Romanian Language for WHMCS

Romanian Language for WHMCS

Developed By XtremeHosting

Compatible with WHMCS v8.11

Romanian Language Pack for WHMCS

This repository contains a complete Romanian translation for WHMCS, provided in the form of a romanian.php file. The translation is based on the original english.php file from WHMCS and aims to deliver a seamless and fully localized experience for Romanian-speaking users. Whether you're managing your hosting services, domains, or client interactions, this language pack ensures that all WHMCS functionalities and modules are presented in clear and accurate Romanian.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Translation: All strings and text elements from the default WHMCS English language file have been translated to Romanian, ensuring consistency throughout the admin interface.
  • Full Compatibility: This language pack is compatible with all standard WHMCS modules, including the client area, admin area, support ticket system, and email templates.
  • Easy Installation: Simply upload the romanian.php file to your WHMCS admin/lang directory and enable it from your WHMCS settings. The language will be available for admin-side use.
  • Regular Updates: This repository will be updated to reflect changes in WHMCS versions, ensuring continued compatibility and completeness of the translation.


This project is open-source and available for use under the MIT License. Please ensure compliance with the licensing terms when using or distributing this language pack.


Special thanks to the WHMCS community and contributors for providing guidance and support during the translation process.


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Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.11

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.11
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.4
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.0

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By XtremeHosting


v1.0 Released September 26th, 2024

Latest Version

The english.php file was renamed to romanian.php Completely translated into Romanian.


See also

Geolocation Hook For WHMCS

Switch language, currency and your client area template basing on a customer's location.

Greek language file for client area

Greek language file for client area

GeoIP Localisation

Automatically detects a visitor's location by IP and sets the language and/or currency you defined for his particular country.

Auto Currency

Fully supported Automatic Currency Selection WHMCS! The customers currency is detected automatically during their first order and set, so they always get to pay in their own currency!

German E-Mail Templates for WHMCS

Here you get a German translation of all WHMCS E-Mail Templates
