The SSL Store™ has partnered with WHMCS to make your life easier. Start selling SSL and website security products from all of the top brands (including DigiCert, Sectigo, SiteLock, GeoTrust, RapidSSL, and more) in just a few minutes. Our WHMCS module and partner program include everything you need, from wholesale prices to pre-written product descriptions!
The SSL Store WHMCS module automates many of the tasks that you’d otherwise have to do manually—creating product listings, placing orders, issuing certificates, sending renewal notifications, and more.
We’ve helped our partners drive over $100 million in revenue, thanks to:
For 12+ years, we’ve been working with our partners to fine-tune our module to help them automate the website security part of their business. Our module now includes partially or fully automated workflows for every step of the process, eliminating manual tasks that burn up your time and trigger support requests.
The SSL Store module uses our REST API to instantly place orders and deliver the product—direct from the certificate authority or vendor. Your customers won’t have to wait, and you won’t have to manually process orders!
Eliminate the manual workflow process usually associated with selling SSL! Customers will be able to purchase, issue, and manage each product on their own—our WHMCS module includes optimized workflows for:
You have full control over which products you sell, and what price you sell them at. In just a few clicks you can import, enable, or disable any products you want. You can set prices for individual products, or in bulk by using % formulas.
Once you set up your new SSL products in your WHMCS, your customers will not only see them all listed, but see them listed with brief descriptions as well. We professionally wrote brief, detailed, appealing descriptions for all of our SSL products that highlight the features and benefits of each option and easily demonstrate the value of going with a higher ticket item. We did this all so you don’t have to.
One of the most requested features by our reselling partners is now available—an auto-renewal function for active SSL certificates! In our WHMCS SSL plugin, invoices for renewal certificates can be generated automatically. Once the invoice is paid, a renewal order will be placed automatically as well.
We offer more than 110 available SSL certificates and other web security solutions, each with different options (domains, SANs, coverage, validation level, and more). Setting up all of these products manually is a huge hassle! That's why our WHMCS SSL module gives you the ability to import all of our products at once. With just a few clicks of the mouse – you will have every product we offer fully configured in your WHMCS panel.
The coolest new feature of our WHMCS module is the ability to import all of your existing SSL orders into our system. So, if you have existing orders, there's no need to worry about tracking them in one system and then renewing them in the next. All you have to do is import your orders using a CSV file, and then they can be automatically renewed through our system. It's that simple!
We designed our WHMCS SSL module to work seamlessly with AutoInstall SSL® (, our revolutionary cPanel plugin that fully automates the SSL installation process. Our WHMCS module has been designed to work hand-in-hand with AutoInstall SSL®, which takes virtually all of the manual intervention and labor out of SSL. With our WHMCS plugin and AutoInstall SSL®, your customers will be able to purchase the SSL certificate they need and then our technology will generate their CSR, validate their domain, generate, install, and test their certificate automatically.
You’ll be able to immediately offer 110+ different SSL certificates, digital certificates, and website security products, including:
Choose products from top brands including:
Ready to get started? Created your free partner account and download our WHMCS module at
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
NEW FEATURES: *[Improvement] Improved import products function so from now it will not import products for the old product codes. *[Resolved] A bug that causes "General Error: 1267 Illegal Mix of Collations" on cart and product pricing page.
NEW FEATURES: *[Feature] Added support for DigiCert Flex Products Integration. *[Feature] Added support for DigiCert Document Signing Products Integration. *[Improvement] Updated the renewal logic to 30 Days by default to comply with recent CA/B Forum changes.
The SSL Store™ Launches WHMCS Version 3.5.2! With the latest release of our WHMCS Module, The SSL Store™ team took time to review and integrate all your feedback from the annual survey into Version 3.5.2. Our priorities were to resolve the workarounds while improving the entire SSL process for both you and your end users.
The SSL Store™ wants to extend a huge thank you for making this release possible with all your invaluable feedback. We couldn't have done it without you!
We hope you'll enjoy using this release as much as our team enjoyed developing it.
New Features: Ability to select individual domain approval emails for multi-domain products during generation and reissuance. Ability to import existing orders from your reseller control panel into WHMCS for complete lifecycle management. Native support for the WHMCS cancellation process. Ability for end users to change the domain approval method (Email, File, DNS) of pending certificates in the order detail view. Support for administrators to input the days prior to sending the renewal reminder. Certificate Authority Authentication Comments are now visible within the order detail view.
Improvements: Modified the generation and re-issue forms to support bulk Subject Alternative Name (SAN) pasting. For S/MIME orders, the email address will populate in the domain name field for ease of management in the client area and backend. Modified the import products feature to allow for selective imports. Made the setup process easier by consolidating the multiple crons into a single cron. Refined the release packaging to include additional variations of the module for those using older versions of PHP and Ioncube Loaders.
In version 2.9 Added currency selection option on the following pages. Import Products Setup Product Pricing Module Settings, Under the Product Import Settings for the Sync Products functionality
In version 2.8 Added new CNAME based authentication in Order Process for DV products. Various Bug Fixes.
In version 2.7 Added new email template for “Renewal SSL Certificate - Enrollment steps”. Now we have given an option of reporting on Admin side. From where Admin can access the report. Also we have given an option to export the report to CSV file. Datewise Sales Report Renewal Report Profit & Loss Report
Release 2.6.1 BUG FIXES:
What’s new? In version 2.5
Change in the Auto Renewal Functionality Once the renewal invoice paid, an invite order will be placed automatically. Once the invite order placed, it will check for the CSR and other required details in the database. If all the required details will be found, then it will place full order(renewal) successfully. If any required details missing, then It will send an email to the user with the generate certificate link and token details as like the new order.
Minor Edits Change in Import Products and Setup Product Pricing page. Change in the email template to add Token field instead of Token Code and Token ID.
Easily generate and change passwords for your clients without the need to send an email
Give your customers the power to unblock themselves from the CSF Firewall! Lessen your staff support ticket load
mmsjo mmsjo @mmsjommsjo3712
"ميسِّر" هي منصة متكاملة تتيح للأطباء الأردنيين الترويج لخبرتهم وخدماتهم، بالإضافة إلى تزويدهم بنظام شامل لإدارة عيادتهم، وذلك مقابل أسعار تنافسية تمكّنهم من اللحاق بركب التقدم والاستفادة من التكنولوجيا الحديثة.
تقدم منصة "ميسر" للخدمات الطبية باقة من الخدمات الحصرية، فهي المنصة الأولى التي تتيح للطبيب الترويج لخدمته وزيادة شعبيته، بالإضافة إلى تزويده بنظام أمريكي متقدم لإدارة عيادته وتنظيم مهامه.
منصة "ميسِّر" للخدمات الطبية تعدك بتقديم نظام متكامل لإدارة عيادتك، إذ يقع مركزنا الرئيسي في "كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة" ونحرص على تقديم تكنولوجيا أمريكية حديثة للطبيب الأردني.
نحن في منصة "ميسِّر" للخدمات الطبية نحرص على تزويدك بنظام لإدارة العيادات والترويج لخبرتك عبر منصة أخرى تستهدف الوصول لمرضاك، ومن ثم زيادة شعبيتك وعائدك المادي.
stellas stickers @stellas3443
After years of having been a local shop in our community, we have broken out into an online store in order to sell our products to a wider audience. Everything is made in-house. We use professional machines to make our products so the quality is better than a lot of places online, and we have a 5 star review on Etsy.
Shop Now-
AYŞE TOPÇU @aye3790 yazarı olarak buradaki tüm hizmetler gözüme çarptı. Hepsi iş görür gibi duruyor. Bize bu imkanı veren site kurucusuna buradan teşekkür ediyorum
FRANK MARK @frank8359
Alright welcome you all just want to use this opportunity to welcome all of you all okay
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Aan Nur Fatih @aan7605
cPanel SEO has plans and billing cycles designed to fit both individuals and agencies. Recommended retail pricing is shown below but remember as a MarketConnect reseller, you can set your selling prices to anything you want
Mark Vojtko @mark7072
Works great and fantastic support.
Kit Johnsson @kit4600
can't imagine my life without ssl
Ben Amini @ben9619
Buggy plugin and extremely poor support.
Tak @tak6819
i received the following email:
Dear Admin,
It appears there are a few certificates that are either waiting to be added to your WHMCS or needing to be disabled. Please review these products at to resolve these issues.
We checked Sync Products option, many products are useless but only have <import product> botton, how can disabled or remove the useless products?
Engr. Arif Ahmed Joy @Avalon-Incorporation
Works like a charm :)