Showing 41 to 60 of 68 apps and integrations.
Bank Module: This is the base compulsory module of CloudAccounting. The module adds options of advanced offline banking as most companies will have multiple banks other than just a payment gateway.
Suppliers Module - This module enables the addition of suppliers in WHMCS. Suppliers are used to record Goods Received and Expenses.
Advanced Invoice Module: This module allows invoicing of inventory items, custom and service items in one invoice.
Allows clients to set their default/preferred payment gateway on a per-product basis and optionally allows the last payment method to be used as new default
Elavon Converge (My Virtual Merchant) ACH module for WHMCS
This add-on cancels the invoices and service of outdated domains and services (products) belonging to your company.
This plugin makes the process of creating renewal invoices for your company's domains, determining the non-renewable domain (for credit systems) list and domain prices.
Annoyed of Clients endlessly depositing funds? Now there is a way to get them back!
Your customers can change their rates according to their currency rate!
Integrate your financial data financial data from WHMCS into
Provide ObjectStore solution based on MinIO S3 server.
Payments of invoices through Pix Banco do Brasil, the amounts are added instantly to your bank account at Banco do Brasil.
Allows clients to set and change their desired payment method on a per-product basis, including a specific credit or debit card
Allows clients to set and change their desired payment method on a per-product basis