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The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
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Not properly working, be aware before purchase it!
CubeData Support @CubeData
Sir, it works fine for us and other people as well.... The problem with your account it seems is you have not downloaded and tried the latest version of the software since January of 2018. Lots of changes has happened since then including implementing our new Dynamic Key System API for all products now to further help with preventing piracy.
Owner@CubeDataAnd you have not been active in our system since January of 2018 either so sorry but a lot of the issues you was complaining about has been fixed since 4 months ago(about to be 5) since you last used the software.
ilian dimov @hosting27
Most stupid support and fraud protection ever.
From 10 different places around the world with different browser and IP addresses we can't make a registration.
Response "FraudRecord has marked your order to be potentially high risk and therefore it has been rejected!"
Response from support:
"sorry but if our anti fraud system stopped you we cannot do anything for you sorry.
No Phones for contact.
No way to test soft just nothing.
CubeData Support @CubeData
sorry but you do realize our anti fraud system doesn't just stop anyone unless it has to, like maxmind does? guess not.
Owner@CubeDataalso sorry but we also reserve the right to reject service from anyone per our tos/aup as well.
Антон Зубков @UAnton
1. Module not work correctly
2. No normal support
3. Module use only some pieces (1%) function of OpenNebula and cannot be used in production.
CubeData Support @CubeData
module does work correctly
Owner@CubeDatawe tried giving you support(but it has to be within business hours)
and module uses everything supported here:
so we are very sorry it didn't work out for you but it does work for plenty of other people.