Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS

Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS

Developed By ModulesGarden

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

ModulesGarden Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS will advance the collection of domain search tools in your system to let you organize TLDs into categories and perform assorted bulk actions on domains. You will be empowered to configure your own domain lookup submodules, but also choose from among 7 predefined ones, including the widely respected Enom, ResellerClub and OpenSRS.

The module will help you precisely adjust the order and appearance of search results provided to your clients. You can select a preferred lookup design, as well as pick the categories, or even specific TLDs, that shall be promoted at the top of the domain search list. Support for WHMCS premium domains and slab pricing will allow you to introduce alternative charges for selected domains and client groups. The application of predefined TLD sets and easily customizable domain labels serves the same goal of further perfecting the browsing experience.

Your clients will be able to perform bulk domain search, as well as multiple lookup and checkout operations for domain names, all under a single request. To make the final choice even easier, they will be offered suggestions of domain names brought by the inbuilt spinner of a selected domain lookup provider. With all those benefits combined, what your audience will gain access to is a new-fashioned domain search engine, not only superlative in functionality but also exquisitely attractive in visual terms thanks to the full-scale Lagom Theme integration.

Go for Domain Orders Extended For WHMCS today and drum up your business with the most efficient and customer-friendly scheme for ordering any number of domains!

Client Area Features:

  • Supports Four External Domain Search Types
  • Fast Cron Domain Lookup
  • Simultaneous Domain Searches In Multiple Spinners
  • Search For Various Domain Names In Bulk
  • Perform Bulk Actions:
    • Add All Domains To Cart
    • Transfer All Domains
    • Register All Domains
  • Display Domain Name Suggestions
  • Display Domain Labels
  • Display TLDs Basing On Defined Prioritization And Order
  • Display Dynamic Prices Of Premium Domains Based On Registrar Values And WHMCS Price Markups
  • Display TLD Prices To Client Groups Based On Set Pricing Slabs
  • Multiple Checkout Of Domains In One Request

Admin Area Features:

  • Group TLDs Into Categories & Subcategories
  • Set Promoted Categories And TLDs
  • Set Order Of Categories, Subcategories And TLDs
  • Perform Bulk Changes On Multiple TLDs:
    • Change TLD Categories And Registrars
    • Set Domain Pricing For Default And Custom Slab Groups
    • Set Domain Grace And Redemption Periods Pricing
    • Set Domain Labels
    • Set Domain Addons And EPP Code
    • Toggle Promoted TLDs
    • Delete TLDs From Categories
  • Quickly Preview TLD's Pricing
  • Import TLD Sets To Categories From Predefined List
  • Choose Domain Lookup Submodules:
    • Default Or Custom WHMCS Provider
    • CPS-Datensysteme GmbH
    • Enom
    • OpenSRS
    • NetEarthOne
    • ResellerCamp
    • ResellerClub
    • Add Your Own Lookup Submodules
  • Set TLDs Searched By Default
  • Toggle Premium Domains
  • Toggle Search Of Domain Suggestions
    • Define Returned Suggestions Limit
  • Toggle Search Results Pagination - "Lagom" And "List View" Search Types
    • Define Number Of Records To Show
  • Select Default Label For Premium Domains
  • Add Customized TLD Labels:
    • Set Label Title
    • Adjust Label Priority
    • Apply To Premium Domains Only
    • Set Text And Background Color
  • Choose Domain Search Type:
    • List View
    • General Category View
    • Multi Category View
    • Lagom List View
    • Lagom - General Category View
    • Lagom - Multi Category View
  • Configure Cron Domain Lookup:
    • Define Number Of Simultaneous Processes
    • Define Number Of Search Records Per Process
  • Import TLDs From CSV File
  • Export TLDs To CSV File
  • Toggle Debug Mode
  • View Logs

General Info:

  • Requires Server With PHP "PCNTL FORK" Support
  • gTLDs & ccTLDs Support
  • IDN Support
  • Drag & Drop Component Support
  • Fully Integrated With Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.4
  • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
  • Supports WHMCS V8.9 Back To WHMCS V8.6
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
  • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version



5 stars
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2 stars
1 star

لوازم یدکی تراکتور فوری مال @8503

July 25, 2022 at 04:01:07 PM


  • 2 years ago
  • Version Number 3.6.0
  • Edited

Sea Ansley @sea4474

September 8, 2020 at 05:41:44 AM

Domain Orders Extended has been a lifesaver for years. Default WHMCS domains have long been cumbersome to manage, putting us off the process altogether. Domain Orders Extended simplified the process for us and made transactions smoother for customers.

  • 3 years ago
  • Version Number 3.5.3

Todd Barnett @todd5790

July 16, 2019 at 05:38:25 AM

Domain Orders Extended is a nice addition to WHMCS. It's got several options that's helped us fine tune our ability to sell domains.

  • 5 years ago
  • Version Number 3.4.0
  • Edited

Tyson Buck @tyson5271

September 30, 2017 at 04:24:21 AM

Greatly extends the ability to offer and advertise domains on my website. Already notice an increase in domain orders sense adding this module to my website.

  • 6 years ago
  • Version Number 2.5.6

Jackson Yap @Jackson

March 20, 2017 at 09:22:14 AM

Hey ModulesGarden!

Thanks for making WHMCS much better with all your plugins which you have developered. WHMCS functionality is very basic and not appealing for start. But you have developed some essential functions to make it more user friendly and enhanced the features for our customers.

Despite operating in a different timezone, thank you for making arrangement with us to ensure issues with your plugins are settled on our platform.

Looking forward to you streamlining your offerings and releasing even more updates for your plugins.

Special mention to Joanna for the kind assistance as well!

Do look out for us at APC Hosting if you are in Singapore!

  • 7 years ago
  • Version Number 2.5.4

Ricardo Santos @blueatom

July 6, 2016 at 10:34:12 PM

I'm really satisfied all around - great module (Domain Orders Extended) - until now, managing domains was a pain in WHMCS and great support, nice people and efficient.

  • 8 years ago
  • Version Number 2.5.1

Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.7
  • All versions of WHMCS v8.6

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By ModulesGarden


v3.6.2 Released February 27th, 2024

Latest Version

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 and V8.9 support
  • Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Solved problems with Enom integration when running the cron job on PHP 8.1 - case #539
  • Bug Fix: Added missing log entries for Enom API responses - case #539
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem with obtaining TLDs from WHMCS pricing if they did not exist in the "tld.list" file - case #388
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Class (...)\Exception not found" error that might have occurred when running the cron job - case #540
  • Bug Fix: Fixed exception error that could cause problems with accessing the addon module on PHP 8.1 servers
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated conflict with the Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS module, which might cause a fatal error when running the cron job on PHP 8.1
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


Previous Versions

v3.6.1 Released January 20th, 2023

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 and V8.7 support
  • New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with searching for domains when a direct URL is used - case #515
  • Bug Fix: The domain bulk actions have been corrected and will now work properly with the "Lagom - List View" search type - case #525
  • Bug Fix: Corrected bulk search of multiple domains with and without provided or selected TLD extensions - case #506, #527
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted choosing and displaying of the premium domain labels for the selected search types
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v3.6.0 Released April 7th, 2022

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
  • New Feature: Support for "CPS-Datensysteme GmbH" domain lookup provider - case #474
  • New Feature: Support for Lagom WHMCS Client Theme 2.X integration
  • New Feature: "Lagom" search type views are now fully compatible with the "Twenty-One" theme
  • New Feature: Domain bulk actions that allow clients to register, transfer or add all searched domains to the cart at once using a single button - case #415
  • New Feature: Select a default "premium" domain label that will be automatically applied to the searched domains if the register lookup API marks them as premium ones - case #399
  • New Feature: Added option to limit the number of returned suggestions - case #449
  • Improvement: Bulk search is now applicable to all search types
  • Improvement: Added additional CSS classes to the styling of the "Register" and "Transfer" buttons - case #449
  • Improvement: TLD labels can now be translated in the language files - case #458
  • Improvement: Assorted language and UI adjustments
  • Changed: The "pcntl fork" PHP function instead of "exec" must be supported by the server to run cron processes
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Corrected CSS on the main.tpl page for the "Twenty-One" theme - case #459
  • Bug Fix: Various code adjustments and refactoring


v3.5.6 Released October 22nd, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support


v3.5.5 Released July 28th, 2021

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Minor code corrections


v3.5.4 Released May 10th, 2021

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support (note: "Lagom" search type views are not yet compatible with the "Twenty-One" theme)
  • Improvement: Added support for "RewriteRule" in .htaccess files - case #428
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed navigation through navbar menus when the addon module was opened on WHMCS V8.X - case #426
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated white top margin that was visible in the admin area when the addon module was active - case #429
  • Bug Fix: More adjustments for HEXONET domain search result statuses returned by API - case #351
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with returning results of a slow search when the same batch of domain names was queried for the second time - case #432
  • Bug Fix: Corrected compatibility issue with the "One Step Checkout" custom order form template - case #438
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with creating tables in database if different than UTF-8 characters encoding was used - case #451
  • Bug Fix: Prevented certain security issue
  • Bug Fix: Other code corrections and improvements


v3.5.3 Released August 27th, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Improvement: Optimized bulk domain search - case #416
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.0 and previous


v3.5.2 Released July 24th, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

  • Bug Fix: Resolved assorted issues with mass edit actions for TLDs configurations - case #396, #413
  • Bug Fix: Additional corrections for HEXONET domain search result statuses returned by API - case #351
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted Punycode support for IDN domains - case #351


v3.5.1 Released June 15th, 2020

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  • Improvement: Added mass edit action for the configuration of TLDs that still belong to the "Unassigned" category - case #396
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with the "Number Of Records To Show" option, which could prevent displaying properly domain suggestions on certain domain search types - case #401
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with scrolling a large number of TLDs extension to choose from on mobile search views - case #403
  • Bug Fix: Removed some duplicated translation records from the language file - case #404
  • Bug Fix: Corrected problem with separating domain records with new lines when using the bulk domain search tool - case #406
  • Bug Fix: Solved issues with displaying "Lagom View" on Internet Explorer browser - case #407
  • Bug Fix: Added missing "Add Domain To Start Shopping" translation record to the language file - case #408
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and improvements


v3.5.0 Released April 15th, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.10 support
  • New Feature: Added Lagom theme support for "General Category" and "Multi Category" lookup views
  • New Feature: Set automatically 2-10 year TLDs register, renew and transfer prices based on the provided first year pricing of the domain - case #337
  • Improvement: Improved domain name search validation to remove some special characters from lookup phrases - case #355
  • Improvement: Optimized query to obtain TLDs from database - case #387
  • Improvement: Adjusted speed of loading domain search results
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where exported CSV files could have two spaces at the beginning of the first line
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with invalid sorting of domains search result on Lagom lookup view - case #350
  • Bug Fix: All HEXONET domain search result statuses returned by API should be now properly handled by the module - case #351
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem related to HEXONET with "ERROR: manifest length read was "18657" should be "262144"" that might have occurred in certain WHMCS installations - case #352
  • Bug Fix: Corrected connection issue to the ResellerClub that might have caused searching domains not working - case #535
  • Bug Fix: Lagom lookup view will now display prices properly based on the assigned pricing for client groups instead of the default one
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem with enabling or disabling "Overwrite Promoted" option for TLDs configuration when using mass actions
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with using WHMCS search in the admin area when the addon module page was opened
  • Bug Fix: Assorted UI adjustments related to Lagom lookup view support
  • Bug Fix: Minor corrections related to displaying promoted TLDs along with their pricing client groups
  • Bug Fix: Fixed UI issues with displaying many labels on the search results page when hoovering mouse cursor on them
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code adjustments


v3.4.2 Released February 13th, 2020

View/hide detailed changelog

  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Improvement: Added domain name validation for a single domain search bar - case #355
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Corrected problems with incorrect ResellerClub API errors catching - case #353
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue HEXONET that could have resulted in displaying the "The domain is not available" notice for currently available domains - case #351


v3.4.1 Released October 2nd, 2019

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.8 support
  • Improvement: Default pricing for the "Grace Period" and "Redemption Period" fields of the specified domains will be now automatically set according to the WHMCS values - case #339
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with "id_ref" and "id_type" fields in the database that could not be correctly filled in which might have caused logs to stop displaying - case #340
  • Bug Fix: Changing TLD categories will no longer cause errors in the inspector console - case #344
  • Bug Fix: HEXONET domain lookup submodule will now properly search for second-level domains (such as *
  • Bug Fix: Corrected process of checking module version by cron
  • Bug Fix: Minor adjustments to the pagination of searched domains
  • Bug Fix: Other slight code corrections


v3.4.0 Released June 5th, 2019

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  • New Feature: Search results pagination - set the default number of displayed domains and load more using "Show More Results" button ("List View" and "Lagom" search types) - case 318
  • New Feature: Export TLDs, their types, pricing, registrars, labels and other settings to a .csv file - case #255
  • Improvement: Added option to sort TLDs by their period in the import section
  • Improvement: Assorted module optimizations to increase the website speed when the number of offered TLDs is very high - case #320
  • Improvement: Abandoned tasks that are older than one hour will be automatically deleted from the database
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
  • Changed: Tasks not executed within 120 seconds from their creation will no longer be processed by the cron to prevent its potential overload in case it was not running for some time
  • Bug Fix: Fixed multi-currency prefixes that might have been missing when editing the TLD pricing for the first time
  • Bug Fix: Currencies with suffixes only will now be displayed correctly when editing or previewing the TLD pricing
  • Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect TLD price displayed in the promoted spotlight in the "Lagom" theme if the default domain billing cycle was longer than one year
  • Bug Fix: Minor UI adjustments and language changes
  • Bug Fix: Slight code corrections


v3.3.0 Released January 23rd, 2019

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
  • New Feature: Bulk domain search - allow clients to search many domain phrases at once with Lagom and List View search types
  • New Feature: Import TLDs, their pricing, registrars and other settings form a prepared .csv file - case #255
  • New Feature: Edit TLD pricing per assigned to it domain pricing slab
  • Improvement: Assorted themes, colors of statuses, placeholders and UI tweak ups - case #250, #253, #254
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Solved issue affecting mass TLDs deletion
  • Bug Fix: Certain HTML currencies symbols will be now properly displayed on the domain lookup page - case #260
  • Bug Fix: It will be now possible to lookup for a domain name in the same phrase as the configured TLD
  • Bug Fix: Resolved certain problems with repeating the domains searches - case #258, #259
  • Bug Fix: Fixed statuses that might have been missing when searching for a domain with a large number of TLDs
  • Bug Fix: Minor code corrections


v3.2.1 Released October 25th, 2018

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  • New Feature: "Enable Premium Domains" option - decide whether to enable or disable the premium domains purchases - case #239
  • Improvement: Optimized loading speed of the Predefined TLD Sets section
  • Bug Fix: A default WHMCS scheme for using "-1" value for "disable" and "0" value for "free" at the domains pricing can now also be set in the same manner through the module - case #241
  • Bug Fix: Minor style corrections to the Lagom domain search type integration
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with a doubled "Transfer" button
  • Bug Fix: Corrected invalidly displayed "Congratulation!" notification at the Lagom domain search type, that appeared with taken domains search results - case #240
  • Bug Fix: The "HEXONET" suggested search will no longer recommend domains that might be already taken - case #242


v3.2.0 Released August 8th, 2018

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  • New Feature: Lagom theme - a new domain search look
  • New Feature: Support for ResellerClub, HEXONET, NetEarthOne and ResellerCamp domain lookup submodules
  • New Feature: Support for WHMCS 'Grace' and 'Redemption' periods pricing setup (WHMCS V7.5 and later)
  • New Feature: Support for WHMCS domain addons and EPP code assignment
  • New Feature: Premium labels - set labels that will be displayed with premium domains only
  • Improvement: The pricing column in the addon module will from now on display only the currencies in which the domain pricing has been configured
  • Improvement: Added quick pricing preview in the module addon which is displayed when you hover the cursor over the TLD's currency
  • Improvement: The categories names can now be translatable in the language file
  • Improvement: When editing configuration of multiple TLDs at once using mass actions you can now decide whether to overwrite specific settings or leave them unchanged
  • Improvement: The categories list in 'Edit TLD Configuration' dropdown has now visible indents for easier identification of their subcategories
  • Improvement: Added console command in the 'Settings' section to easily stop the running cron processes
  • Improvement: Slight code clean-ups and refactoring
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.1
  • Bug Fix: Making a typo in a TLD name when assigning it to the TLD category will no longer result in redirection to the WHMCS Marketplace
  • Bug Fix: Corrected display of prefix and TLDs' pricing currencies format
  • Bug Fix: Assorted code corrections


v3.1.2 Released July 5th, 2018

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  • Improvement: Adjusted way the domain search results are displayed based on their TLD categories, labels and the promoted flag
  • Bug Fix: Fixed display of the suggested TLD in domain search results even if its pricing was not set yet
  • Bug Fix: Corrections to the database structure to prevent problems at some instances (only for new installations)
  • Bug Fix: Solved issue with the module and cron functionality on the Windows-based servers
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated problem of overwriting the maximum time of cron execution by WHMCS
  • Bug Fix: Domains not available for registration will be no longer displayed in suggestions for the Enom lookup


v3.1.1 Released April 16th, 2018

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  • Improvement: Extended logs for API requests and responses
  • Improvement: Restored option to toggle domain suggestions
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issues related to hooks occurring in the encoded module's version installed on WHMCS V7.5


v3.1.0 Released March 21st, 2018

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.5 support
  • New Feature: PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
  • New Feature: 'Logs' section to monitor the submodules' API error responses
  • New Feature: Premium domain prices are now fetched from the API of domain registrars and adjusted according to WHMCS price markups
  • New Feature: Domain prices in the client area are now adjusted according to WHMCS pricing slabs set for client groups - case #149
  • New Feature: Added support for many new TLDs for the Enom submodule
  • Improvement: Updated module core to increase the module responsiveness on PHP 5.6
  • Improvement: In case the first provider returns an error when checking the availability of a domain, it will be checked again by the next one
  • Improvement: Adjusted cron daemon responsible for checking the availability of domains
  • Improvement: Added arrow marks indicating the possibility of a drag-and-drop action
  • Improvement: Added star marks to indicate the promoted TLD categories
  • Removed: WHMCS V7.0 support
  • Bug Fix: Category titles now support non-latin characters - case #145
  • Bug Fix: Enom submodule will no longer return the 'Available' status for registered domains
  • Bug Fix: Corrected issue related to the check of domain suggestions that might have caused the 'call to a member function loadRegistrar()' error
  • Bug Fix: Minor code and UI corrections


v3.0 Released November 16th, 2017

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  • Improvement: Completely rewritten code
  • Improvement: Rebuilt addon module user interface
  • Improvement: Rewritten domain lookup logic to substantially increase the speed of domain searches
  • Improvement: Search domains using multiple spinners
  • Improvement: Assorted language adjustments
  • New Feature: New TLD lookup forms for displaying domain searches in the client area
  • New Feature: Support for domain suggestions offered by WHMCS providers
  • New Feature: Add and customize TLD labels
  • New Feature: Control priority and order of domain search results with drag & drop


v2.5.6 Released July 20th, 2017

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  • Removed: Duplicated entries in the language file
  • Bug Fix: Solved problems with loading of translation strings
  • Bug Fix: Corrected domain search redirection from 'Register a New Domain' box in the client area dashboard
  • Bug Fix: Surmounted 'Call to undefined method' error occurring when default lookup is selected
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue related to 'PDO Wrapper' conflict errors


v2.5.5 Released June 13th, 2017

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7.2 support


v2.5.4 Released November 14th, 2016

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  • Improvement: Allow setting up domain transfer as free


v2.5.3 Released October 20th, 2016

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V7 support
  • New Feature: PHP 7 support
  • Bug Fix: Minor tweaks


v2.5.2 Released August 30th, 2016

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  • Improvement: Support for custom domain order forms
  • Bug Fix: Convert domain name to lower-case before it is being looked up


v2.5.1 Released July 4th, 2016

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  • Improvement: Updated list of TLDs supported by OpenSRS lookup submodule
  • Bug Fix: Removed redundant 'Show More' button from 'Category' domain search form


v2.5.0 Released March 9th, 2016

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  • New Feature: Bulk search order form
  • New Feature: Rename category
  • New Feature: Remove TLDs along with category
  • New Feature: Allow category name translation
  • Improvement: Enhanced domains autopricing
  • Bug Fix: Module order form - Display TLD price from Pricing Slab
  • Bug Fix: Module order form - Redirect to order form
  • Bug Fix: Display subcategory in client area
  • Bug Fix: Reorder categories with drag and drop option
  • Bug Fix: Minor tweaks


See also

FraudLabs Pro Fraud Prevention

Fraud prevention plugin to prevent fraud, reduce fraud chargeback & high risk transactions

Order Notes

Staff need to make a note

WHMCS Order Assistant

Order Assistant helps you to automate order management process. It can automatically accept Pending Orders; send an email or open a ticket with client; and cancel the order if no payment is made still.

IPQS Fraud Prevention & Order Validation

Accurate risk analysis for orders & users to prevent fraud and minimize chargebacks.

Lara, Fraud Control

Allow you to to have custom fraud control per payment gateway.
