Released December 18th, 2024
Latest Version
- Improvements
- Added support for sending individuals issued invoices to e-Factura.
- Added option for anonymized CNP in 13 zero format for individuals.
- Added VATEX Tax Exemption support for untaxed invoice items.
- Added PDF download for issued e-Factura invoices.
- Added support for CreditNote (storno invoices).
- Bugfix
- Fixed character escaping for company names with special symbols.
- Fixed package download message for sent invoices.
- Fixed first date selection for e-Factura.
- Fixed VATEX exemptions handling for resending failed invoices.
Previous Versions
Released October 12th, 2024
View/hide detailed changelog
- Improvements
- Added admin dashboard widget.
- Added customer notification upon successful e-Factura upload.
- Added invoice note with e-Factura upload ID.
- Added log message for expired token.
- Bugfix
- Prevented "no messages" error message from being logged.
- Included correct navigation for received invoices.
Released October 7th, 2024
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- New Features
- Created new navigation structures for "Received Invoices" and "List Messages".
- Added a model and services for managing ANAF messages.
- Implemented methods for retrieving and saving ANAF messages.
- Added a cron hook for checking and downloading ANAF messages.
- Added listing and filters for messages and received invoices.
- Added features for downloading supplier invoices in ANAF PDF format.
- Added an admin email alert for new ANAF messages.
- Improvements
- Optimized the display of seller and token settings.
- Added checks for writable storage locations.
- Implemented a 60-day limit for downloading messages and ANAF responses.
- Added support for FontAwesome Duotone icons.
- Changed form filtering method to POST for improved security.
- Bugfix
- Fixed the design of filters and the message for empty searches.
- Fixed token expiration date handling for WHMCS 8.11 and improved the token refresh email text.
- Fixed cron error for linking missing invoices.
- Improved the functionality of saving settings for checkboxes.
Released September 27th, 2024
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- Improvements
- Add credit as discount line.
- Bugfix
- Fixed undefined getAvailableGateways() error in whmcs 8.11
Released April 16th, 2024
View/hide detailed changelog
- Improvements
- Speed optimization of invoices page in the module.
- Implementation of the automatic ANAF API Token Refresh by daily cron.
Released February 5th, 2024
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- Improvements
- Implemented Refresh and Remove Oauth access token.
- Implemented history option of requests and e-invoices tables when deactivating the module.
- Bugfix
- Added module name to Activity Log.
- Fixed InvoiceService api call results for billing.cid.
- Fixed license validation for cron jobs by using the local key validation.
Released January 26th, 2024
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- Improvements
- Refactored and extended support for catching errors from responses.
- Implemented WHMCS Module Log for debugging requests and errors.
- Bugfix
- Fixed return method for Custom Fields from Invoice Snapshot.
- Fixed filters and navigation when manually sending invoices.
- Fixed date range selection in filters.
- Fixed City and State/Region for Bucharest.
- Fixed error when resending invoice from details page.
- Fixed interpretation error in details log.
- Fixed xml syntax when using the drop-down State/Region selector.
- Added message in Activity Log for invalid license in cron job.
- Fixed subdivision for Bucharest.
Released January 12th, 2024
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- Improvements
- Implemented setting for Fiscal Invoice selection: Status Paid, InvoiceNum.
- Implemented Fiscal Invoice selection for automate sending.
- Renamed Tax ID field in settings with romanian CUI/CIF.
- Display callback url when a valid token is missing.
- Added link to documentation for OAuth application setup.
- Bugfix
- Fixed item names with more than 100 characters.
- Fixed automate cron invoice selection to match e-Factura requirements: Country, Legal Entity.
Released January 10th, 2024
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- Improvements
- Implemented setting for ANAF validator service.
- Added 5 minutes delay before retrieving status from ANAF.
- Added 1 hour delay if status is still Processing after 5 request.
- Refactored currency system using CustomCurrencySystemService.example.php in module package.
- Invoice automate sending limit to 4 days.
- Bugfix
- Fixed message for pending answer request.
- Fixed sending to ANAF skiped or unprocessed invoices.
- Fixed infinite loop for CurrencySystemService methods.
- Fixed invoice service methods are using environment variable.
- Fixed requests detail page based on environment setting.
- Fixed requests action history order.
- Fixed CustomCurrencySystemService implementation.
- Fixed mapping when using custom field for Tax ID.
- Fixed token request url using the SystemURL setting.
- Fixed date selection for currency exchange rate.
Released January 5th, 2024
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- Improvements
- Display of invoices issued without the "Store Client Data Snapshot" option.
Released December 28th, 2023
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- Initial release
- Fully tested and stable version
- OAuth authentication to access
- UBL XML e-invoice standard
- XML Validation and download
- Automatically or manually sending invoices to SPV/ANAF
- Interaction history and responses form
- Exchange rate support when using other than RON currency
Dorina Lenard @dorina7838
Un produs excelent actualizat periodic in cel mai scurt timp in functie de reglementarile ANAF. Suport tehnic deosebit. Recomand acest modul, precum si serviciile oferite de acest dezvoltator.
F22/953/2019 CUI: 41282286 @f4034
Suntem foarte multumiti de acest modul. Foarte util și practic mai ales la partea de transmitere a facturii. Suport tehnic excepțional.
Gabriel Nicolae @gabriel7740
In mod clar cel mai bun si profesional modul WHMCS pentru e-Factura. Suportul oferit este foarte bun, discuti direct cu dezvoltatorul iar orice cerere a fost remediata sau implementata fara probleme, foarte rapid. Recomand cu incredere.
Dragoescu Alin @dragoescu1007
Un modul excelent! Suportul tehnic este unul profesional iar instalarea foarte simpla. Recomand cu mare placere
Marius-Cătălin Munteanu @mariusctlin4308
Suntem foarte multumiti de acest modul. Recomandam cu incredere. Suportul tehnic si comunicarea este WOW!