The UGRegistry WHMCS Registrar Module Plugin is a product of Infinity Computers and Communications Company (I3C) built on top of the .UGRegistry’s JSON API.
This plugin offers automated .ug cctld Domain Registration, Management, Transfer solution.
For a step by step installation guide process refer to the UGRegistry Installation Guide.pdf file in the UGRegistry Folder
This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, defeat license encryption mechanisms, or disassemble this software product or software
product license.
i3c may terminate this license if you don't comply with any of the terms and conditions set forth in our end user license
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In such event, licensee agrees to return licensor or destroy all copies of software upon termination of the license.
Furthermore it might lead to cancellation of all domain names created Without any refund given.
Please contact support incase of any issues using this
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Developed By Infinity Computers & Communications Company (I3C)
The OpenSRS Domains Pro module allows you to register, renew and transfer domains from an ever-expanding selection of TLDs, including many new gTLDs. This module supports domain locking and WHOIS Privacy for select TLDs, as well as WHMCS Domain Sync.
Manage, acquire, renew, and transfer your Dynadot domain names using WHMCS.
Advanced domain module for WHMCS - Easily offer over 2000 TLDs to your customers