Released October 12th, 2020
Latest Version
- Bugfix: Minor bugfixes
- Updated: Ready for WHMCS 8
Previous Versions
Released August 17th, 2020
View/hide detailed changelog
- Bugfix: PHP date/time fatal error if Order pending provisioning at LB Registrars
- Bugfix: Version compare issue in whmcs 7.10.x
- Bugfix: Duplicated renew button in whmcs 7.10.x
- Updated: Ready for WHMCS 6.3 - 7.10
Released January 13th, 2020
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- Implemented: License Suppport for Cloud, Dualstack and HA Ennvironments
- Implemented: Module Debug Logs stored in separate database table and handled with the new Module Debug Log Tool from the Core Addon
- Updated: Next Due Date sync explicitly in UTC date/time to be in compliance with the exact next due date from the registrar
- Updated: Service Remote Next Due Date in Admin Area as per the WHMCS date format settings
- Updated: Improved License check routine with license error messages limited to Admin Area only
- Updated: Ready for WHMCS 6.3 - 7.9
Released February 28th, 2019
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- Bugfix: Plan Upgrade not passed to the API on payment
- Bugfix: Plan Upgrade Invoice shows total amount of 0.00
- Deprecated: Support for WHMCS 6.0 - 6.2. Min version now 6.3.x
- Deprecated: Support for PHP 5.4 and 5.5. Min version now 5.6.x with Ioncube Loaders min version 10.1.x
- Updated: Threat found check changed from Aftercron to Dailycron to perform the check only once a day and not each time the dailycron runs
- Updated: Overall improvements for the Billing Upgrade Process
- Updated: Overall code improvements and minor bugfixes
- Updated: Ready for WHMCS 7.7.x and PHP 7.3
Additional Information - Updated 09/09/2019
- Release 4.3.0 has been fully tested and no update is required for WHMCS 7.8.x
Released May 9th, 2018
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- Bugfix: Wrong declared language file include
- Bugfix: SiteLock Threat Detection false/positive result if no response due to API Timeout
Released March 19th, 2018
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- Updated: Ready for Ioncube Loaders 10.1, PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2
- Updated: Ready for WHMCS 7.5.x
- Updated: Overall code improvements and minor bugfixes
- Bugfix: WHMCS changepackage module function behavior changed since WHMCS 7.4 and not working as expected
Released January 29th, 2018
View/hide detailed changelog
- Deprecated: Support for PHP 5.3 and Ioncube Loaders 4.1.x. Minium requirements PHP 5.4.x and Ioncube Loaders 5.0.x
- Updated: Ready for Ioncube Loaders 10.x and PHP 7.1
- Updated: Language files in Core Addon v1.4.10
Released July 5th, 2017
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- Added: Support for admin login with another language than the default configured
- Bugfix: php fatal error with idnclass under certain circumstances
- Bugfix: Duplicated Renew Button since WHMCS 7.2 not respecting custom module function renew like in previous WHMCS versions
- Bugfix: AutoLogin Buttons for OrderBox Control Panels not redirecting appropriately in Client Area under certain circumstances
- Bugfix: PDO Exception on Upgrade/Downgrade caused by Module Queue
Released February 12th, 2016
View/hide detailed changelog
- Bugfix: Admin area language translation for other languages was not working in whmcs v6
- Changed: The implemented Protection against renewal execution when a service is new and has been provisioned manually before payment has been removed for whmcs v6.2.x (whmcs CORE8823)
- Added: Automated plan id change adjustment for product setup when plan name has been changed in reseller account
- Updated: Dashboard Selector
- Code improvements and minor bugfixes
- Fully tested for whmcs v6.2.x
Ratraco Solutions @ratracosolutions3313
Travis Bellos @Travis
No comment provided.
Marco Ferraro @imaticon
Thank you for the five stars Travis, much appreciated!
Owner@Resellerclub Mods