMcs.