Sales By Staff Report

Sales By Staff Report

Developed By elive

Compatible with WHMCS v8.6

This report shows the Sales per Staff member per month.

The report is invaluable for viewing who are the Top Sales people in your organisation, either by number of orders, or total value. Could also be beneficial for helping to calculate commissions.

The report is based on the value of the order invoice and only shows if :

  • the order is Active or Pending
  • the invoice is Paid or UnPaid.

Orders with no user are classed as Web Orders.

Manually created invoices are also included.

The report searches the Activity Table for New Orders and Manual invoices in a selected month, then gets the value of the invoice and presents the results sorted by Staff member. The report does not manipulate/change any entries in your database, all queries are to retrieve info.

2 pie charts are presented.

  • Order values
  • Number of orders.

The information is then presented in a sortable table.

Simply unzip and place this in your WHMCS modules/reports folder and it will show in your reports.

Tested in WHMCS 7.x, & 8.x



5 stars
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1 star

Rezwan Rafid @rezwan2074

August 25, 2021 at 04:24:24 AM

Great addon

  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 1.0.7
  • Edited

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.6

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.6
        8.6.0 - 8.6.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.5
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.4
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.3
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.2
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.1
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.0
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.10
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.9
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v7.6

System Requirements

  • WHMCS 7+
  • PHP 7.4+

* Requirements listed are in addition to the WHMCS default system requirements.

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By elive


v2.0 Released November 29th, 2022

Latest Version

  • Many Improvements on the accuracy of totals
  • Fix totals on invoices paid by Credit
  • Ability to see invoices per user
  • Manual Invoices marked with (M) on invoice list


Previous Versions

v1.0.7 Released November 1st, 2018

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Included invoices that have been created using the Split function from previous invoices to Report Totals


v1.0.6 Released April 6th, 2018

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Ability to hard code the default sorting values in the top of the report
  • Can show/hide disabled users or users with no sales from report
  • Table now shows the subtotal, vat and total colums


v1.0.5 Released March 16th, 2018

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  • Totals now show any Quotes converted to Invoices. **this feature is experimental, as WHMCS logging does not give sufficient details


v1.0.4 Released March 7th, 2018

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Added in the ability to show/hide users with zero value sales and show/hide inactive users


v1.0.3 Released March 1st, 2018

View/hide detailed changelog

[01–Mar-2018] 1.0.3 - Public launch


See also

Google Tag Manager & GA 4 Enhanced Ecommerce for WHMCS

Send WHMCS GA 4 Enhanced Ecommerce Data Layer to any tag with GTM WHMCS

Report Generator For WHMCS

Build dynamic reports, schedule their creation and email the results to your staff members.

Intercom Addon Module

Intercom Addon Module integrates customer platform into WHMCS.

Facebook Pixel for WHMCS

Module for WHMCS to integrate your Facebook Pixel

MetricsCube Connector For WHMCS

Access MetricsCube business reports with advanced filtering and data comparison features.
