Cancellation Manager

Cancellation Manager

Developed By Plambee

Compatible with WHMCS v8.8

Of course you do not like cancellations as a provider, but they are a part of every business.

WHMCS’s own cancellation system offers the customer the possibility to cancel immediately or at the end of the billing cycle. What for the customer might be to the advantage, is not always feasible for the provider. Often it is only possible through longer contract periods and deadlines to offer the customer the product at the price indicated. Our Cancellation Manager replaces WHMCS ‘ own cancellation system and allows you to save your own minimum contract periods and deadlines for each product. In the customer area, the customer then sees the next possible termination dates. Template changes are required.


  • Deposit of a notice period per product / addon / domain
  • Deposit of a minimum contract term per product / addon /domain
  • Possibility that the admin can deposit a notice about the module surface
  • the customer has 5 termination dates
  • the customer can revoke a cancellation via the customer area
  • The customer receives an email confirmation upon termination including termination date
  • The customer receives a confirmation if he takes the notice back
  • Customer receives confirmation when the admin withdraws a cancellation for the customer
  • Possibility of products being blocked at the time of termination and terminated after X days (adjustable per product)
  • Optional e-mail notification to the admin if a termination is due in X days
  • Optional reminder email to the customer if a product / addon is terminated in X days
  • Possibility also to cancel addons
  • Option that the contract term corresponds to the billing interval
  • Option that the notice period and contract term can be set using the Config option
  • Possibility that the termination is no longer revocable via the customer area X days before the termination date (for example, because the product is purchased externally and you want to avoid communication problems at the weekend)
  • All customer emails are customizable via template
  • The module interface and the customer area are multilingual
  • Adjustment of the invoice amount for products with ProRata billing (the last month is calculated pro rata)
  • Creation of a ProRata invoice if the customer should revoke a termination
  • Customize the Admin Widget to show the number of cancellations
  • Ability to indicate when the product was canceled on the clientareaproductdetails.tpl
  • Compatible to WHMCS 8.6 - 8.8
  • Compatible to PHP 7.4 & 8.1



5 stars
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1 star

Rico Roth. @rico3933

October 24, 2023 at 08:40:35 AM

Does exactly what it should. Great plugin!

  • 11 months ago

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.8

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By Plambee


v2.4.0 Released October 9th, 2023

Latest Version

  • Support for WHMCS 8.8 added
  • Support for WHMCS < 8.6 removed
  • Status of a terminated domain was not updated in the module


Previous Versions

v2.3.0 Released April 13th, 2023

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  • WHMCS 8.7 support added
  • Cron for deleting terminations that have already been carried out added
  • Error in the termination reminder to the customer fixed
  • Support for WHMCS < 8.5 removed


v2.2.0 Released January 3rd, 2023

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  • WHMCS 8.6 support added
  • PHP 8.1 support added
  • Option to cancel subscription payments in case of product cancellations (provided the gateway supports this)
  • Option to receive an admin notification when the customer has revoked a cancellation
  • Option that products can be terminated at the end of the prorata period
  • Correction for cancellations when using the trial function
  • Fix when cancelling a domain cancellation from the admin area
  • WHMCS 8.2 support removed
  • Requires IonCube Loader 12


v2.1.2 Released September 16th, 2022

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  • Under special circumstances, a TimeOut occurred when using ConfigOptions in the customer area.


v2.1.0 Released June 24th, 2022

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  • Support for WHMCS 8.5 added
  • Storage of the time when a termination request is received


v2.0.1 Released May 13th, 2022

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  • When using the standard deadlines, it was not possible to revoke the termination via the customer area


v2.0.0 Released May 5th, 2022

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  • Added: Possibility to set deadlines for domain cancellations
  • Added: Possibility to set fixed termination dates, e.g. 7 days for test accesses
  • Added: Added e-mail dispatch for reminders of expiring test accesses
  • Added: Prorata support for addons
  • Added: Option to overwrite the termination date for terminations as admin (e.g. for goodwill cases)
  • Added: Option to deposit a second term for products, after a first main term
  • Changed: Rebuild of the programme logic to improve compatibility with external modules
  • Changed: Revised settings menu in the runtimes for a better overview
  • Removed: WHMCS 8.0 support
  • Removed: WHMCS 8.1 support


v1.8.0 Released October 26th, 2020

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  • WHMCS 8.0 support added
  • PHP 7.4 support added
  • Possibility to define default values for notice period and contract terms, which are valid if no separate terms are defined for the product


v1.7.0 Released July 20th, 2020

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  • change cancellation status if product/addon was cancelled manually
  • change the cancellation status in the cron if product/addon was cancelled manually, if it was cancelled manually before version 1.7 or manually via db
  • Removed WHMCS 7.7 Support (EOL since 01.02.2020)


v1.6.3 Released March 22nd, 2020

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  • Missing Addonname in the cancellation confirmation to the Admin


v1.6.2 Released February 10th, 2020

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  • Error message for orders with purely free products fixed


v1.6.1 Released February 3rd, 2020

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  • Fixed an error from 1.6.0 regarding the cancellation redemption


v1.6.0 Released February 3rd, 2020

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  • Fixed when withdrawing a notice
  • Option to deactivate the own status, if this function is not used
  • Support for WHMCS < 7.7 removed
  • Support for PHP < 7.1 removed


v1.5.3 Released December 14th, 2019

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  • Missing date in the confirmation mail if a cancellation has been revoked via the customer area
  • The variable {$report_date} is now also available for the e-mail of the cancellation revocation.


v1.5.2 Released December 3rd, 2019

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  • WHMCS support < 7.6 removed
  • Reduced workload for the WHMCS Cronjob
  • Error with the currency recognition if a product was cancelled but the domain was not and this then becomes liable to pay costs
  • Error message if the module should create a Proportional Invoice


v1.5.0 Released September 4th, 2019

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  • Update Bootstrap-select to the latest version
  • Manual start of the hookpoint "AddonTerminated" for addon announcements
  • When cancelling the main product, add-ons were not canceled
  • WHMCS 7.8 support


v1.4.0 Released August 7th, 2019

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  • Highlighting of the cancellation date in the admin area
  • Option to be able to set a flag for your own status (for example, to define whether the product was canceled at the supplier). There are 5 flags available, the descriptions can be changed using lang file.
  • Display of a notice of termination in the admin area in the product view as the WHMCS own termination system (yellow alert with information)
  • Check whether the Config Options are configured in the product for the deadlines, otherwise display a message to prevent endless loading.
  • Addons that have already been cancelled were displayed in the customer area with the date selection for cancellation.


v1.3.7 Released May 20th, 2019

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  • If no configuration was available in the module for a discontinued product, the product was not discontinued.
  • If a product is cancelled without a module connection, the date when the cancellation was carried out is now stored in the product.


v1.3.6 Released April 23rd, 2019

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  • Change of the sorting order in the admin area, with the waiting cancellations next cancellations are at the top, with the accomplished cancellations the last ones.
  • Empty customer area in case of licensing problems
  • Display of the number of waiting notices in the module header


v1.3.4 Released April 2nd, 2019

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  • 500er error with products in connection with half-yearly account and the setting deadline = account period
  • Import also imported already terminated products


v1.3.3 Released March 5th, 2019

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  • Fixed Message "Table 'admin_kundencenter.mod_cancellation_manager' doesn't exist"


v1.3.2 Released March 1st, 2019

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  • Products without module connection are now also canceled


v1.3.1 Released February 18th, 2019

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  • If the customer deposits the cancellation also for the domain, but the cancellation is to be carried out only in e.g. 2 years, the domain was nevertheless immediately set to Don't Autorenew.


v1.3.0 Released February 11th, 2019

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  • WHMCS 7.7 Support
  • PHP 7.3 Support


v1.2.0 Released January 9th, 2019

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  • New variable for the clientareaproductdetails.tpl to display the period of notice (e.g. "Period of notice 14 days")
  • New variable for the clientareaproductdetails.tpl to display the contract duration (e.g. "Contract duration 12 months")
  • Fixed in the customer and product search
  • Support for WHMCS 7.2 discontinued


v1.1.2 Released December 15th, 2018

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  • Template error fixed
  • Under certain conditions the button to revoke the cancellation was not displayed


v1.1.1 Released October 29th, 2018

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  • Error messages when saving a deadline fixed
  • If the customer had only 1 product, no cancellation date was displayed in the admin area if you wanted to deposit a notice.


v1.1.0 Released October 18th, 2018

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  • Additional setting option that you can deposit a separate contract period per billing cycle
  • In the table in the admin area where the cancellations are listed, a "Canceled at" column has been added.
  • Import function to import terminations stored at WHMCS into the module
  • Details page for existing deadlines
  • For addons you can now also define further settings for the contract period


v1.0.0 Released September 26th, 2018

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  • initial Version


See also

w2x for Xero

Synchronise your invoices, Contacts, Products and Payments with Xero

QuickBooks Online For WHMCS

Integrate your financial data stored in WHMCS into QuickBooks Online.

KashFlow Accounting

Automatically transfer your billing & transaction history to KashFlow

Zero Invoice Management

Avoid sending notifications or creation of 0€ Invoices

Payment Gateway Fees & Allocator

Payment Gateway Fees & Allocator
