Then you can follow the below steps to set up the service as you want.
* Download and unzip file in WHMCS directory /modules/addons
* Install our addon (Setup > Addon Modules).
* Go to Addons > Bulk Delete Clients
* Click on activate
Let us know any of your issues here
* WhatsApp support: +94714185318
* Email Support:
* Support Tickets:
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Ability to filter new clients with zero services
This module allows you to alter the language strings used throughout WHMCS.
This addon allows your to add html / php to the header / footer in the admin area / admin login page / clients area
Anoop K Krishnan @anoop3454
Very useful plugin. Easy to use