When a client orders any service/product an admin staff needs to make note that client needs to wait for a hard drive, raid card, etc. Now when another admin staff opens this order he/she can see the notes and can inform the customer about the delay or share additional information based on the notes.
Commercial support is available for $10 USD
This Module is Free of Cost for ever.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Fraud prevention plugin to prevent fraud, reduce fraud chargeback & high risk transactions
Order Assistant helps you to automate order management process. It can automatically accept Pending Orders; send an email or open a ticket with client; and cancel the order if no payment is made still.
Accurate risk analysis for orders & users to prevent fraud and minimize chargebacks.
RICHARD SECOR @richard7929
Does not work with WHMCS 8.x