Developer Profile

About Mimir Tech

Mimir Tech is a software development company that brings live software according to the most recent and secure standards. Our agile software development methodology ensures the best approach to your needs. With more than 12 years of software development, our team has expertise in web development software, mobile app development, and Progressive Web Applications and Data Analysis

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Google Tag Manager & GA 4 Enhanced Ecommerce for WHMCS

Send WHMCS GA 4 Enhanced Ecommerce Data Layer to any tag with GTM WHMCS

Iugu Cartão de Crédito Transparente

Process transparent credit card payment with Iugu Cartão PRO module

Yapay Direct for WHMCS

Perform transactions directly and transparently with Yapay through the WHMCS Yapay Direct Module

Mautic + WHMCS Integration

Synchronize your WHMCS clients automatically in Mautic through the WHMAUTIC module and automate your marketing campaigns.


Group Members

Andre Bellafronte