Released January 25th, 2025
Latest Version
- Updated the Braintree JS SDK to v3.111.0
Previous Versions
Released June 25th, 2024
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- Resolved an issue with 3DS payments would complete in the wrong currency when using the WHMCS "Convert To" option
- Resolved an issue where 3DS payments would fail with non-ASCII characters
Released January 9th, 2024
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- Updated the JS SDK implementation to v3.98.0
- Updated the PHP SDK implementation to v6.15.0
Released May 31st, 2023
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- Resolved an issue when using multiple currencies and merchant IDs
- Updated the 3DS implementation to now pass the CC bin parameter
- Updated the JS SDK implementation to v3.91.0
Released April 2nd, 2023
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- Resolved an issue where 3DS may hang on failures instead of redirecting back to the invoice
- Updated the JS SDK implementation to v3.91.0
- Updated the 3DS implementation to now pass the CC bin parameter
Released November 28th, 2022
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- Support for ionCube 12 for PHP 7.4 and 8.1
- Resolved an issue where 3DS payments may not complete correctly
Released September 30th, 2022
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- Resolved an issue where the CVV may not be passed correctly to Braintree (when provided)
Released August 9th, 2022
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- Updated the 3DS 2.0 JS implementation to v3.85.3
- Module now supports WHMCS 8.2 "Transaction Information"
- Fee calculation is more accurate for non-US-based issued cards
- Fee calculation is more accurate for AMEX cards
- All legacy code removed and refactored to PHP 7.4 levels
- Improved 3DS callback
Released March 11th, 2021
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- Updated the 3DS 2.0 implementation to the 3.74.0 release
- Added new missing invalid 3DS status values
- Fix for 3DS calls not using the correct merchantAccountId for multiple currencies
- Added setting to allow/disallow 3DS bypass
Released November 5th, 2020
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- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
- Updated the 3DS 2.0 implementation to the 3.67.0 release
- Full support for WHMCS 8
- Private key setting uses a password field instead of a text field
Released February 2nd, 2020
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- Updated the 3DS 2.0 implementation to the 3.57.0 release
- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
Released October 7th, 2019
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- Updated the 3DS 2.0 implementation to the 3.53.0 release
- Resolved an issue with 3DS calls failing
Released July 5th, 2019
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- Updated the 3DS 2.0 implementation to the 3.46.0b8 release
- Resolved an issue where fraud device_data was not passed on 3DS calls
- Possible fix for some Braintree library files not loading correctly
Released April 2nd, 2019
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- Resolved an issue where 3dsecure would not run if the countries option was empty/blank
Released November 26th, 2018
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- Resolved an issue where 3d-secure calls and refund calls could fail with a PHP fatal error
Released October 12th, 2018
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- Improved field name descriptions
- Account ID field is now overridden when possible by the currency Account ID
Released October 5th, 2018
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- Move to instance methods from class-level methods
- Support for the WHMCS "Convert To" option
Released August 9th, 2018
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- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
- Automated (cron) payments will now capture when using 3D Secure
Released June 8th, 2018
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- Added credit card number validation to prevent invalid stored CC details from being used
Released May 16th, 2018
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- Updated Braintree JS references to the latest builds
- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
Released April 28th, 2018
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- Resolved an issue where validation / transaction errors were not logging properly
- Updated Braintree JS references to the latest builds
Released April 5th, 2018
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- Improved to multi-currency and how the merchant id is set on API calls
- Now supports WHMCS 7.5 with Ioncube loader 10.1+
Released February 12th, 2018
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- Resolved a formatting issue where Kount device data may not be passed
- Added a debug output setting - !Enabling will fail processing all cards!
- Updated Braintree JS references to the latest builds
- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
Released January 25th, 2018
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- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
- Updated Braintree JS references to the latest builds
- Checks on the fee override to validate the user provided inputs
Released January 4th, 2018
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- Improvements to refunds to verify the transaction is in one of the valid required states
- Added ability to override fee calculation, please see our KB for more information
Released October 23rd, 2017
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- Resolved an issue where refunds may not complete
- Resolved issues where 3D secure callbacks may not complete
- Added language support for 3D secure transactions (see lang/english.php)
- 3D secure javascript output is now compressed
Released October 11th, 2017
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- Updated the core Braintree library
- Updated Braintree JS references
- Improved handling of multiple merchants / currencies
Released July 31st, 2017
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- Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
- Added handling of unknown fraud tool risk decisions
- Notice for no risk decision on orders with no risk data (fraud record not enabled)
- Improved displaying of "Decline" fraud risk decisions
- Improved handling of both multiple currencies and an account id
Released May 21st, 2017
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- Added new option for specifying the merchant account id used for the transaction
Released May 3rd, 2017
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*Support for multiple currencies has been resolved in this build, please see our KB for more information
Released April 18th, 2017
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*Updated the Braintree core libraries to the latest build
*Resolved an issue where 3D Secure was not loading when enabled
Released February 13th, 2017
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*Error no longer occurs on orders paid by account credit when payment method is the braintree module and the braintree fraud addon is enabled
Released December 16th, 2016
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- Resolved an issue where WHMCS was unable to activate / deactivate any Payment Gateway modules
Released December 12th, 2016
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- Added support for 3D Secure
- Improved gateway logging of Gateway validation errors
Released November 11th, 2016
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- Fixed a JavaScript error no longer occurs on certain browsers / WHMCS themes
- Added new Output notice when viewing a pending order that displays the fraud tools decision
- Improved the gateway log transaction output to include additional fields
Released November 10th, 2016
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- The Advanced Fraud Tools addon now uses the JSv3 Braintree API
- The Advanced Fraud Tools addon no longer requires the form DOM id value specified
- The Advanced Fraud Tools addon now works correctly on the client area credit card form
Released July 10th, 2015
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Version 1.0.5 – Released 07.10.2015
- Full support for WHMCS 6.0
- Improvements to all hook points
Leonard @leonard7212
Purchased it need to test
You can download latest version from their download section and you also need
Samuel Brown @samuel2336
Very pleased with this module. Worked out of the box with no issues. I cannot comment on the Braintree antifraud stuff as we do not use it, but the card processing portion works perfectly.
UPDATE: I am using WHMCS 8.1.3 for those that are curious along with PHP 7.3.
Deian Motov @Motov
This is a good product with incredibly fast support.
omega1 omega1 @gavin9690
Works well for me, so far so good, support has been timely and helpful.
Markus @markus4637
Doesn't support Braintree Vault, so it is necessary to install it on addition of any existing Vault compatible gateway, unless you can afford to lose your complete recurring billing database. And what this mean, knows every business owner which is into recurring billing.
Plus can't be installed on my server with other existing braintree, because this module is using the same dir and file name in certain folder. And it can NOT be changed or adjusted.
Every software give the choice to select free the file name. Not so here.
Opened a ticket with vendor, but Christoper York denied and are unwilling to adjust name.
I asked for a refund, since I don't pay for something I can't use and it was not mentioned in the requirements, that certain file names need to be available on the server or the module won't work. This is false advertising.
He just referred to their TOS and denied a refund. He want's me to keep the product which I can not use on my server.
He prefers an unhappy customer.
Many other vendors just cancel and refund the order, if the client is not happy. Not so here.
I asked to escalate my ticket to business owner, then he closed the ticket silently.
Poor customer service in combination with poor business ethics.
Stay away.
ASPnix Web Hosting @ASPnix
It is clearly outlined in our Terms of Service (which was agreed to upon purchasing), that no refunds are offered once the module has been downloaded. It also clearly states this during ordering that "All sales are final". We are unwilling to change the name, but then we have to rename the module again and again and again and again every time we release an update. If we rename for you, then we have to rename for all the other customers who've asked to rename the module for various reasons over the years, which means more renaming and supporting those installations each time an update is released. The module is provided "as is" as stated in our Terms of Service.
Owner@ASPnix Web HostingYou are correct, the module does not support the Braintree Vault, it states on the module "Description" here on the market place...
- Credit card information is stored within your WHMCS database
The module uses the WHMCS database to store and encrypt credit/debit cards and uses direct server-to-server processing and does not rely on the Braintree Vault. We have over 300 active installations of this module without issues or problems with recurring billing, existing card details stored within WHMCS will continue to work even when switching to our module.
Vlad @vlad4333
unbelievable, some "smart" guy from your company has marked my order as FRAUDULENT and banned my ip without doing a double check on my website and the paypal email address i have used to pay.
ASPnix Web Hosting @ASPnix
Our anti-fraud system is fully automated, if your order crosses a specific threshold/score, your order is automatically flagged as fraudulent. No single person flagged your order as fraudulent on their own. This is common when users are using VPNs, proxies or are using server IPs (from AWS for example) to place orders.
Owner@ASPnix Web Hosting