ModulesForge Domain WHOIS Checker
Extensive Functionality
Users can directly query domain WHOIS in your WHMCS ClientArea.
Installation Process
No need to signup or login. You can download relevant documents and files. Then you can follow the below steps to set up the service as you want.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
1.0.0 Official version released
Working comfortably with ResellerClub's products and services through your WHMCS system requires additional tools.
The module developed to add meta description and meta keywords and change the page title
This module will integrate WHMCS with Dropbox to upload a copy of WHMCS database onto the cloud. You will never have to worry about losing data any more.
Onesoft Corp @onesoft6180
this website not working
Brandon Smith @brandon6976
Unfortunately I believe this author is inactive. You have to create an account and place the order. I've had a ticket open with them for a week because the order shows as pending and I've had no response.
Paul S @paul2450
Just awsome module... Thank you
Md Mahbub Rejuan @md3437
Very Bad Service
ModulesForge @modulesforge1769
I think you are ridiculous
Owner@ModulesForgeYou filled in false and deceptive information to register, which is completely false.
Shouldn't it be set up as a fraud?
Secondly, usually our free products require 48 hours of manual review
You just waited 2 hours to give 1 star
We have decided to permanently ban you.
li feng @gu8413
Very practical plugin, everything is installed normally.