PaaS Extension for WHMCS

PaaS Extension for WHMCS

Developed By Virtuozzo Application Platform

Compatible with WHMCS v8.11

Possibilities of PaaS with Integrated WHMCS Billing

PaaS Extension for WHMCS is a free module designed for service providers to easily integrate billing system into Virtuozzo Application Platform.

What you can offer to your clients using Virtuozzo PaaS integration with WHMCS billing system:

  • Java, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, .NET application deployment and management
  • Managed Kubernetes clusters and Docker containers orchestration
  • PaaS Marketplace with 100+ easy-to-install applications and clusters
  • Auto-scalable pre-configured VPS on top of CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian

The module simplifies the integration process, as well as let the end customers perform all basic actions in their environments without leaving WHMCS accounts. A platform user account will be registered automatically upon the acceptance of every placed order. Your customers will then be able to create, remove, and modify each environment, deploy applications, as well as monitor status and available resources. They will also be given the capability to bind domains, configure SSL connection, handle SSH access, or sign in to the PaaS dashboard with just a single click. Additionally, the module offers precise statistics along with graphs showing the details of every node.

Ready-to-Go Packages for Managed Hosting Business

Get a new wave of users with heavy-load projects by offering them auto-scalable clustered solutions that provides high-availability and doesn’t require complex configurations. Virtuozzo PaaS provides pre-configured packages with popular stacks, applications and add-ons available for one-click installation, among them:

  • WordPress and Magento auto-clustered and scalable applications
  • MySQL and MariaDB Primary-Secondary, Primary-Primary, Galera, Single and Multi-Group replication
  • PostgreSQL asynchronous primary-secondary replication
  • Clustered GlassFish, TomEE and Spring Boot with automatic scaling
  • Automated CI/CD Pipeline with pre-packaged GitLab
  • Docker Engine and Swarm cluster

Packaging standard is open-sourced, so you can build your own templates or fork and edit the existing ones to customize due to the needs of your customers.

Fully automated installation, scaling, replication, and updates simplify the management and support of customers requiring minimal to no involvement from the service provider’s side.

Migration from Plesk/cPanel/ISPManager

Owners of big fast-growing projects and heavy traffic websites who use cPanel or Plesk often feel frustrated trying to find a hosting solution that can scale their VPS in an efficient way when needed. With Virtuozzo PaaS, you give customers a possibility to automatically scale applications vertically, as well as scale them horizontally based on different thresholds. Automated scaling, running containers on bare metal and pay-per-use pricing model let the users forget about right-sizing problem and overpaying for unconsumed resources.

Learn more on how to grow hosting business with PaaS and request a live demo by visiting our website at



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Prasad Saxea @prasad7446

February 27, 2025 at 03:06:58 PM

Currently we are facing two issues with the plugin.
1. As we are from India, we charge CGST and SGST for customers within state and IGST for customers outside our state. When a user from our state i.e. Delhi places an order for INR 100, there are two taxes that are added to the invoice. CGST for INR 9 and SGST for INR 9. The total amount the customer has to pay in 118. But when the amount is added to Jelastic, it shows amount added to be 109, instead of INR 100. I think the tax in the second line is not properly calculated by the extension. Please check into this issue.
2. If a customer wants to add funds from the Jelastic Dashboard, and he selects an amount, the WHMCS plugin automatically generates an invoice for him. The invoice even if it is not paid, will show as the funds are added in Jelastic. This bug can cause a lot of losses for us.

Please fix these issues.

  • 3 weeks ago
  • Edited

Savas Network @savasnetwork

March 30, 2021 at 11:47:43 AM

Any news for Whmcs 8.1 support?

  • 3 years ago
  • Version Number 2.4-14

nitewa @nitewa8567

November 14, 2020 at 05:33:32 PM

No comment provided.

  • 4 years ago
  • Version Number 2.4-12

Daminescu Cezar @daminescu378

January 6, 2018 at 03:31:55 AM

In whmcs 7.4.1 when i am logged as a client and try to search for a domain, i receive a blank page with this message: Unable to load your shopping cart. Another problem is in when i want to order a new service and the products are not visible... My template is Six and orderform is standard_cart. If i deactivade this module everything works fine. In my case this module is useless right now and i cant find a fix...........

Virtuozzo WHMCS Marketplace @Jelastic

April 12, 2018 at 01:44:09 PM

The fix to this issue was added to the latest plugin version. Please update the module to v2.0.6. Feel free to contact our support if any assistance is required.

Owner@Virtuozzo Application Platform  
  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 2.0.4

Anton Resnick @Webhostingnet

May 22, 2017 at 10:32:55 PM

We have been using the Jelastic WHMCS billing extension right from the start. It allowed us to leverage an existing billing platform we were already using instead of having to spawn "yet another" platform to manage. The system works well and has been stable. We're offering CC, Paypal and Bitcoin using WHMCS and the response from customer has been great with minimal issues as the customers also know the WHMCS platform. We've been very happy with the support of the module by the Jelastic team and they have stayed current with releases as WHMCS has upgraded. A+ to Jelastic on this Extension. Billing for resources are stable and reliable.

  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 1.0

Zied Ouled Ali @SAFOZI

May 18, 2017 at 02:26:26 PM

With the help of Jelastic Cloud PaaS Extension for WHMCS, was able to provide a fully automated PaaS. The billing system extension allows to end-to-end manage customers, tickets, orders, payments etc. from one single UI, which eases the use of P4D for our customers. Our most relevant is to take care of our customers and this extension made it simple. Thanks for that !!

  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 1.0

Theodoros Filippidis @tphil

May 17, 2017 at 02:01:44 PM

The WHMCS plugin for Jelastic fits perfectly on the platform. The installation process is very smooth and it fully integrates with the most advanced billing features such as auto-refill. In addition, it is possible to customize the invoicing templates and also improve user experience by allowing customers to make payments without leaving the Jelastic dashboard.

  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 1.0

Evgeniy Kozhuhovskiy @ugenk

May 16, 2017 at 02:14:36 AM

Before started Jelastic services, we already had existing hosting business with another billing solution. But since we've decided to start Jelastic with separate brand, we're free to choose billing platform, and we choosed whmcs. For now we're have fully convergent billing integration of Jelastic and VAS services (domains, ssl, etc) with easy-to-use interface of whmcs. We can provide bot post- and pre-paid models of service to our users.

  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 1.0

Matthieu ROBIN @Hidora

May 15, 2017 at 07:30:33 PM

We use this plugin to manage billing and recharge of our Jelastic platform, Hidora and it works very nice! Was easy to integrate Paypal, Credit card platform, bank transfert, etc.. Our customers are very happy to get a beautiful invoice with their account. It was very simple to make the integration between Jelastic and WHMCS. We got some questions regarding VAT integration and WHMCS guys were very helpfull on it! Bad point: Missing integration with our billing software (could be done easily with API). Thanks :-)

  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 1.0
  • Edited

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.11

Full Version Compatibility

  • All versions of WHMCS v8.11
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6

System Requirements

  • PHP 7.+; PHP 8.1
  • For the latest version, use PaaS Orchestrator version 8.3-1+
  • For PaaS Orchestrator version 8.2-2 - 8.2-5, use plugin version 2.5-3 (
  • For PaaS Orchestrator version 8.2-1 and below, use plugin version 2.4-18 (

* Requirements listed are in addition to the WHMCS default system requirements.

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By Virtuozzo Application Platform


v2.5-5 Released October 6th, 2023

Latest Version

[Signup]:[WHMCS] autogenerated password not satisfy jelastic password policy


Previous Versions

v2.5-4 Released July 3rd, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Invoice needs to be created based on total amount first instead unit price
  • Create a discard invoice method


v2.5-3 Released June 6th, 2023

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  • [Payment Methods] Broken the method GetPayMethodList


v2.5-2 Released March 27th, 2023

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  • [Credits] Payment with the existing method by credits fails in the dashboard with a warning in UI and the “Payment failed” error.


v2.5-1 Released March 2nd, 2023

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  • Addon rebranding due to PaaS (formerly known as Jelastic) integration with Virtuozzo.
  • [WHMCS] [Install] Missed field on the jelastic_invoices table
  • [WHMCS][PayServicePlan] refill using the existing payment return success but withdrawal failed
  • [WHMCS] [PayServicePlan] Incorrect hook call during auto-refill
  • [WHMCS] Add the ability to pay generated invoices automatically (not credits) for subscription invoice
  • no mail notification when an invoice is created for post-payment users
  • [payment] Single quote is translated as HTML code (') in variable
  • [Refill][AddOrder] CebiNonOKException: null, order_id:0 during refill balance
  • WHMCS plugin compatibility with PHP 8.1


v2.4-18 Released March 28th, 2022

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  • Jelastic user not created after buying recharge card from WHMCS
  • Ability to register user via WHMCS even if public signup is disabled
  • [POST Invoice] - wrong behaviour for Taxation type = Inclusive
  • Can't refill balance from WHMCS side


v2.4-17 Released October 27th, 2021

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  • [Reverse Charge] remove the United Kingdom from list of EU countries in plugin, because Reverse charge applied
  • [Credits][post] - credits not applied to jelastic balance if invoice was paid by credits
  • [PayServicePlan] JBilling received two JSON objects in response
  • [Postpaid] - tax is not applied for "Inclusive" taxation type
  • [Notification] - extra output from curl
  • [Convertion] - ability to send password for registered user
  • [CreateInvoice] - Get Invoice/Order number for custom payment flows
  • [WHMCS] Ability to set up overdue notice for user suspension
  • [WHMCS] Ability to use default user payment method in post invoices
  • [Credits] - credits not applied after accepting first order
  • [Billing] - GetInvoiceInfo returned wrong cost


v2.4-16 Released June 24th, 2021

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  • Tax regulation is not working while refill balance via existed payment method


v2.4-15 Released April 28th, 2021

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  • Method for generating SSO links
  • Multi-currency with one WHMCS installation


v2.4-14 Released January 12th, 2021

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  • Console error in viewinvoice script
  • Home Country Exclusion in taxes support
  • Welcome email when user is registered in Jelastic from WHMCS
  • VAT not saved when customFields is not parsable
  • After email change and account refill Jelastic creates new accounts
  • Wrong tax calculation when Applies to Any Country rule exist with 0%


v2.4-13 Released November 18th, 2020

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WHMCS-36 - Re-implement SSO mechanism using CreateSSOToken API
WHMCS-35 - Show RAW response of external API to log


v2.4-12 Released May 25th, 2020

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  • Make external API calls instead of localAPI
  • Pay by credits -> no fund in Jelastic


v2.4-11 Released March 31st, 2020

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Ability to disable deactivate user from post group


v2.4-10 Released March 18th, 2020

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[WHHMC Plugin] - PDOException when query called while a MySQL db transaction is active <br> [WHMCS] - migrate Datahata custom changes to 2.x version<br> BINARY collation<br>


v2.4-9 Released February 1st, 2020

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GetInvoiceInfo returned wrong cost 'welcome' email shouldn't been sent during registration from WHMCS rollback exception handling User deactivated cause of non Jelastic invoice expired Post group: invoice: add info about invoiced period VAT support improvements


v2.4-7 Released April 4th, 2019

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fixes: post users deactivation, PHP 7.2 support FastCGI support


v1.5.4-2 Released June 1st, 2018

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Support WHMCS 7.5


v1.0 Released April 12th, 2017

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Initial release


See also

Liquid Web VPS & Cloud Dedicated Reseller Program

Resell VPS & Cloud Dedicated Products from Liquid Web

Kopage Website Builder for Webhosts with support for WHMCS, cPanel, DirectAdmin & more

Kopage, self-hosted, Website Builder for Webhosting Companies your clients will love to use. Attract more clients and reduce churn rate with easy and intiutive website builder.

Dedicated Server Reseller for WHMCS

Resell Dedicated Servers from Limestone Networks white label API.

Free Website Builder

White Label Website Builder

Configurable Package Addon

Let Potential Customers Customise Their Web Hosting Package
