Released February 17th, 2025
Latest Version
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.12 support
- Improvement: Changed invoice descriptions format from single-line text to a text-area, allowing for multi-line invoice descriptions - case #415
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Bug Fix: Fixed "Call to undefined function TimeTaskManager_isWHMCS6()" error that could appear when accessing the "Integration Code" section - case #418
Previous Versions
Released October 4th, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.11 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Improvement: Improved loading speed of the "Billing" tab with numerous entries added - case #411
- Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
Released February 7th, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 and V8.9 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Bug Fix: When setting up a new task with time entry, its default calendar date will be now properly obtained from the server time instead of browser time - case #404
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "Unsupported operand types" error that could occur when trying to renew the module's product with assigned configurable options on PHP 8.1 server - case #398
- Bug Fix: Added translation records for missing "Normal Rate" and "Extra Rate" terms for time entries - case #397
- Bug Fix: Fixed "Argument #1 ($num) must be of type float" error that might have occurred when leaving the "Hourly Rate" and "Extra Hourly Rate" fields empty in new task details - case #395
Released January 20th, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 and V8.7 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem with the newly created task and added time entries that were displayed as "0 hours 0 minutes" on the "Work Sheet"
- Bug Fix: Assorted corrections related to the method of charging tasks based on prepaid incidents
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and UI adjustments
Released March 24th, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
- New Feature: Added option to automatically set status of invoices created from the task list to "Draft" - case #363
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
Released October 29th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem with adding the time entry even when its value was set to "00:00" - case #356
Released July 30th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
- Changed: "Closed Tasks" in the client area will now contain only the last 10 records to speed up the page loading - case #352
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
Released April 14th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with loading a script if all tasks were closed (note: updating integration code is required) - case #343
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "Unexpected Error Alert" that might have shown up when the task description contained certain non-Latin characters - case #344
- Bug Fix: Resolved compatibility problems with the Safari web browser - case #347
Released August 27th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Bug Fix: Fixed case that might have caused displaying the incorrect number of entries on the billing page list - case #335
- Bug Fix: Corrected issue that might have blocked the generation of reports for certain date range formats - case #336
- Bug Fix: Added missing translations for the "Support Hours", "Development Hours", "Installation Hours" and "Incidents" entries to the language file - case #337
Released May 8th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: The "Extra Hourly Rate" will be now properly fulfilled with a default value when creating a new task - case #314
- Bug Fix: Corrected typo in the "Default Hourly Rate" field name - case #319
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with loading the proper "Date Rage" fields values when other than the "Y/m/d" date format used - case #323
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue that might have caused "Hourly Rate" field value to disappear as soon as the task details page is loaded - case #326
- Bug Fix: Resolved case where the module did not add new hours for renewal when the "Delete Hours On Renew" option was unchecked - case #288, #329
Released January 17th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
- Improvement: You can now use single "-" character in the "Invoice Description Format" fields to hide them from the generated invoices - case #306
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with using built-in WHMCS search engine in the admin area when the page with ticket was opened - case #309
- Bug Fix: Other minor corrections
Released October 25th, 2019
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.8 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
- Bug Fix: Corrected issue that might have caused the "Too few arguments to function" error during the cron execution - case #303
- Bug Fix: Solved problems with invalid time intervals when the date format used in the date range picker was different than the one provided in reports or billing filters
- Bug Fix: Corrected problem with the loading of jQuery library on the ticket view integration in the admin area - case #304
- Bug Fix: Adjusted display of currencies for pricing rates - case #290
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem which could have changed the new hours entry details in the "Work Sheet" section, e.g. from 0:20 to 0:19 - case #289
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with adding the new time entry in the ticket view when simultaneously submitting a reply - case #285
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "500" error in the browser's console when suspending or terminating a product in the admin area section - case #284
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released March 22nd, 2019
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
- Improvement: Open and Closed Tasks widgets in the client area will no longer be displayed for clients who do not have any tasks - case #276
- Improvement: Added possibility to use integers, comma and dot separators in the hours time entries instead of using the "00:00" format only - case #268, #275
- Improvement: Added recalculation script that can be used when the number of client's remaining prepaid hours is greater than the number of actually bought hours - case #261
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- Bug Fix: Fixed case with integers provided as invoice due date, that might have caused the date being set to "1970-01-01" - case #281
- Bug Fix: Removed unnecessary "h" letter from the Hours column of Queued Entries and "hours" word from the invoice entries descriptions
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with providing dates in a different than the default WHMCS format that caused them to be reset to the "1970" date in various situations - case #267, #273
- Bug Fix: Solved problem with "Hours Price" being displayed with 0.00 value if the time entry value was entered in other formats than an integer - case #272
- Bug Fix: When adding a task from a ticket, the "Ticket Number" will be now used on the invoice entries description instead of the "Ticket ID" - case #270
- Bug Fix: Opening or hiding the admin area sidebar will now result in adjusting the module tables width accordingly - case #269
- Bug Fix: If the invoice due date is not provided, it will be now set based on the general WHMCS settings, instead of being set to the current day - case #282
- Bug Fix: Minor code corrections
Released December 6th, 2018
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- Improvement: Minutes in the hourly balance will now be displayed as the exact number of minutes instead of a decimal value of an hour- case #250
- Bug Fix: Fixed adding time entries in global date formats different than DD/MM/YYYYY - case #251
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue with too long aSort parameter that might have caused the server to return "403 forbidden" error response - case #252
- Bug Fix: Approving or rejecting previous or future time entries on the work sheet will no longer cause the calendar to switch back to the current date - case #257
- Bug Fix: The "Prepaid Incidents" row will be now hidden in the client area if no default values are given for its operation - case #258
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue with adding new time entries to already closed tickets - case #259
- Bug Fix: Report generated for a ticket will now correctly show all entries instead of these from the last month only - case #260
- Bug Fix: Resolved case with changing the support client in the Billing section filter that might have ended with an "unexpected error" message - case #262
- Bug Fix: Eliminated errors occurring in the WHMCS Module Queue caused by renewing the module prepaids - case #264
Released August 3rd, 2018
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- Bug Fix: Resolved conflict with the jQuery library that might have occurred when using a certain custom module
Released July 5th, 2018
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- Bug Fix: Eliminated invalid 01/01/1970 record set for the invoice due date when the MM/DD/YYYY date format was chosen in the WHMCS general settings
- Bug Fix: Corrected display of missing time entries in billing records after upgrading the module from the previous version
- Bug Fix: Resolved 'Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'autocountticket' in 'field list'' error that might have occurred after upgrading the module from much older versions
- Bug Fix: Eliminated 'unexpected error' occurring in the billing section after checking the 'Only Not Queued' option - case #246
- Bug Fix: Solved problem with the 'Delete Hours On Renew' option that might not always have been applied properly upon product renewal - case #245
- Bug Fix: The hours balance should no longer overwrite the client's affiliate commissions balance - case #247
Released May 18th, 2018
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- Bug Fix: Eliminated problems with a manually stopped timer that might have led to a loss of calculated time - case #232
- Bug Fix: Fixed problems with editing a time entry after the WHMCS data format was changed - case #231
Released April 13th, 2018
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.5 support
- New Feature: PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
- New Feature: 'Accept All Time Entries' option to automatically mark all new time entries as verified
- Bug Fix: If the 'Close Task If Ticket Is Closed' option is enabled, the related task no longer remains 'In Progress' after the ticket is closed - case #226
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with incorrect HTML formatting in email notifications - case #218
- Bug Fix: The timer will no longer start automatically if the ticket is opened with a task assigned - case #219
Released March 12th, 2018
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- Bug Fix: Blocked loading of the timer if a ticket has no user ID assigned
- Bug Fix: Assorted corrections to the module upgrade
Released November 22nd, 2017
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- New Feature: Display a counter with balance of available or exceeded hours in the client area
- New Feature: Create a default task with predefined hourly rates, status and urgency directly from a ticket view
- New Feature: Decide whether a time entry should be billed on the invoice
- New Feature: Choose whether a task should be closed automatically when a ticket related to it is replied and closed
- New Feature: Define if the counter should start automatically when adding a task in the ticket view
- New Feature: Stop the counter in the ticket view without replying to it
- New Feature: Change the task status using dropdown directly from the task list
- Improvement: Queued entries are now displaying task priorities in a relevant color
- Improvement: Performing actions in the Billing section will now display statuses without the page refreshing
- Improvement: After adding a new task from the ticket view, you will now be redirected back to that ticket instead of a task list
- Improvement: Added hyperlinks to client names redirecting to their WHMCS profiles
- Improvement: Added various validations in forms for incorrect numerical formats or too long text entries
- Improvement: Added sorting in numerous tables
- Improvement: Assorted UI improvements
- Removed: Sorting of the 'Prepaid' column
- Changed: Invoices created by a cron job will now have a due date taken from the WHMCS settings
- Changed: Task created from a ticket view will now have 'In Progress' status by default
- Changed: 'Hide Closed Tasks' filter on the task list will now be enabled by default
- Bug Fix: The hourly rate for a predefined task will now be provided in the correct currency
- Bug Fix: Blocked possibility of changing 'Support Client' by replacing HTML attributes
- Bug Fix: Corrected indentations and Unicode characters formatting in PDF reports
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with the incorrect recharge of prepaid hours upon the renewal of products of the same type
- Bug Fix: Solved issue that prevented access to a task after entering an invalid date
- Bug Fix: Minor code corrections
Released July 3rd, 2017
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.2 support
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue related to 'PDO Wrapper' fatal error
- Bug Fix: Corrected display of entry descriptions for closed tasks
- Bug Fix: Minor code alterations
Released January 18th, 2017
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- New Feature: Enable auto credit applying on invoice generation
- New Feature: Generate zero invoices for prepaid entries
Released August 22nd, 2016
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- Changed: Rebranded from 'Time Tracking Center For WHMCS' to 'Time & Task Manager For WHMCS'
Released January 27th, 2016
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- New Feature: Bill for time spent on solving tickets
- New Feature: Define task urgency
- New Feature: Define 'Extra Hourly Rate' per task
- New Feature: Decide if prepaid hours should be reset each month
- New Feature: Reset prepaid hours of recurring product each month
- New Feature: Edit number of hours & incidents pre-purchased per client
- New Feature: Edit billable items
- New Feature: Define product to which 'Buy Additional Hours' is linked
- Improvement: Minor tweaks
- Bug Fix: Minor fixes
Maximilian Louis Merg @maximilianlouis6309
The “Time & Task Manager” module is a real enrichment for my company. Our work processes are optimized efficiently and we not only save a lot of time, but also money. I can definitely give it a recommendation.
Charles W @charles4160
This module has been excellent for invoicing customers for billable time and supports prepaid support hours - something that WHMCS does not seem to offer natively.
supremes @supremes6646
No comment provided.
Customer Dan @dan4998
This is the best so far I see.
JJ Moberly @jj9565
Useful tool for billing tasks that are tied to tickets. Also allows your customer to track the time in their portal you spent almost like a project manager.
Jacobus van Niekerk @jacobus6976
Great product to help us keep track of time spent on support. Very easy to setup and use. Love the monthly reports to help check where what time was spend. Keep it up
Richard Jones @RJones
"Snap up Time & Task Manager For WHMCS to adopt the winning formula for handling scheduled tasks and collecting customer payments!" --- verified! this works. great module!!! A++++
Jason Detar @jdetar
We started using this product last month and it works great for helping us better manage time for client requests on a per incident/ticket basis. Billing integration and the analytics it provides makes it well worth the cost
Tyson Buck @tyson5271
Very useful when billing for hourly works. Also helps us stay on track of deadlines and best use of time. Thanks guys great work!