Released December 4th, 2024
Latest Version
- Support for WHMCS 8.11 added
- Support for PHP 8.2 added
- Support for WHMCS < 8.8 removed
- Need IonCube Loader 13
Previous Versions
Released October 9th, 2023
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- Support for WHMCS 8.8 added
- Support for WHMCS < 8.6 removed
- Status of a terminated domain was not updated in the module
Released April 13th, 2023
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- WHMCS 8.7 support added
- Cron for deleting terminations that have already been carried out added
- Error in the termination reminder to the customer fixed
- Support for WHMCS < 8.5 removed
Released January 3rd, 2023
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- WHMCS 8.6 support added
- PHP 8.1 support added
- Option to cancel subscription payments in case of product cancellations (provided the gateway supports this)
- Option to receive an admin notification when the customer has revoked a cancellation
- Option that products can be terminated at the end of the prorata period
- Correction for cancellations when using the trial function
- Fix when cancelling a domain cancellation from the admin area
- WHMCS 8.2 support removed
- Requires IonCube Loader 12
Released September 16th, 2022
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- Under special circumstances, a TimeOut occurred when using ConfigOptions in the customer area.
Released June 24th, 2022
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- Support for WHMCS 8.5 added
- Storage of the time when a termination request is received
Released May 13th, 2022
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- When using the standard deadlines, it was not possible to revoke the termination via the customer area
Released May 5th, 2022
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- Added: Possibility to set deadlines for domain cancellations
- Added: Possibility to set fixed termination dates, e.g. 7 days for test accesses
- Added: Added e-mail dispatch for reminders of expiring test accesses
- Added: Prorata support for addons
- Added: Option to overwrite the termination date for terminations as admin (e.g. for goodwill cases)
- Added: Option to deposit a second term for products, after a first main term
- Changed: Rebuild of the programme logic to improve compatibility with external modules
- Changed: Revised settings menu in the runtimes for a better overview
- Removed: WHMCS 8.0 support
- Removed: WHMCS 8.1 support
Released October 26th, 2020
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- WHMCS 8.0 support added
- PHP 7.4 support added
- Possibility to define default values for notice period and contract terms, which are valid if no separate terms are defined for the product
Released July 20th, 2020
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- change cancellation status if product/addon was cancelled manually
- change the cancellation status in the cron if product/addon was cancelled manually, if it was cancelled manually before version 1.7 or manually via db
- Removed WHMCS 7.7 Support (EOL since 01.02.2020)
Released February 3rd, 2020
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- Fixed when withdrawing a notice
- Option to deactivate the own status, if this function is not used
- Support for WHMCS < 7.7 removed
- Support for PHP < 7.1 removed
Released December 14th, 2019
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- Missing date in the confirmation mail if a cancellation has been revoked via the customer area
- The variable {$report_date} is now also available for the e-mail of the cancellation revocation.
Released December 3rd, 2019
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- WHMCS support < 7.6 removed
- Reduced workload for the WHMCS Cronjob
- Error with the currency recognition if a product was cancelled but the domain was not and this then becomes liable to pay costs
- Error message if the module should create a Proportional Invoice
Released September 4th, 2019
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- Update Bootstrap-select to the latest version
- Manual start of the hookpoint "AddonTerminated" for addon announcements
- When cancelling the main product, add-ons were not canceled
- WHMCS 7.8 support
Released August 7th, 2019
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- Highlighting of the cancellation date in the admin area
- Option to be able to set a flag for your own status (for example, to define whether the product was canceled at the supplier). There are 5 flags available, the descriptions can be changed using lang file.
- Display of a notice of termination in the admin area in the product view as the WHMCS own termination system (yellow alert with information)
- Check whether the Config Options are configured in the product for the deadlines, otherwise display a message to prevent endless loading.
- Addons that have already been cancelled were displayed in the customer area with the date selection for cancellation.
Released May 20th, 2019
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- If no configuration was available in the module for a discontinued product, the product was not discontinued.
- If a product is cancelled without a module connection, the date when the cancellation was carried out is now stored in the product.
Released April 23rd, 2019
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- Change of the sorting order in the admin area, with the waiting cancellations next cancellations are at the top, with the accomplished cancellations the last ones.
- Empty customer area in case of licensing problems
- Display of the number of waiting notices in the module header
Released April 2nd, 2019
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- 500er error with products in connection with half-yearly account and the setting deadline = account period
- Import also imported already terminated products
Released March 5th, 2019
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- Fixed Message "Table 'admin_kundencenter.mod_cancellation_manager' doesn't exist"
Released February 18th, 2019
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- If the customer deposits the cancellation also for the domain, but the cancellation is to be carried out only in e.g. 2 years, the domain was nevertheless immediately set to Don't Autorenew.
Released January 9th, 2019
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- New variable for the clientareaproductdetails.tpl to display the period of notice (e.g. "Period of notice 14 days")
- New variable for the clientareaproductdetails.tpl to display the contract duration (e.g. "Contract duration 12 months")
- Fixed in the customer and product search
- Support for WHMCS 7.2 discontinued
Released December 15th, 2018
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- Template error fixed
- Under certain conditions the button to revoke the cancellation was not displayed
Released October 29th, 2018
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- Error messages when saving a deadline fixed
- If the customer had only 1 product, no cancellation date was displayed in the admin area if you wanted to deposit a notice.
Released October 18th, 2018
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- Additional setting option that you can deposit a separate contract period per billing cycle
- In the table in the admin area where the cancellations are listed, a "Canceled at" column has been added.
- Import function to import terminations stored at WHMCS into the module
- Details page for existing deadlines
- For addons you can now also define further settings for the contract period
Rico Roth. @rico3933
Does exactly what it should. Great plugin!