wbAvatax | Avalara AvaTax - Tax Calcuation Integration

wbAvatax | Avalara AvaTax - Tax Calcuation Integration

Developed By Webuddha, Inc.

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Avalara AvaTax for WHMCS

Avalara AvaTax for WHMCS is the all-in-one Address Verification and Tax Calculation module for WHMCS. With Avalara AvaTax for WHMCS your tax calculations are handled automatically via the Avalara AvaTax service, processed uniquely for each order to ensure that your customers are taxed the correct amount based on their order details and region. All transactions are maintained within the Avalara system which are then available for accounting and tax preparation. With Avalara’s Address Verifications service you will always know the accuracy of your customers address information, helping to prevent any future billing and shipping issues. Charge the right sales tax, right away.


This module integrates with several areas of the WHMCS admin and client workflow to provide address validation and tax calculations.

  • Client area order integration: during checkout the client may see tax estimates for their region, and the client order will be updated with tax values queried from Avalara.
  • Admin area invoice & order integration: during order generation or invoice manipulation the Avalara AvaTax system will be queries and taxes automatically applied
  • Admin client profile integration: during profile modification the address will be sent to Avalara for validation, and any recommendation will be presented to be optionally applied to the client
  • Admin area history log: a full history of all requests is stored in the database and can be used to maintain an audit trail or debug the particulars of a tax value
  • Product Code Integration: this module exposes tax code fields in the product and product addon areas of WHMCS so that you may assign the correct tax codes to your products
  • Client Code Integration: this module exposes a tax code field in the client profile so you may assign a taxable rule to the client

Update for 7.7

  • Client-side tax Estimation - Now your client's can see LIVE tax estimations during the checkout* process. *We've integrated the client side tax estimation to work perfectly with the Six template that comes standard with WHMCS.


The configuration of this module is dependent on proper configuration of the nexus and tax code rules within your AvaTax service. Your Avalara account manager can help you to understand and configure the nexus and tax codes to fit your business requirements.

Go to https://billing.holodyn.com/dl.php?type=d&id=46 to download the full configuration documentation for the Avalara Avatax for WHMCS module.


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Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.4
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.0
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.10
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.9
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.6
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.4
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v7.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.0

System Requirements

  • This product requires and valid Avalara Avatax license. https://www.avalara.com/us/en/products/sales-and-use-tax/avatax.html

* Requirements listed are in addition to the WHMCS default system requirements.

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By Webuddha, Inc.


v2.35.0 Released March 26th, 2024

Latest Version

[2.35.0] 2024-03-26


  • PHP 8.1 strict compatibility patches

[2.34.0] 2024-03-13


  • Invalid use of numeric_format

[2.33.0] 2023-05-23


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility patches to licensing and language class

[2.32.0] 2023-05-01


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility patches


Previous Versions

v2.31.0 Released November 15th, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

[2.31.0] 2022-11-15


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility upgrades


v2.30.0 Released August 24th, 2022

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[2.30.0] 2022-08-24


  • Expanded event log field sizes to store data for large invoices


  • VAT Tax custom field selection dialog in config


  • Option to select default WHMCS Tax ID for VAT field
  • Missing admin language for address validation error
  • Tax Exemption flag observance


v2.29.0 Released August 20th, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

[2.29.0] 2021-08-20


  • Improved segmentation of admin only storage behavior


  • Old hooks methods no longer used

[2.28.0] 2021-08-03


  • License Status displayed in Addon Config area
  • TaxCode and Product reference stored with Billable Items
  • Added public method for storing system taxCodes definitions wbAvaTax_Common::storeRelatedTaxCode( $type, $relid, $taxCode, $productId )

[2.27.0] 2021-07-14


  • Changed API address validation field requirements
  • Changed password field in API Sandbox to password type


  • Module license key validation q(SEE DOCS)

[2.26.0] 2021-07-12


  • Made getTax cache usage more aggressive during invoice events (SEE DOCS)


  • Officially included WHMCS 8.2 CartItemsTax event support
  • View detail button to Activity Log
  • Config option support to new client checkout handler
  • Prorate and Prorate Next Cycle handling to new client checkout handler


  • Fixed log data formatter to strip null key characters

[2.25.0] 2021-06-16


  • Memory usage monitor for cron operation, abort if usage over 50%
  • Product config option tax separation for client cart


  • Updated history log post to better acquire creation datetime
  • Changed product addon tax application approach for primary items during CartItemsTax event

[2.24.0] 2021-05-27


  • Updates to cycle / product type handling on client cart invoice preparation

[2.23.0] 2021-05-26


  • Updated billing cycle taxes applied to template vars during checkout
  • Expanded session cart data & matching during CartItemsTax event
  • Billing cycle price determination behavior during cart checkout


  • Client currency lookup during client checkout preparation

[2.22.0] 2021-05-19


  • Fallback tax lookup during CartItemsTax event
  • Flush transient wbavatax session during AfterShoppingCartCheckout event


  • Language in API client & log event definition

[2.21.0] 2021-05-19


  • "Tax" language definition for client area


  • t654491: Double tax conflict during CartItemsTax event
  • Exclude WHMCS tax behavior triggering 0.00 tax total during CartItemsTax event

[2.20.0] 2021-05-12


  • Manual Redo button to the Audit log for Aborted records

[2.19.0] 2021-05-12


  • wbAvaTax_Common::queryTaxOnClientCart() operation for local cart calculation


  • Replaced client checkout getTax behavior to limit requirements to session cart data

[2.18.0] 2021-04-28


  • Implemented temporary WHMCS solution to include tax in Stripe & Paypal intent requests


  • improved address validation response message formatting
  • formatting of ItemCode sent to Avalara
  • postcode implementation styles

[2.17.0] 2021-03-17


  • Updated global $client object usage for WHMCS 8.1.3 order compatability

[2.16.0] 2021-03-04


  • Import / Export for addon configuration


  • Error in success handler causing invalid "Aborted" sync status

[2.15.0] 2021-02-19


  • Language support to address validation modal view


  • Invalid class usage in address validation modal view

[2.14.1] 2021-02-16


  • Consolidate date behavior to follow WHMCS standard

[2.14.0] 2021-02-04


  • Aborted audit sync_status
  • Request handler for Notice level behavior
  • Aborted record reset to the module settings page

[] 2020-08-05


  • setup/Setup line item type handling


  • product price collection from WHMCS ClientAreaPage products array


  • Type on addon id translation during tax collection for calculation

[] 2020-08-05


  • wbAvaTax_Common::redirect( $url ) method
  • wbAvaTax_Common::getClient( $userid ) method
  • wbAvaTax_Common::countryAddressFormat( $validationAddress ) method
  • wbAvaTax_Common::prepareAddressValidationMessage( $validationResponse ) method


  • Improved state selection tabindex implementation
  • Refactored address validation to use Bootstrap modal, provide more fluid & reliable experience, and work with Stripe style gateways


  • fixed typo of Exclusive tax type default used with connector

[] 2020-05-14


  • Replaced DISABLE configuration language/logic with ENABLE

[] 2020-05-14


  • Moved validation error messages into language handler


  • Added Canadian provinces to the state (abbr) dropdown override
  • Added missing address validation error response on ShoppingCartValidateCheckout

[] 2020-04-30


  • Changed format of address validation confirmation dialog for US, UK, EU Members


  • Automatic validation storage query failure
  • Client checkout US states drop-down reflecting readonly behavior for existing users

[] 2020-02-28


  • Changed lookup for client invoice data for WHMCS backward compatability


v2.7.0.0 Released December 10th, 2019

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[] 2019-12-10


  • support for client invoice tax line item display WHMCS > 7.8
  • 2-char country code abbreviation assertion on client address validation


  • improved audit query for large database performance
  • removed "h:ia" from data audit creation date column format
  • client shopping cart state/country code assertion


  • patched address lookup query on client address validation
  • broken implementation of WHMCS Tax exclusion feature
  • patched erroneous value in state select field JS

[] 2019-05-14


  • support for pulling TaxCode for promotional invoice lines from affected item


  • re-enabled the forecast tax for recurring payments during checkout

[] 2019-04-17


  • passive error during client address validation when response is "Country Not Supported"


  • redirect on accept address validation change in admin client profile view

[] 2019-04-09


  • option to post only invoices with a tax value
  • option to define a tax calculation country filter, restricting tax events to specified country codes
  • bypass filter configuration display toggle in addon settings view


  • display of specific avalara response to client on address validation error


  • configuration load loop when installing to fresh database

[] 2019-03-28


  • lookup for product/addon to seek pid/aid if provided with invoiceItem

[] 2019-03-28


  • currency code transmitted with getTax and refundTax operations

[] 2019-03-26


  • payload preparation for getTax request during cart operation for guest
  • payload requirements in getTax connector to validate on clientAddress, allowing guest
  • payload requirements in getTax connector making clientData optional requirements


  • client css include from header (never existed)

[] 2019-03-20


  • logs, validateAddress to the API


  • cron/deleteMissingInvoices updaqte report to show purged & remaining
  • Audit list view cleanup columns for missing invoice
  • Audit list return cached invoice_id (so visible in report if invoice is missing)
  • Comparison for modified valiidation address to case incensitive


  • Warnings in API sandbox
  • Enum option list rendering
  • XML rendering mixed content array to string error

[] 2019-03-20


  • Current version identification on update

[] 2019-03-19


  • Invoice status tracking and lazy AvaTax syncronization
  • Cron integration for synchronization
  • Invoice Audit view and csv export
  • Sortable columns, csv export, adn additional filters to existing history report
  • Abort on error during client checkout option
  • Controller / View architecture with unencoded view files


  • Heavy refactoring of several operations into portable controllers
  • Summary column on History report now displays per-item summary
  • Application of tax value to invoice, using now strict value to instead of rate evaluation


v1.7.2.1 Released February 19th, 2019

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[] 2019-02-04


  • Patch invalid function call
  • Added checkout break when GetTax communication returns an error or fails

[1.7.2] 2019-01-31


  • Postcode field to client tax estimation form (required by Avalara for estimate)

[1.7.1] 2018-12-05


  • Language changes to include link to TaxCode resources on avalara.com

[1.7.0] 2018-08-16


  • Patched Language assignment bug
  • Patched JS placement of addon taxcode field

[1.6.0] 2017-02-23


  • PHP v7 Compatibility
  • Patched PHP warnings on exclude rules
  • Patched UpdateInvoiceTotal event to format large values properly before inserting to the database.


See also

Accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments - CoinGate for WHMCS

Easily accept Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum and many other crypto payments on your WHMCS website

Account Statements Module

Send account statements to customers

GST WHMCS Module For India

As WHMCS does provide tax rules options where you can configure your GST tax but we have some extra features in our module that makes it stand out and necessary to use.

Handling Fees

A handling fee are the costs that business owners incur when processing payments from customers.

Discount Center For WHMCS

Introduce discounts applicable to orders of specified products combinations or quantities.
