Pre-Made Landing Page
Pre-made landing pages are made available to help you promote and educate your customers about CodeGuards website backup product and the various features and benefits available via WHMCS MarketConnect.
Landing Page Layout
The CodeGuard landing page has overview, pricing, features and frequently asked questions. It explains the well known threat off malicious online activity designed to disrupt customers from using your website effectively and how the CodeGuard product can help fight against this. The pricing is simple and is based on how much space you need backed up on your website. The FAQ section should help your customers with common questions around CodeGuard to help secure the sale.
Pictured below is the start of the default landing page layout.

Customizing the landing page
All the landing pages that are provided with MarketConnect are controlled by templates and are fully customisable using any regular HTML editor.
The template files can be found in the /store/ directory within your active client area template directory.
For more information on working with templates, please refer to
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