PIX Banco Inter

PIX Banco Inter

Developed By mmhospedagem

Compatible with WHMCS v8.8


O módulo PIX permite o recebimento de pagamentos via QR Code, Chave PIX ou Código PIX no WHMCS, seu cliente poderá efetuar o pagamento em segundos de forma prática e rápida e o melhor com retorno automático.

Em qual banco funciona?

  • Banco Inter


  • Ter conta PJ no Banco Inter

OBS: Contas PF e MEI não possuem acesso as APIs de integração, a contratação e solicitação de cancelamento do modulo por este motivo serão negadas, mais informações sobre contas em www.bancointer.com.br.


The PIX module allows you to receive payments via QR Code, PIX Key or PIX Code on WHMCS, your customer will be able to make the payment in seconds in a practical and fast way and the best with automatic return.

Which bank does it work at?

  • Banco Inter


  • Have a PJ account at Banco Inter

OBS: PF and MEI accounts do not have access to the integration APIs. The contracting and cancellation request of the module for this reason will be denied. More information about accounts at www.bancointer.com.br.


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Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.8

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6

System Requirements

  • WHMCS 8.6.1+
  • PHP 7.4/8.1+
  • Conta PJ Banco Inter

* Requirements listed are in addition to the WHMCS default system requirements.

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By mmhospedagem


v1.0.2 Released April 20th, 2023

Latest Version


  • Integração com API WhatsApp


See also

WHMCS Bitcoin Payments

Accept Bitcoin payments on your website

Accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments - CoinGate for WHMCS

Easily accept Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum and many other crypto payments on your WHMCS website

Coinbase Commerce

No Fees, Easy Setup. Accept cryptocurrencies like: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin!

Gateway Fees for WHMCS

With this WHMCS module, you'll get the payment gateway fees from your clients directly.

PayTR Virtual Pos iFrame API

Open your web site to shopping with the advantages of PayTR. Take your payments securely.
