This addon automatically Subscribes, Updates and Unsubscribes WHMCS Clients to/from your Sendy ( Lists.
Main Functions
Sync Functions
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Supports latest ionCube and PHP 7.4 to 8.4.
Bug fix on admin updating client details.
cPanel DNS Manager for WHMCS is an addon module which allows customers who have only domain names without a hosting package to manage DNS zones of their domain names.
Full SEO Module on WHMCS Marketplace: Meta, Canonical, SEF URL, Robots, hreflang
CyberESXI is a module designed for hosting companies using the WHMCS system. With Esx Addon, you can enable your clients to manage the virtual servers you created with Vmware ESX, ESXi software.
Enhanced Support System brings you an alternative support experience with clear department layout and ticket counts for each ticket status in every department.
Pablo Parrini Leon @pablo5323
I purchased with this disqualified company a license from the Sendy Newsletter Integration module for WHMCS where I was informed that the $ 24.99 price would be charged only once. A year later I was charged, without any information from the company, the same amount, and I opened a dispute with paypal to get my money back, since I was never informed that there would be any recurring charge.
To my surprise I went to check today, 25/07/2019, if the module was working and my license was terminated. I opened a ticket and was roughly told that my license was terminated due to the dispute I had opened for the illegal charge.
By complaining more sharply about the company's attitude, they simply terminated my platform account in an attempt to erase any records they might have against them. Unfortunately for their bad luck I have all the screen prints with the information and answers provided by the company.
I am sharing this news in all groups, on the WHMCS website, in specialized webhosting groups, so that they never buy products or services from this company whose sole purpose is to steal money from their customers.
I am available to any user who wants to know more information about the case that they are looking for me through the email or through WhatsApp +5527999683980 where I send all the screens with the proofs of the facts mentioned above.
The more people share this information, the less likely it is that this company will continue to cheat its customers.
My license number is Owned-140b77a560a6929b30db
They don't even want to give back the money I paid for the license since they don't want to provide me with the service I bought and properly paid for it.
Brontobytes Hosting @Brontobytes
Hi Pablo,
Owner@BrontobytesAs the new owner since August, 2020, I am intrigued by your case and so I verified your account with Brontobytes.
It is a shame that they treated you this way and did not clearly explain the details to you that modules/addons that we sell include 1 year of updates and that renewals are required to get further updates, but that the addon continues to work even without renewing.
Sorry you experienced that!
This was the answer by the previous owner: "Your license and account with us are both cancelled because you open a paypal dispute without even contacting us, even when you received an email weeks earlier clearly notifying you that we will charge your paypal account for support & updates for that module."
I would like to ask you if you did receive emails weeks earlier about those notifications. If yes, I suggest never ignoring notifications about renewals in any business. We've had customers ignore it across our businesses and it brings problems. If it went to spam, make sure to check your spam folder regularly, but if you never received one, there would be no way you could have known, indeed.
Nonetheless, PayPal disputes are one of the ways to get a company's attention but also to cause them concern and frustration. We always suggest communicating first, in case you haven't.
Can you tell us if the previous owner ever refunded you? I don't see a reply from him after you complained to him, which is sad to see that he did not reply.
I would also like to mention that we stopped using PayPal subscriptions as WHMCS doesn't have the best implementation, and PayPal's subscription IDs cause issues since they don't make it easy to disable. We only send notifications of renewals now but there's no auto-renewal.
As the new owner, my team and I are here to help and be transparent about this.
Lots of businesses use the terms "one-time" or "one-off" even when renewals are required to get updates. That's because the purchase itself, the product, is a one-time purchase and you can use it forever. But, updates require purchases as well. Imagine buying a new stove and then the company updates the stove to a new model, you have to pay to get that new stove. Our digital products are somewhat similar but instead of launching new re-branded versions, we launch updates but to do so, we have to pay our staff.
I hope this makes sense, but I'm not here to excuse the behaviour and lack of communication of the previous owner of Brontobytes. It was not correct and I apologise for your experience. Since you paid for the renewal, you should have gotten access and your account never terminated unless the PayPal dispute is lost by the previous owner. In which case, a refund should have been made to you and there was no reason to terminate since you already paid for the addon a year before.
Please let me know if I can help. You can communicate with us via our client area. I have set your account as "active" rather than "closed". I have also re-activated the license.
I hope you have a great week ahead.
Edit: I tried to reach out to you twice but I haven't received a reply back in over a month.
April, 2023 Edit: Pablo replied and we resolved it. He's now using our module :).
Andrew T @PwT
I recently purchased the plugin and I confirm that it works great and as expected!
Easy Installation , Easy Setup A++
O Walton @OWalton
I have a CMS based site and I use WHMCS to do the heavy lifting (i.e. Registration, Payment Processing, etc…). My CMS has Sendy integration extensions available, but I needed to add my clients to my mailing list when they registered or made a purchase via WHMCS. A quick search through the marketplace landed me on this Brontobytes add-on. The included instructions made installation and activation a breeze. I was particularly impressed with the Client Group functionality. The Sendy list can be determined by the WHMCS client group. That is quite useful to us.
When I upgraded my servers to PHP 7.0, I contacted Brontobytes to have this add-on encoded for PHP 7.0 compatibility. Less than one hour later I was asked to download the updated version from the client area. Awesome service! This is an exceptional company with fantastic extensions. I highly recommend them.