Créez un compte en quelques minutes et recevez votre premier paiement immédiatement.
Un compte unique pour tous vos encaissements.
Notre module Konnect pour WHMCS vous permet d’encaisser simplement les paiements par cartes bancaires sur votre site WHMCS.
Create an account in minutes and receive your first payment immediately.
One single account for all your payment channels.
Konnect is an easy and straight forward payment solution for your WHMCS website:
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Fixed redirection error
Integrate your financial data stored in WHMCS into QuickBooks Online.
Alain Muller @alain5565
Fix the link and update
even offline installation: not activated
RBH @rbh3656
fix the link