Servertastic SSL For WHMCS is a module of invaluable service that will empower you to offer and provision SSL certificates to your clients right within the confines of your system.
As an administrator, you will gain the capability to view the status of SSL configuration, resend the configuration email, and even modify the approver email. The module will also allow you to terminate SSL certificates as well as renew them, either automatically after their expiration date or manually before it. In addition, you will be equipped with a separate component enabling you to generate and then provide your clientele with SSL certificate tokens to be used in either Servertastic panel or our Servertastic SSL For cPanel module to order and configure the desired certificates. Afterward, you will gain the capability to easily charge your customers for every single purchased certificate. On the other hand, with the readily accessible configurable options, your clients will be allowed to freely define key product properties while placing the order, such as the preferred type of certificate, the period of its validation, and more.
Put your hands on Servertastic SSL For WHMCS now and introduce the best SSL suppliers to your clients directly in your WHMCS!
The module is powered by Servertastic Limited in development partnership with ModulesGarden.
Admin Area Features:
Client Area Features:
Configurable Options:
Tokens Configuration:
General Info:
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