Released March 4th, 2025
Latest Version
- New Feature: Added "Create Admin User" module command button in the admin area service view, which allows creating an admin account for the product at any time
Previous Versions
Released February 12th, 2025
View/hide detailed changelog
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.12 support
- New Feature: Added option in the module settings to allow displaying passwords in the "Customer Info" section in the client area - case #44
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.4 version
Released September 18th, 2024
View/hide detailed changelog
- New Feature: WHMCS V8.11 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Improvement: If the "Default Company Name" is not configured and the "Company Name" field in the client's profile is empty, the client's first and last name will be used as the API company requirement - case #75
- Improvement: You can now use the optional "ClientPostcode" custom field instead of using the postcode on the WHMCS client profile - case #75
- Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: Prevented display of unnecessary subscription lists in the admin area service view when the "GoogleApps Domain" custom field is not yet filled in - case #77
Released February 2nd, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 and V8.9 support
- Improvement: The list of products SKU IDs will no longer be hard-coded but loaded from the "app/Config/skuids.json" file
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Released January 18th, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 and V8.7 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
Released June 29th, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.5 support
- New Feature: Use a default company name set in the product configuration if there is no company provided in the client's profile - case #51
- New Feature: Added support for "G Suite Deal Code" product custom field that allows the transfer and transition of existing G Suite customers into Google Workspace - case #47
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
- Bug Fix: "Mailbox Name" from the product custom field will be now prioritized, and if empty, the value from the module settings will be taken into account - case #48
Released February 10th, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved assorted issues with displaying and saving product configuration fields that interrupted service creation in the latest WHMCS versions - case #41
Released August 4th, 2021
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- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with "403 Forbidden" error that could be returned from API when trying to create an admin account - case #38
Released April 14th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
Released October 23rd, 2020
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- Improvement: Added "Transfer to redirect" for the "Action on Termination" option which transfers the customer subscription directly to Google
- Improvement: Updated plans due to recent changes in G Suite name to Google Workspace
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
Released August 20th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
Released February 4th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V7.9 support
- New Feature: Display subscription details in the admin area
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
Released October 31st, 2018
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- New Feature: Support for a new "suspend" API call method to allow the suspension of flexible subscriptions - case #14
- Improvement: Generated custom fields and configurable options will now have more friendly external names
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.2 and previous
- Changed: Replaced deprecated API call methods to meet the new Google API requirements for suspend/unsuspend/cancel calls
- Bug Fix: The refreshment of an authorization token will no longer incur the risk of API connection break
- Bug Fix: Minor code and language refinements
Released February 22nd, 2018
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- Improvement: Set up various connection credentials per product
- Improvement: Assorted updates to the module core
- Changed: PHP 5.6 is now a minimum requirement
Released November 13th, 2017
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- New Feature: Support for 'G Suite Enterprise' SKU ID
- New Feature: Automatically create an administrator account with a given username for the G Suite domain
- Improvement: Slight adjustments to product names, language and code
- Bug Fix: Resolved errors that might occur in module settings
Released August 30th, 2017
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- New Feature: Support for new annual G Suite billing plans with monthly and yearly payments
- New Feature: Choose the billing plan to switch to after subscription renewal
- Changed: Trial option is now accessible through 'Plan Name' dropdown
- Removed: 'Test Mode' checkbox - no longer supported by API
- Removed: 'Default Max Number of Sets' setting - the module now uses the number of seats based on the plan
- Bug Fix: Corrected blank page error that might occur upon saving module settings
Released February 8th, 2017
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- Changed: Rebranded from 'Google Apps For WHMCS' to 'G Suite For WHMCS'
- Improvement: Code adjustments to secure OAuth 2.0 authentication
Released September 29th, 2016
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- Improvement: Define product configuration - set default SKU ID as 'Google Apps Unlimited'
- Bug Fix: Resolved error occurring when access to Google Account is being granted
Released October 23rd, 2015
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- Improvement: Client area user interface rebuilt
- New Feature: Generate default configurable options
- New Feature: Automatically set required custom fields
- Changed: Logs moved from file to 'Module Logs' tab
- Bug Fixes: Minor tweaks
Mark Kraakman @sven1332
Should include seat count sync to be usefull
Richie Schut @richie8977
Works well to provision accounts. However the main pain point is keeping the seat count correct. This add on does not sync seat counts in use with WHMCS. The client side does little more than link to the Google Admin.
Joanna Byjoś @JoannaModulesGarden
Richie, thank you for bringing up this perspective. As expressed previously in the ticket, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn how our product can be improved to fully meet your expectations. Your feedback has provided us with important food for thought regarding its future development, so please expect to hear from us the moment the module scores another meaningful update.
Owner@ModulesGardenKiran @kiran6768
Awesome support and amazing products, i am grateful. I hope you will add a feature in a future releases. It works fine in WHCMS with the latest version. Super.
Alejandro Leyva Rabinovich @alejandro7368
ModulesGarden has a great products and amazing support. This solution G Suite for WHMCS is a complement for automatization, because G Suite itself does not offer a billing software for the partners' clients, so its a nightmare to manually manage the clients accounts, this solution helps to keep all new clients and client's renews easely :)
Tyson Buck @tyson5271
Very helpful add on. Before using this module I used g suite and I love it. Now that I can offer it to my customers easily is awesome. Great product guys!
Chang Lee @WHMCSArt
Thanks for great add-on from ModulesGarden