Upload this module to your root WHMCS directory. Activate registrar module from Go to Setting icon > System Settings > Domain Registrars > Find Zolui Domain Reseller from the menu and activate it. Then go to the Configure Button and you will find the menu like below.
API Username: Enter your email used in the main WHMCS API Key : Enter your API key received from provider. You will find the key in our client panel.
To get a reseller account for free till further notice, simply deposit funds and start selling domains with our module. Registration Link: https://client.zolui.com/index.php?rp=/store/domain-reseller
Website: https://zolui.com Email: support@zolui.com WhatsApp: https://wa.me/+8801814892939
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Official Released WHMCS Module of Zolui Domain Reseller.
The OpenSRS Domains Pro module allows you to register, renew and transfer domains from an ever-expanding selection of TLDs, including many new gTLDs. This module supports domain locking and WHOIS Privacy for select TLDs, as well as WHMCS Domain Sync.
Advanced domain module for WHMCS - Easily offer over 2000 TLDs to your customers
Manage, acquire, renew, and transfer your Dynadot domain names using WHMCS.
Matribhumi Group @matribhumi2944
Excellent service. Go ahead Zolui.Com