The Dynadot WHMCS module is designed to assist and optimize domain management and acquisition through the WHMCS platform. By using this module and connecting with your Dynadot account, you’ll have access to all the tools you need to resell domain names to your clients or customers. This includes allowing you to register, renew and transfer domains, check domain availability, pull domain information, adjust DNS settings and many more domain management features.
If you’re looking to ease the process of setting up and running your domain reselling platform for your audience, the Dynadot domain registrar WHMCS module is the perfect solution.
Our module provides many advantages for businesses looking to allow their customers to register and manage their domain names. The Dynadot WHMCS module is simple to install, allowing you to quickly connect with your clients to get them registering domain names. You’ll have full control of contact data, DNS settings, EPPCodes and more. Our completely white-label solution provides a fully automated tool that will streamline the reselling process!
Visit our domain reseller page to learn about the many advantages of becoming a domain name reseller with Dynadot!
If you have any questions or problems, please reach our support team (at or leave a review for our Dynadot WHMCS module with more detailed feedback. Our team will investigate the issue in more detail.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
1.Fixed the issue of abnormal display of domain name prices 2.Add restrictions on the sellable status of advanced domain names
Optimize the registrar price sync feature Optimize transfer handling
Improve Name server listing experience in PHP 8.
Fixed: Domain's registrar Lock disable/enable section not displayed in certain templates Domain's modify nameservers section not displayed in certain templates
Allow reseller adding and editing Dynadot coupon in the registrar config setting
The OpenSRS Domains Pro module allows you to register, renew and transfer domains from an ever-expanding selection of TLDs, including many new gTLDs. This module supports domain locking and WHOIS Privacy for select TLDs, as well as WHMCS Domain Sync.
Advanced domain module for WHMCS - Easily offer over 2000 TLDs to your customers
Tasnim Ahmed @tasnim7583
Very poor. Your module shows the registry premium domain as available, which may hamper anyone's business. Didn't you see this error in your module?
Attisso Luz KOUMEDZRO @attissoluz8593
Thanks for the update. But the TLD Import & Pricing Sync is not working in this new version.
Minhaz Irphan Mohamed @minhaz2531
So far, so good. Their support is also good!
Md. Taufiqur Rahman @mdtaufiqur4360
Your latest latest v1.5.4, totally not working in whmcs. so many error
Error: Undefined class constant 'COMMAND_GET_NS' in /home/account/public_html/modules/registrars/dynadot/dynadot.php:431
Stack trace
dynadot @dynadot6555
Please re-download and install the latest WHMCS module again, the issue should be fixed automatically
Owner@dynadotHamidullah Ismail @hamidullah4445
Your old module I mean the running module has only one problem.
But your update/new module has many problems, it is not possible to use it anyway, if you fix one thing in your old module then everything will work fine I think.
Domain register module is very easy to make, please contact an experienced module developer, and follow the popular domain reseller's registrar module, such as ResellerClub/PDR's module.
dynadot @dynadot6555
Please re-download and install the latest WHMCS module again, the issue should be fixed automatically
Owner@dynadotAkash Jakhar @akash7770
Please change your Reseller WHMCs Nameservers Management UI.
Nameservers Management is so complex for all themes and not user friendly :(
Because of the current option,
we have to guide the user again and again.
Please provide "nameserver option" inside domain Management
dynadot @dynadot6555
Please try out our latest version of WHMCS module, the nameserver option should appear in the domain management now
Owner@dynadotMasum Talukder @masum3538
The Dynadot team has confirmed that the project is not ready yet. There is no ETA for that.
Benjamin Biswas @benjamin5545
Hi, I updated to latest v1.5.3, but found below most important 2 functions are missing from clientarea:
1. Enable/Disabled Registrar Lock
2. Get/Register/Modify/Delete Nameservers
Kindly enable this 2 option for clientarea, I can see both option have in admin panel. But client needed both function as their regular task. Thanks.