With the help of our WGS Amazon WHMCS Module, you can sell domains with AWS route 53 services. Without logging into the AWS login panel, the domain will get registered whenever the user will purchase the domain. The domain will be automatically activated when you receive the response from AWS. After the success of the whole process, the customer can view the entire report in the dashboard.
Register Domain: Your customer can easily register the domain within our WHMCS module without even logging into the AWS login panel.
Transfer Domain: The registered users can transfer their domain to our WGS Amazon if they find the third-party services disturbing in any case.
IDProtect Toggle: With the help of this Toggle option, one can whether enable or disable the owner’s contact details.
Get EPP Code: With the generated EPP code, the domain owner has the ability to perform any relevant functions.
Get Registrar Lock: Stop the unauthorized domain transfers with the registrar lock present in our module.
Save Registrar Lock: All your domain will be locked in a secure way. If there is a need to edit any details, it will automatically unlock and re-lock the same domain name.
Manage Nameservers: The customer can manage the custom nameservers for any specific domain.
Update Contact Details: The customer has the ability to update their contact details whenever they register the domain.
Manage DNS: Our module manages as well as supports the following DNS records.
New Glue IP feature: With the help of this module, you permit your customers to get the Glue records
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
New Features Added:
ID protection "Whois protection" on domain registration.
Domain Sync.
Renew Domain
Auto Renew Domain Enable / Disable from admin and clientarea
Fixed the module installation issue
Order Accept Encountered Problems [ADMIN.STATE: 'WE' is not required for United Kingdom, and should not be set, OWNER.STATE: 'WE' is not required for United Kingdom, and should not be set, TECH.STATE: 'WE' is not required for United Kingdom, and should not be set, BILL.STATE: 'WE' is not required for United Kingdom, and should not be set] Fixed Zipcode issue for GB country.
Improved add and update DNS records. Make module compatible with these TLD ".com.au, .net.au, .ca, .es, .fi, .fr, .it, .ru, .se, .sg, .co.uk, .me.uk, and .org.uk"
Added DNS Management Glue IP Feature added By default, WHMCS shows priority only for MX record and for rest (like A(Address), CNAME (Alias) etc) shows “N/A”. So when update the DNS record WHMCS does not allows to modify the DNS priority. In order to enable DNS priority, we have to modify the template file.
Make our Module updated with Latest AWS SDK. Fixed State, Zip Code issue for different countries. Initially error was generated because AWS uses different Format for State Code & Zip code according to countries but our module picked default values. Now, it works according to Required State & Zip Code.
Our module is compatible with WHMCS v7.1.1 Compatible with PHP7 Made it Compatible with G-20 countries like Australia, Canada, Germany etc.
The OpenSRS Domains Pro module allows you to register, renew and transfer domains from an ever-expanding selection of TLDs, including many new gTLDs. This module supports domain locking and WHOIS Privacy for select TLDs, as well as WHMCS Domain Sync.
Manage, acquire, renew, and transfer your Dynadot domain names using WHMCS.
Advanced domain module for WHMCS - Easily offer over 2000 TLDs to your customers
netuweb @netuweb2699
thanks for everything
Manuel @manuel7742
Compatibility with WHMCS 7.8 ?
Paul-Henri Zimmerlin @paulhenri2507
This module works flawless on my website. thank you for support.