Are your clients Feel anxious to share sensitive data using a simple Text Box? With this module, users can enter details into the secure form. The details are then encrypted and held in your database. You can use the dedicated form to search for the user's login credentials by using the ticket number at which point they will be decrypted and displayed to you.
Web Hosting, Support, Remote Support most of the time they ask their customer to send their FTP, Cpanel, admin area login information sometimes the customer is afraid to send his login information because he doesn't trust the security of who's handling the sensitive information with our ticket sensitive data module your customer will feel safe sending his/her sensitive information by encrypting the information in the database.
All text can be changed via the included templates. We have included a modified "six" theme which includes the additions of buttons for clients on the supportticketsubmit-confirm.tpl file and the viewticket.tpl file.
Pioneer Highlights of WHMCS Secure Logins manager
Additional Services
We will upload, install and configure our product for you within 48 hours, plus prioritize your tech support access.
Guard your Clients Details with Customized WHMCS Secured Ticket
Owned License - Starting at $29.99
Source Code + Addons - Starting at $299.00
Seeing the platform live gives you a much better idea of how it works, use the DEMO LINK:
Username: demo | Password: demo
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The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Modifications -Better License API Handling.
Easily generate and change passwords for your clients without the need to send an email
Give your customers the power to unblock themselves from the CSF Firewall! Lessen your staff support ticket load