Released November 27th, 2024
Latest Version
- New Feature: Display selected "Block Storage Limits" as a usage statistics widget in the client and admin areas
- Improvement: The "Queue" section now includes cron job configuration details and statistics for finished, waiting, failed and total performed tasks
- Improvement: Terminating projects will now also delete their assigned routers, networks, VPN services and Kubernetes (K8s) clusters - case #300
- Improvement: Added ability to set the "disableUsageMetrics" flag to "true" in the "configuration.yml" file to reduce server overload caused by WHMCS metric billing for clients with extensive metric data - case #284
- Improvement: Improved project creation failure handling by automatically deleting related elements created during the failed process, allowing for a clean retry
- Improvement: Refactored framework code to enhance compatibility with other modules and facilitate future improvements
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Bug Fix: Resolved specific issue related to the "Class "ModulesGarde(...)\Request" not found" error that could occur due to problems during password changes when adding a server
- Bug Fix: When the "Container Infrastructure" URL is not available it will no longer block other endpoints from being displayed in configuration - case #288
- Bug Fix: Prevented slowdowns when loading project pages with a large number of servers - case #290
- Bug Fix: Adjusted configurable options generation to have their pricing set to zero by default
- Bug Fix: Fixed "RAM Unit" setting to account for the selected unit without requiring "Alternative Mode" to be enabled - case #303
- Bug Fix: Corrected integration with the Advanced Billing For WHMCS module to include only hourly metrics, as per-minute metrics may have caused billing calculation inconsistencies
Note: The "fullHourBilling" setting set to "true" in the "configuration.yml" file is required to apply the fix
- Bug Fix: Other code corrections, language and UI adjustments
Previous Versions
Released August 14th, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.11 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Bug Fix: Applied additional corrections to solve the "Bad Request: authenticate_for_token() got an unexpected keyword argument 'authUrl'" error that might occur for some server configurations - case #155
- Bug Fix: Addressed issue that might cause an internal server error "500" when entering the product's module settings for the first time - case #282
Released July 19th, 2024
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- Improvement: Addressed problems related to opening the "Management Panel" on specific browsers by adding a redirection button once the automatic redirect has failed - case #273
- Bug Fix: Access to the "Change Password" action will no longer be possible once the "Login Restrictions" for temporary access is enabled - case #280
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "Call to undefined function (...)\Providers\get_query_val()" error that might have occurred when creating new orders via the administrative WHMCS URL - case #279
Released May 28th, 2024
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- New Feature: Added option for product configuration to choose whether to open the "Management Panel" in the current window or in a new one - case #273
- Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue with the creation of the "OpenstackProjects_BillingMetricLogs' database table after module installation - case #276
- Bug Fix: Solved problem where the "Inherit Domain Roles" option could not be be switched off in the product's configuration - case #275
- Bug Fix: Eliminated critical error in the module setting that could occur if one of the available projects did not contain any images - case #274
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released May 17th, 2024
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- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue with the "Log In To Panel" button that might not open the sign-in window - case #273
Released May 7th, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.10 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.6 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved specific migration issues that could occur after upgrading the module from previous versions
- Bug Fix: Corrected RAM sum calculation for configurable option with the "Alternative Mode" on - case #264
- Bug Fix: Fixed "Object of class (...)\UI\View could not be converted to string" error that could occur when performing server usage update on WHMCS daily cron job - case #266
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "Unsupported operand types: int + string" error notice that might have occurred when trying to set up temporary access to a project
- Bug Fix: Fixed exception error that could occur when using the "Go" button on the product page in the admin area - case #267
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released March 21st, 2024
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.9 support
- New Feature: Support for OpenStack "Bobcat" release
- New Feature: "Login Restrictions" - allows for automatic generation of passwords for each project user every specified number of hours, allowing clients to share access to their projects temporarily - case #211
- New Feature: "Project Servers" table which lists the current servers added to the project, including their hostname and status
- New Feature: Addon module - "Queue" enables monitoring and managing of queued cron job tasks
- New Feature: Addon module - "Translations" tool introduces customization of the module language files directly in the addon
Note: Please activate the addon module after performing the upgrade
- New Feature: Support for WHMCS "Change Password" section and module command - case #212
- New Feature: New option for product configuration that will automatically remove the password from the database after project creation
- Improvement: Refactored framework code to ensure better compatibility with other modules and to facilitate future improvements
Note: We recommend deleting the old module files before upgrading to remove several obsolete files that might prevent the module from working properly
- Improvement: "User" type accounts can now be used for server details configuration - #237
- Bug Fix: Resolved conflict with Password Manager For WHMCS module
- Bug Fix: Assorted code corrections and other adjustments
Released October 11th, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
- New Feature: Support for VHI 6.0 (Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure 6.0)
- New Feature: Option to set an empty password after project creation, which is particularly useful for authentication with the OpenID protocol
- New Feature: Prevent project termination by setting the "disableTerminate" flag to the value "true" in the "configuration.yml" file - case #196
- New Feature: Added icon for copying the project password into the clipboard - case #166
- New Feature: Use the latest version of the Advanced Billing For WHMCS module to bill clients for the usage of "Custom IPs", "Custom Floating IPs", "Custom Network Incoming / Outgoing Bytes Bandwidth" and "Custom Network Incoming / Outgoing Packets"
- New Feature: Configure the "Usage Billing Settings" by selecting specific networks and IP address versions for custom parameters calculations within the Advanced Billing For WHMCS integration
- Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Bug Fix: Added hook setting the quota to 0 (disabled) for any storage type without a defined quota to prevent issues with unsuccessful API calls - case #194
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue where the required minimum quantity for configurable options, such as "Fixed IP Addresses" number, was not properly considered for configured project parameters - case #197
- Bug Fix: Assorted specific issues related to usage calculations in the latest version of Advanced Billing For WHMCS module integration
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released May 18th, 2023
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- Bug Fix: Product termination will now result in an error, if the "Project ID" custom field is empty, instead of deleting its details - case #186
Released May 10th, 2023
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- New Feature: Alternative mode that allows summing the selected configurable options values with the default product configuration values instead of overwriting them - case #175
- Bug Fix: Solved issues with automatically generated configurable options for settings that contained a "space" character in their names - case #182
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released April 7th, 2023
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.7 support
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "Declaration of Symfony(...)\ResponseHeaderBag::all() must be compatible with Symfony (...)" PHP error that could occur after upgrading WHMCS to the latest version - case #168
- Bug Fix: Solved problem with the "Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float" error that might have occurred in the admin area - case #170
- Bug Fix: Fixed number of errors that caused problems with obtaining the WHMCS metrics usage statistics - cases #169, #171, #172
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released December 21st, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 support
- New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
- New Feature: Support for OpenStack "Zed" release
- New Feature: Configure "vinfra" commands file to use the "OpenID Connect" authentication layer which allows clients to single sign-on to their VHI (Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure) environment
- Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Removed: Support for PHP 7.2 version
- Bug Fix: Additional corrections related to problems that might occur when volume endpoints are not in use - case #100
- Bug Fix: Fixed problems with order links that could have caused PHP errors when WHMCS was set to "Fully Friendly Rewrite" or "Friendly index.php" path mode - case #146
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with saving the module setting values for inputs that use round brackets in their field names - case #147
- Bug Fix: Eliminated critical error that might have occurred due to invalid parsing of the endpoint path address - case #152
- Bug Fix: Solved issue with "Bad Request: authenticate_for_token() got an unexpected keyword argument 'authUrl'" error that might have occurred for some server configurations - case #155
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem where floating IP addresses and load balancers associated with the account were not removed in VHI upon project termination - case #156
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released June 1st, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.5 support
- New Feature: Define minimum bandwidth rate rules and maximum bandwidth limit rules for QoS policies
- New Feature: Added option to inherit and define domain user roles - case #119
- New Feature: Select which of the service details, web address, domain, and credentials, should be displayed in the client area - case #122, #127
- New Feature: Decide whether the WHMCS "Domain" field should contain the project name after the service creation - case #123
- New Feature: Added support for "Load Balancer", number of "IP Addressed" and "Floating IP Addresses" for billing using Advanced Billing For WHMCS integration or built-in WHMCS metric billing
- Improvement: Volumes endpoints are not required for the module correct performance - case #100
- Changed: The project password is now unveiled in a new popup window instead of being loaded every time when accessing service details - case #126
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved problems with specific "Client Projects Mode" that could prevent having projects acting as domains with the same name - case #136
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and UI improvements
Released March 16th, 2022
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
- Improvement: Suspend/unsuspend action on an OpenStack project will now also effect its VMs statuses - case #116
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with interrupting the WHMCS automation cron when trying to calculate metrics for a project without a domain
- Bug Fix: Fixed issue connected with duplicating a product - case #113
- Bug Fix: Eliminated number of errors reported into the "tblerrorlog" database table
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released October 14th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
- Improvement: Added option to product configuration which allows you to decide if project users will have or not admin permissions when there is only one domain per client created - case #105
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with terminating a client account when their order was canceled earlier than cron could perform the removal task - case #99
- Bug Fix: Removing domains from ordered products will no longer cause problems with displaying the management panel in the client area - case #94
- Bug Fix: The Advanced Billing For WHMCS module will no longer communicate errors to a project without a domain assigned to it - case #102
- Bug Fix: Fixed errors when trying to enable WHMCS metric billing - case #103
Released August 25th, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
- Improvement: "Random Domain Prefix" changed to "Default Domain", it will be used when a domain is not provided, supports {clientId}, {serviceId}, {orderId} and {rand} variables
- Improvement: Added "{domainName}" merge field variable support for "OpenStack Panel Web Address" URL so users can now single sign-on into the panel without the need to provide the domain - case #93
- Improvement: Adjusted code to be compliant with the latest Advanced Billing For WHMCS update that includes changes in the billing method of certain resources
- Improvement: Improved daily metrics collected by the module after recent WHMCS fixes
- Improvement: RAM amount units can now be chosen to generate required configurable options
- Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Bug Fix: Eliminated "OSMetricsProvider not found" request errors from the module logs
- Bug Fix: Fixed error occurring when running cron with "-TenantUsageMetrics" parameter
- Bug Fix: Resolved problem with generating due invoices from client's summary profile
- Bug Fix: Adjusted compatibility with Resellers Center For WHMCS module when different themes were used between admin and reseller store - case #70
- Bug Fix: License will no longer be validated for client area to avoid compatibility problems with Multibrand and Resellers Center modules - case #69
- Bug Fix: Eliminated errors in Products Reseller For WHMCS requests
- Bug Fix: "Module Configuration Incomplete" error will no longer appear in "Module Queue" when using "Cancel and Refund" action for order - case #95
- Bug Fix: Fixed case where public images could be deleted during the project termination
- Bug Fix: Providing "0" quota values when configuring the product will no longer be saved as "-1" which should be used for unlimited amounts
- Bug Fix: Admin user roles will be now properly assigned as domain administrators along with access to project - case #87
- Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections
Released June 2nd, 2021
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
- New Feature: Define pricing for the OS images using WHMCS "Metric Billing" solution - case #34
- New Feature: Use built-in WHMCS "Metric Billing" for storage volumes usage - case #47
- New Feature: Specify compute quota limits for "Traits" (OpenStack) / "Placement Groups" (Virtuozzo) using configurable options - case #35
- Improvement: Added notification if the server does not support specific endpoints
- Improvement: WHMCS "Metric Billing" will now only make requests to obtain data for enabled records
- Improvement: Assorted adjustments related to deleting a project with its resources
- Changed: Some resource metrics have been changed to GB units
- Bug Fix: Other code corrections and improvements
Released May 4th, 2021
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- Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Bug Fix: Fixed problem that might have caused issues with an empty API token
Released December 18th, 2020
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- New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
- Bug Fix: Adjusted auto-trimming of "Identity Version" when configuring a server - case #41
- Bug Fix: Corrected loading of inputs for the product configuration when they have different host addresses than provided for the "Identity" field - case #42
- Bug Fix: WHMCS metrics will be now displayed with the correct units for billed records - case #44
- Bug Fix: Changed the CPU units for metric billing from nanoseconds to hours - case #44
- Bug Fix: Fixed a certain security issue