Abandoned Cart For WHMCS

Abandoned Cart For WHMCS

Developed By ModulesGarden

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

ModulesGarden Abandoned Cart For WHMCS is a module that allows your business to recover lost sales by automatically sending email reminders to customers who have left items in their online shopping cart without completing the purchase.

The module can be vastly customized to deliver various types of notifications at different intervals, each with a direct link to the saved cart. You will be able to select a specific template for logged in and guest clients as well as specify what kind of item you wish to remind them about, whether it's a product, an addon or a domain. For higher effectiveness, the module provides the option of sending out multiple messages, which can be modified in a way that adds to the sense of urgency. The choice is yours for scheduling when these reminders should be emailed to your customers, and they can easily unsubscribe whenever they want. To top it all off, your clients will gain an incredibly useful capability to save the contents of their cart as linked shopping lists, perfect for either completing the orders at a later time or sharing with others.

Thanks to Abandoned Cart For WHMCS, your control over the visitors' data can be much higher, as the module can be set up to request to log in or provide email address, before adding anything to the cart. Yet another valuable feature of our product is the possibility to view statistics on all statuses of buyers' shopping carts within a certain period and to view log entries of added or removed items, which will allow you to draw constructive conclusions based on your customers' habits.

Encourage your clients to complete their shopping, increase sales and conversion rates, and learn the naked truth behind your clientele's cart abandonment. Order Abandoned Cart For WHMCS today to make sure your business isn't easily forgotten!

Addon Module Features:

  • Send Email Reminders To Clients And Guests Who Abandoned Their Shopping Carts
  • Access And Manage Carts Statistics:
    • View Number Of All Carts And Completed Orders
    • View Percentage Of Existing Clients Carts To All Carts
    • Display Statistics From Last:
      • 1 Month
      • 3 Months
      • 6 Months
      • 12 Months
  • View Shopping Carts Snapshots With Logs On:
    • Clients Names And Guest Emails
    • Placed Orders And Payment Statuses
    • Added And Removed Items
  • Send Email Notifications To Clients From Shopping Carts List
  • Access Saved Shopping Carts Via Token Cart URLs
  • Configure Email Reminders Settings:
    • Add Multiple Reminders
    • Select Custom Email Templates For:
      • Logged In Clients
      • Guest Clients
    • Specify Related:
      • Products
      • Products Addons
      • Domains
    • Send Reminders For Carts Created Within Specified Timeframe
  • Configure General Settings: * Define Requirements For Guest Clients To Leave Email Address: * Disable Requirement * Force To Provide Email Address * Allow To Skip Email Address Requirement
    • Force Guest Clients To Log In Or Register
    • Send Direct Cart URL In Reminders To Restore Abandoned Cart
    • Select Support Department For Reminders Sent To Guest Clients
    • Allow Clients To Save Shopping Carts
  • View Module Logs

Client Area Features

  • Save Shopping Cart Contents
  • Share And Restore Saved Shopping Carts Via Token Cart URLs
  • Optional Requirements For Guest Clients Upon Adding Item To Cart:
    • Provide Email Address
    • Log In To Existing Account
    • Register New Account

General Info

  • Limited Integration With Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.4
  • Supports WHMCS Themes "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
  • Supports WHMCS V8.10 Back To WHMCS V8.8
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
  • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version


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Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By ModulesGarden


v1.2.3 Released July 25th, 2024

Latest Version

  • Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Bug Fix: Solved issue where reminders might not be sent to clients when their carts contained only domains - case #144


Previous Versions

v1.2.2 Released May 13th, 2024

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Undefined constant" error that might occur after module installation - case #140
  • Bug Fix: Added missing translation entries for the "Skip" and "Cancel" buttons in the language file - case #141


v1.2.1 Released March 1st, 2024

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.9 support
  • Improvement: Enhanced support for "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" by adding integration for previously missing functionalities
  • Bug Fix: Resolved specific problems with sending email notifications to guest clients - case #133
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated problem with an empty error that could appear in notices when trying to send emails to guest clients from the addon module - case #133
  • Bug Fix: Addressed issue with the "Allow To Save Shopping Carts" option that was enabled after the module activation despite being disabled in the general settings - case #134
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem where the shopping cart URL failed to restore cart items for a guest client
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.2.0 Released August 30th, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
  • New Feature: Allow clients to save their shopping cart sessions for future use and share them with other customers to instantly restore their contents
  • New Feature: Send email template reminders to selected clients directly from the shopping carts list
  • Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Improvement: Domain addons will now be included in shopping cart snapshots
  • Improvement: Added details regarding the payment status and the update date to the list of shopping carts
  • Improvement: The shopping cart ID and client name will now be displayed in breadcrumbs when viewing the item snapshot
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur when performing the module's cron job - case #110
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem where direct shopping cart URLs might not work properly if the "Require Email Address" option was enabled - case #111
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and UI adjustments


v1.1.1 Released May 16th, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Improvement: The saved cart sessions will now also include data on the selected configurable options, product custom fields and additional domain fields
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Attempt to assign property 'order_id' on null (...)" error that could occur when trying to upgrade the product - case #90


v1.1.0 Released April 5th, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: A shopping cart view can be retrieved via a session URL, which may be included in email reminders to allow easy access, sharing and restoration of abandoned cart contents on any device
  • New Feature: Clients can opt out of the reminders sent by the module by using the unsubscribe link in email messages
  • New Feature: Guest clients can be given the option to decide if they want to provide their emails or not, instead of being forced to do so before continuing the order - case #81
  • New Feature: Limited support for Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS module - click here for more information
  • Improvement: The shopping cart snapshots will now inform about the number of items of multiple-quantity type
  • Improvement: Data on domain renewal actions will be logged in shopping cart snapshots
  • Improvement: Shopping cart snapshots will include information about domains added with products that require them
  • Improvement: The log entries will now contain clickable cart ID numbers that will lead to a relevant snapshot
  • Improvement: The reminders sent to clients will be logged to include information on which client or email address they were sent to
  • Improvement: The domain transfer and registration actions will now be logged separately in the shopping cart snapshot
  • Improvement: Each graph on the dashboard will have a different color instead of all of them being grey
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated issue that could cause problems with loading the snapshot details list - case #83
  • Bug Fix: Corrected redirection process after a client provides their email address to continue their order - case #84
  • Bug Fix: Minor code corrections, language, and UI adjustments


v1.0.0 Released February 2nd, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Stable release.


See also

Discord Notifications

A simplistic, free & open source hook allowing instant Discord notifications when an action is triggered.

Netgsm Sms

Netgsm Sms addon provides you sending customized bulk sms and creating sms templates.

MSG91 SMS/OTP Plugin

MSG91 WHMCS SMS plugin gives you the power and flexibility to stay connected with your customers by sending them an SMS and OTP's for 2FA at the crucial steps that matters the most.

SMS Manager

More Advanced SMS System

SMS Alert

Send automated SMS alert from WHMCS, and verify users mobile with OTP
