Project Management & Time Tracking

Project Management & Time Tracking

Developed By Webuddha, Inc.

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

wbTeamPro is a Project Management solution that extends the power of WHMCS. It is designed to satisfy a wide range of project detail complexity, while maintaining a navigation typical to WHMCS that simplifies adoption, data collection and review.

wbTeamPro provides several features for storing, distributing, and tracking your clients assets and team progress. It integrates with the client profile and support ticket architectures of WHMCS to provide a seamless utilization of existing resources. Highlights you will discover in wbTeamPro include:

  • Track time on clients, tickets, and projects
  • Invoice clients for time tracked
  • Create multi-level projects with recurring actions
  • Create project templates that can be used repeatedly
  • Provision projects automatically with client purchases
  • Notify your team and clients when actions or projects are completed
  • Report and export CSV files on all project, action, and timelog activity
  • Share actions with your client through the WHMCS client front-end integration
  • Extend as needed with a full RESTful API and plugin architecture

wbTeamPro is under continual development and has been proven in the marketplace for over 4 years. wbTeamPro is offered as a one-time purchase or a monthly lease with no user or performance restrictions.



5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Jarrell Walters @jarrell9030

May 23, 2024 at 11:38:39 PM

This module looked promising so I purchased the monthly subscription plan. Within minutes of using it, I noticed several pretty large and obvious errors that any dev would have immediately fixed. I opened four different tickets for these issues which have now been open for a week, with no response. Don't waste your time with this module -- spend the money and find a module that the devs actually care about.

  • 2 months ago

Karl Stallknecht @karl8026

September 7, 2022 at 02:30:50 AM

We have been using wbTeamPro since 2014, and we have been very happy with our success in using the product. We use it to keep track of and manage projects, as well as logging time associated with tickets. It works incredibly well for this, and it's been VERY reliable over the past 8 years with no botched upgrades or any data corruption or other issues. A few times when we upgraded WHMCS and had an issue, they were quick to resolve it for us. They have also implemented a few features for us over the years that we asked for. I also love that they are US-based so there are no communication issues.

My only complaint is that because they are a small team, they can be a little slow to reply at times (for non-urgent things) and some bugs have taken longer than we would have liked to get resolved, but those were generally not critical things. Overall we are very pleased and wouldn't second guess choosing them again if we had to do it all over.

  • 1 year ago
  • Version Number 3.53.0
  • Edited

Joe Davis @joe2707

June 20, 2022 at 03:36:05 PM

I've been using wbTeamPro for 8 years or so. It has helped my team stay on top of tasks and share vital project information with clients. David and the others at Holodyn/WebBuddah are always responsive to our questions. When we have found problems, they provide us with patches or updated releases.

I highly recommend wbTeamPro for project management.

David H. @davidhunt

August 24, 2022 at 07:07:26 PM

Joe, thank you for the wonderful review and for supporting our project. We hope to be an asset to your team for years to come.

Owner@Webuddha, Inc.  
  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 3.49.1

Russ Michaels @russmichaels

April 17, 2022 at 08:25:29 PM

OK so I have tested out wbteampro for a month, and unfortunately I have to report it does have quite a few annoying bugs and issues. I also just found the whole thing feels messy and cluttered.

Every issue I reported a bug or issue to them resulted i them basically blaming me and saying it's because of the way I work and it seems their product doesn't meet with my requirements.

They like to use the word "product Workflow" a lot, bt don't seem to actually understand what that phrase means.

On the project tickets page, you would expect it to only show tickets related to projects, but no, it just displays all active tickets in your system.
when I asked about this, Their answer to this was

"The purpose is defined by your workflow. In our experience, and that of many of our users, the ticket view allows for a more comprehensive and project focused list filter. If it is not useful to you, then you may choose not to use it. "

Clealry displaying tickets that have nothing to do with any project is the complete opposite of "project focussed".

the TIMER doesn't actually working.... Clicking the timer button actually causes a javascript error, and while the time has started in the background, you have no way to know its working as the time appears to have not started and just shows 00:00 all the time.
So not very useful for tracking your time obviously.

A few other annoying things as well, Plus the fact that it takes a minimum of 1 week to get replies from them, which is not good... so decided to uninstall.

David H. @davidhunt

June 16, 2022 at 05:43:53 PM


Thank you for your thorough and thoughtful feedback. I understand that our application does not work how you would expect, and we do aspire to find solutions for all our users. It was not our intent to blame you or indicate that you've done anything wrong. The application is designed to work a particular way, and thus expecting it to work differently is simply a misunderstanding and failure on OUR part to adequately explain why it is working as presented.

TeamPro provides a "Project Tickets" interface where you can view ALL tickets within the WHMCS system and their POTENTIAL project relationship. This includes tickets that are not yet assigned so that you may take action. The objective is to provide a single interface for ticket management, where new tickets are visible, can be engaged and associated with a project. In some use cases the objective is for all tickets to be associated with a project.

We're happy to work with you again to resolve your installation issues if you are interested. As you are aware our plugin is installed within user environments where multiple conditions may affect operation. We do our best to provide support in a timely manner and will continue to work hard to improve our product for the community.

Best wishes,

Holodyn Team

Owner@Webuddha, Inc.  
  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 3.49.1

mohammed alkhayat @mohammed3962

November 4, 2019 at 09:14:01 AM

They have the worst support ever, they do not care if they leave tickets for days without reply

David H. @davidhunt

December 9, 2019 at 06:58:38 PM

Thank you Mohammed for your feedback and rating. We take this feedback seriously and will continue to work to improve our product and support proficiency. I have found your open ticket and responded to your request.

Owner@Webuddha, Inc.  
  • 4 years ago
  • Version Number 3.28.2-stable.0

Robert Diaz @xtreme

April 18, 2019 at 09:34:22 PM

I've been using this addon for 4 years already. It was more powerful than the original WHMCS Project Mgr addon and now it is 100x more powerful. Support has never disappointed and has always been there to help with theme integration. Developer keeps adding new features and bug fixes which makes this Project Manager addon the ONLY game in town for WHMCS.

David H. @davidhunt

October 3, 2019 at 04:27:13 PM

Robert, Thank you so much for the kinds words. We look forward to providing the most robust WHMCS project management solution available.

Owner@Webuddha, Inc.  
  • 5 years ago
  • Version Number 3.28.2-stable.0

Tom Whiting @WHMCSGuru

May 22, 2016 at 05:39:50 AM

Love, love, love this addon. So much more useful than the WHMCS 'project management', and staff seems to address issues quickly.

Excellent job guys!
BTW: I've personally had no problems with this on 6.3.1

David H. @davidhunt

May 25, 2016 at 05:58:09 PM

Thank you for the wonderful review!
We are consistently working hard to improve wbTeamPro and are glad to be a part of your business!

And yes we are officially compatible with v6.3.1 (and learning how to properly maintain our new WHMCS listing).

Owner@Webuddha, Inc.  
  • 8 years ago
  • Version Number
  • Edited

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.4
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.0
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.10
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.9
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.4
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v7.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.0
  • All versions of WHMCS v6.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v6.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v6.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v6.0
  • All versions of WHMCS v5.3

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By Webuddha, Inc.


v3.63.0 Released May 12th, 2023

Latest Version

3.63.0 - 2023-05-12


  • Default client payment method on timelog invoice dialog

3.62.0 - 2023-05-11


  • Constant definition breaking timelog export
  • DateTime picker on Timelog dialog not loading

3.61.0 - 2023-03-30


  • Action duration pie chart division by zero bug


Previous Versions

v3.60.0 Released March 21st, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

3.60.0 - 2023-03-20


  • API Login issues

3.59.0 - 2023-02-28


  • API Sandbox security & PHP 8 updates

3.58.0 - 2023-02-05


  • t019490: PHP 8 compatibility adjustments


  • Notifiction gantt toggle option order

3.57.3 - 2023-01-24


  • t397649: Installer fatal errors PHP 8.1

3.57.2 - 2022-12-13


  • Issue with language initialization under cron


v3.57.1 Released November 15th, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

3.57.1 - 2022-11-14


  • PHP 8 compiler compatibility adjustments

3.54.0 - 2022-11-08


  • Language adjustments on widgets titles, configuration
  • Removed Action level filter on timelogs unless action defined


  • Removed Save & New button unless viewing Action Tree
  • Fixed client area ticket with attachments

3.53.1 - 2022-10-25


  • Files and Discussion Export and Print buttons removed.
  • TimeLog checkboxes dissapeared when resseting form.


v3.53.0 Released September 1st, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

3.53.0 - 2022-08-30


  • t266572: Timelog move on ticket merge

3.52.0 - 2022-08-29


  • Project Related & Admin Flagged ticket list filters
  • Timelog Invoiced filter to the Timelog Report


  • client permission logic on file & topic lookup
  • wbTeamPro_Common::downloadFile cache handling improvements
  • wbTeamPro_Common::trunc length fallback improvements


  • autobilling end of month frequency handling


v3.51.0 Released August 9th, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

3.51.0 - 2022-08-09


  • missing twenty-one template container
  • phpmail fallback on WHMCS Mail Helper
  • wbTeamPro_Common::postActivityLog method for cron logging


  • admin ui sidebar styles
  • client ui tab and filter bar styles
  • Daily cron trigger
  • Improved parameter data import to call toArray when avail

3.50.0 - 2022-07-07


  • Timelog display updated when browser recovers focus


v3.49.1 Released February 8th, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

3.49.1 - 2021-02-08


  • Intelligent search links path was invalid

3.49.0 - 2021-01-05


  • Focus on todays date on load in Gantt chart


  • UTC date error causing shifted columns in Gantt chart

3.48.0 - 2021-01-05


  • Model query parser bug
  • PHPMailer loading error in new WHMCS v8 installations
  • Email password translation bug with passwords containing html entities

3.47.0 - 2020-11-05


  • WHMCS v8 intellisearch form implementation when on wbTeamPro pages

3.46.0 - 2020-10-19


  • PHPMailer usage behavior
  • SMTP Credentials identification for WHMCS v8

3.45.1 - 2020-09-30


  • cleanup some layout behavior in the invoice dialog


  • debug in invoice preventing proper json response


v3.45.0.0 Released October 1st, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

3.45.0 - 2020-06-19


  • copyAction endpoint to API
  • copyProject endpoint to API
  • paste clipboard image to project/action detail or note fields


  • PHPMailer include variants for WHMCS compatibility


  • Google Chart implementation
  • Client contact name display in client action view
  • Correct tax rate application bug during invoice generation
  • Client action edit contact name display

3.44.1-stable.0 - 2020-04-14



v3.44.0-stable.0 Released April 3rd, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

3.44.0-stable.0 - 2020-04-02


  • date range filter on project, action, file, discussion, and ticket lists


  • CSS compression url() updated to support encoded string from Bootstrap library

3.43.0-stable.0 - 2020-04-02


  • DanGrossman DateRangePicker implementation for Data/DateTime fields
  • Added signature to create ticket dialog


  • Upgraded the New Action dialog from the Support Ticket view


  • CSS Cache corrupting base64 encoded image data
  • Timelog association corruption when running ticket timer client conflicts with assigned project client


v3.42.1-stable.0 Released September 25th, 2019

View/hide detailed changelog

3.42.0-stable.0 - 2019-09-25


  • jQuery noConflict


  • PHPMailer usage
  • jQuery/jQuery UI implementation on client theme
  • Latest file date/time display in file list

3.41.1-stable.0 - 2019-09-12


  • Project injection tweaks for support ticket list

3.41.0-stable.0 - 2019-09-12


  • "Project on Ticket List" toggle for the Project column on the WHMCS ticket list, found under the Display configuration tab
  • Timelog timer and Elapsed display to Project column on the WHMCS ticket list


  • Patched error with CSS asset compressor


  • JQuery UI cleanup of remaining widgets/tooltip.js element

3.40.1-stable.0 - 2019-09-06


  • jQuery UI widgets/tooltip.js from package to resolve conflict with IntelligentSearch

3.40.0-stable.0 - 2019-09-04


  • jQuery UI script to header
  • JS/CSS asset cache to single file feature


  • Marked line break implementation for client
  • jQuery theme 1.12.1 folder


  • Patched client action tab from hiding on client view

3.39.0-stable.0 - 2019-07-15


  • Project column to the WHMCS Support Tickets list

3.38.0-stable.0 - 2019-06-11


  • Notification plugin Check All UI
  • Plugin Disable/Enable events to plugin save operation
  • Root app path to the asset lookup path (allow asset paths like /plugin/example/inc/admin.css)


  • Segmented notificaiton plugin css to be included only when loading project/plugin form


  • Notification plugin alert ID collision
  • Fixed project activity widget duplicate column display

3.37.0-stable.0 - 2019-04-18


  • JS Error on client home from projectactivity widget


  • Updated projectactivity widget to use admin/client view file

3.36.0-stable.0 - 2019-04-18


  • CSS styling collapsing multiple line select boxes
  • Gantt date patch causing shifted display


  • Flipped the Assigned / Managed fields on the Action edit dialog

3.35.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-09


  • Added Save & New button to the Action Edit dialog (previously on New records only)


  • Language key encoding for utf8 support


  • InvoicePaid operation no longer needed for service module operation

3.34.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-09


  • Added Save & New button to the Action Edit dialog (previously on New records only)


  • Adjusted layout of Action Edit form to compress height

3.33.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-07


  • Added sanitation to the project status values injected on the row wrapper on project lists


  • Patched FA implementation

3.32.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-01


  • Added utf8 output formatting to project list items on server module


  • Project Copy operation error
  • Funky .form-control and .btn styles introduces with standalone bootstrap css

3.31.2-stable.0 - 2019-02-22


  • Action copy modal language
  • FontAwesome ruleset to mainmenu block

3.31.1-stable.0 - 2019-02-22


  • Styles on client widget


  • Bootstrap noConflict implementation error affects WHMCS 7.5 users

3.31.0-stable.0 - 2019-02-20


  • Added Apply to All operation to the notification plugin configuration page


  • Refactored project copy to use new event model


  • Patched broken email notification on ticket reply/close event behavior
  • Removed incomplete flagged, status, priority ticket notification events

3.30.1-stable.0 - 2019-02-18


  • Action tree asset column update on row change


  • Patch js for YUI ES5 compressor
  • Resolved TicketAdminReply ticket object error

3.30.0-stable.0 - 2019-02-18


  • Added action copy feature (currently from project action tree view only)
  • Added portable jquery-ui
  • Added action copy/move button
  • Added bootstrap button styles to several admin views
  • Added ticket, file, and topic count badges to the action tree view
  • Added table_onAfterCopy_Action, table_onAfterCopy_File, table_onAfterCopy_Topic, and table_onAfterCopy_Timelog events


  • Improved display of the duration graph and elapsed column in action tree view
  • Improved file, topic, timelog list sorting


  • Resolved bootstrap / jquery-ui conflict in blend theme

3.29.0-stable.0 - 2019-02-16


  • Added client dashboard project widget
  • Refactored the widget on admin Client Profile > Product view
  • Expanded Notifications plugin
    • Added an alert to notify of ticket replies to project related tickets
    • Added defa notification settings to plugin configuration which are applied to new projects
  • Expanded ticket activity listeners
    • Added notification on project related ticket reply
    • Activity date update propagation on ticket reply
  • Added client, project, action, and LANG variable translation to client project/action detail view


  • Added pagetemplate value to admin Smarty instance
  • Added missing headoutput, headeroutput, and footeroutput values to the admin Smarty instance
  • Added hosting environment detail display on Addon jump page
  • Expanded the Action permission handler to allow limited administrators to create child actions on permitted parent actions
  • Added visible option selector to the File and Discussion thread forms
  • Added checkbox to include archived projects in the Client Profile > Projects tab instead of showing them by default
  • Added markdown note editing to the gantt view
  • Added a timer start/stop button to the Project List view and Projects with Recent Activity widget
  • Added a client area Project Activity dashboard widget
  • Refactored the Related Project section displayed on the Products/Services admin view to use the standard Project List view and incldue a dialog to Create a new project from a Project Template
  • Added aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt helper methods to common class
  • Added getFailedResults and getSuccessfulResults methods to dispatch class
  • Added missing SystemURL value to the email Smarty instance
  • Added support for clearAssign method for Smarty v3
  • Added global Smarty class usage before attempting to use WHMCS\Smarty wrapper
  • Added interpolate method to the html class for string variable replacement
  • Added encoder to the OTA update object
  • Added getConfig method to the otaupdate class
  • Added client, project, action, and LANG interpolation to the client Project and Action views
  • Added Project/Action notifications on related Ticket replies
  • Added optional anonymous usage statistic report with license check
  • Added portable fontawesome 4.7 font library
  • Added portable bootstrap 4.1 css library
  • Added system_beforeSendEmail event


  • Updated the project notification plugin to apply default alert options when creating new projects
  • Modified "Check Again" behavior on Addon jump page
  • Modified version / dashboard language on Addon jump page
  • Modified htaccess example to include SymLink options optional
  • Modified htaccess example to expand the optional attachment file types
  • Replaced global hook methods with pseudo hook closures
  • Changed language from "Create Thread" to "Upload File" and "Start Discussion"
  • Changed style injection method to support WHMCS 7.5+


  • WHMCS legacy intallation validation functionality


  • Added lookup for ticket, topic, and file record details when missing before notification emails are generated
  • New project restriction on Notification options
  • Alert defaults on new project
  • Smarty assignment of variable objects during email html generation


v3.28.2-stable.0 Released April 10th, 2018

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  • Bug: Error with timelog sync of ticket client


  • Feature: Added option to disable deletion or projects on service termination


  • Bug: Patch failure to terminate when deletion disabled


  • Bug: Moved signature injection to precede the email {$footer}
  • Bug: Error with ticket associating when created from project
  • Feature: Lara theme menu enhancements
  • Feature: Ability to lock timelogs after they have been completed
  • Feature: Chosen select search added to ticket association select


  • Feature: Added Markdown translation to Client Project details
  • Fundamental: Improved Client Tab CSS
  • Fundamental: Added Carbon to Smarty for WHMCS v7.5 compliance


  • Bug: Patch register of admin/client hook isolation


  • Fundamental: Update spanish languages
  • Fundamental: Compile for Ioncube 10 compatibility


v3.24.2-stable.0 Released January 6th, 2018

View/hide detailed changelog


- Bug: patch modified date in file thread list
- Bug: patch api request parsing error
- Fundamental: improved file cache handling for load performance
- Fundamental: added template to notification mail error message


- Bug: Remove invalid admin_onRenderTicketProjectTabForm event from example plugin
- Bug: Patch YAML parser on CDN plugin
- Bug: Patch script include parameter handler in html class
- Feature: Added automatic timelog start or dialog open on Ticket view
- Feature: Added automatic timelog stop on AdminLogout event
- Fundamental: Added wbTeamPro_Common::parseYaml( $yamlString ) handler


- Feature: Markdown display on Project / Action notes


- Bug: Patch admin role update logic in whmcs module definition


- Bug: Missing project_id in timelog trigger response
- Bug: Fix Lara 7.4.1 timelog dialog integration
- Fundamental: Validate project, inherit user on timelog start


- Bug: Patch timelog client grouping discrepancy
- Feature: Added Polish language 
- Feature: Added Archived filter to the Timelog list
- Fundamental: Removed WHMCS\Cron object dependency during cron operation


v3.20.2-stable.0 Released July 27th, 2017

View/hide detailed changelog


  • Refactored project generation on paid invoice to use the wbteampro server createaccount function, patching double generation error.


  • Patch date filtering on Action/Timelog reports.
  • Patch elapsed filtering on Timelog report.


  • Correct typo on the Timelog report filter


  • Reverse changes made to initialization that affected the class load requirements. Temporary patch, needs to be permanent consideration applied.


  • Added config lookup of default value definition for project table fields during project creation. Will move this operation to standard table class method. $default = config(table.{tablename}.column.{fieldname}.default_value)


  • Patch action tree lookup query. Bug causing only root node to be allowed when re-assigning action parent.


  • Patch project_timelog_elapsed field renderer to correct broken link


  • Patch batch action date edit (was not parsing custom date formats)


  • Patch admin template Smarty datepickerformat value assignment


  • Modified initDatePicker js library method to support multiple fields within the same parent container


  • Patch client ticket submission affecting custom attachment directories
  • Patch error on topic list links
  • Reduced timeout on license check connection errors
  • Patch ajaxSelector to abort if provided empty element


  • Patch the loading of plugin autoload.php & hooks.php files


  • Add missing Timelog field definitions
  • Update API to reduce repeat field definitions


  • Added a New Action from Ticket feature
  • Implemented jquery.selectize for select dialogs


  • Replaced jquery.selectize with jquery.chosen
  • Updated email handler to correct some SMTP auth usage


  • Applied new wbOTAUpdate logic (pending final OTA specs)
  • Modified Smarty usage for WHMCS v7 compliance
  • Update SMTP handler timeout to 10sec
  • Patch SMTP handler bug
  • Patch client breadcrump bug
  • Some client view cleanup / bootstrap compliance
  • Remove all selectize js content from package


  • Repackaged with Ioncube 9.0, PHP 5.6


  • Added compiler environment to OTA request


  • Added validation for multiple system paths to allow for symlinked installations
  • Patched wbSession js error
  • Patched project edit product selection visibility in template
  • Patched error in timelog start permission on action list
  • Added date formatting to date start/finish on project details tab
  • Removed old selectize header include (missed from 3.11.0)


  • Added asset stack to html class
  • Added event admin_onBeforeHeaderOutput
  • Added event client_onBeforeHeaderOutput
  • Added CDN plugin to override assets


  • Added Spanish translations


  • Added WBTEAMPRO_REQUEST constant defined on direct wbteampro requests
  • Added client/views/blocks/header view to allow customization of assets


  • Patch Spanish client translation
  • Modified license validation to work more graciously with WHMCS Multibrand addon


  • Added font-awesome icons to the menu / sidebar
  • Added lara_theme plugin for WHMCS Lara theme compatibility
  • Added layout path overrides to view handler
  • Corrected google visualization glitch on WHMCS Dashboard
  • Implemented safe text/params on data table renderer
  • Patched fatal error on action.list introduced in v3.12.0


  • Removed WHMCS legacy WHMCS compatability from cron/api


  • Feature: Updated project search to include the project_id field
  • Feature: Updated project list view to show the project_id with the name
  • Feature: Added Portuguese admin language file
  • Feature: Implemented the correct date display formats in the client view
  • Fundamental: Deprecated the jQuery timepicker plugin
  • Fundamental: Improved date picker functionality in client views


  • Bug: Improvements to Lara Theme implementation on left menu
  • Bug: Corrected broken project object introduced with v3.13


  • Feature: Added client tab display filter to hide tabs with no content
  • Feature: Added wbTimeLog curernt balance on Timer dialog
  • Feature: Added french admin language
  • Fundamental: Modified override autoloader to also find autoload.php


  • Bug: Patch activeTab identification after plugin tab injection on project view
  • Fundamental: Isolated timelog model group handler for hook injection
  • Bug: Resolve warning message on html table handler
  • Fundamental: Added tabId to new js tabs
  • Bug: Redirect to Login on invalid session


  • Bug: Hide merged tickets from the ticket linking selector list on the ticket list view
  • Bug: Corrected the Gantt scrolling error that would occur after storing an action
  • Bug: Corrected date formatting error that would occur after the client action edit form is submitted
  • Fundamental: Removed global use of $admin, $adminId, $client, $clientId, $contact, $contactId


  • Bug: Patched error detecting valid wbTimeLog js object instance
  • Bug: Patched the client and ticket columns on the timelog report
  • Feature: Modified Action, Project, and Timelog reports to render raw date / duration values on export
  • Feature: Moved the Action, Project, and Timelog report title/description values to the admin language for customization


  • Bug: Patch missing admin / client / contact default smarty values for email templates


  • Bug: Patch load order issue with sub-action widgets that depend on parent widget
  • Feature: Implemented initial version of RTL language styles
  • Fundamental: Updated permission restrictions for setup and plugins when in demo mode


  • Bug: Patch recursive event break affecting nested action deletion
  • Bug: Patch ticket counters department filter
  • Feature: Added system_onBeforeStore_Config and system_onBeforeDelet_config events
  • Feature: Added logging of system configuration changes to the log plugin
  • Fundamental: PHP v7 compatability


  • Bug: Event Dispatch recursive check serialization error (temporarily disabled)
  • Bug: Manual Cron login redirect resolved
  • Bug: Removed debug code from client ticket create event


  • Bug: Patch client contact name handler error when including CompanyName


  • Lara Theme plugin style updates
  • Blend Theme mobile style compatability updates


  • Bug: Add missing project_id to timelog trigger response
  • Bug: Adjusted asset display in project view header
  • Bug: Removed missed legagy global $admin, $adminId, $client usage
  • Feature: Added Project timer dialog to project view
  • Feature: Added table view for CSV files for admin and client
  • Feature: Added 'jpeg' to known image types for inline display
  • Feature: Added drag/drop file to file thread view
  • Feature: Improved the file thread layout
  • Feature: Improved Timer dialog responsive layouts
  • Fundamental: Added wbTeamPro_Common::getFileViewType( $file );
  • Fundamental: Added wbTeamPro_Common::renderFileViewHtml( $file );
  • Fundamental: Started migration of icons to font-awesome


  • Bug: Patch security on storage of permitted user from WHMCS Addons manager


  • Bug: Implemented temporary patch to alleviate MySQL 5.7 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY errors


v3.7.37.0 Released March 21st, 2016

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Changelog and Feature Tracker can be found @


See also

cPanel DNS Manager Module for WHMCS

cPanel DNS Manager for WHMCS is an addon module which allows customers who have only domain names without a hosting package to manage DNS zones of their domain names.

Project Management Addon

Track and Bill for your Projects using WHMCS


CyberESXI is a module designed for hosting companies using the WHMCS system. With Esx Addon, you can enable your clients to manage the virtual servers you created with Vmware ESX, ESXi software.

Full SEO Module for WHMCS

Full SEO Module on WHMCS Marketplace: Meta, Canonical, SEF URL, Robots, hreflang

Enhanced Support System

Enhanced Support System brings you an alternative support experience with clear department layout and ticket counts for each ticket status in every department.
