OpenStack Projects For WHMCS

OpenStack Projects For WHMCS

Developed By ModulesGarden

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

ModulesGarden OpenStack Projects For WHMCS has been cleverly designed to secure full automation of the chores between the provisioning and supervision of OpenStack projects inside your WHMCS. Vast administrative powers paired with access to configurable options will enable you to deliver varied bundles of resources easily customizable to meet the changing appetites of your clients.

Your system will be stocked with a plentiful supply of features to assist you with the configuration of each created project. You will be able to control the project's status and key mode parameters, including minimum bandwidth rate rules and maximum bandwidth limit rules for QoS policies, as well as determine the role assignment for its users. At the same time, the module will present a neat summary of the project's details for your customers to quickly look over without leaving your website. They will also benefit from an extra layer of security when using time-limited passwords, empowering them to share access to their projects only for a specific period.

With our OpenStack Projects For WHMCS, you will never risk failing to cope with the volume and pace of business innovation. Pick up the module today to push your game up a notch and drive traffic straight to your company’s doors!

Admin Area Features:

  • Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate OpenStack Projects
  • Change Package/Password
  • Log In To Panel:
    • With Single Sign-On Support To Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructures
  • View Created Project/User/Domain IDs
  • View Scheduled Tasks
  • Set Up Project Configuration:
    • Define Default Domain
    • Define Client Projects Mode:
      • Default
      • Only One Domain Per Client:
        • With Domain Permissions
        • Without Domain Permissions
      • Only One Domain And User Per Client
    • Define User Roles
    • Hide User Password In Client Area
    • Inherit Domain Roles
    • Provide OpenStack Panel Web Address
    • Provide Default Domain/Project/User Name
    • Select WHMCS Domain Field Content:
      • Project Name
      • Domain Name
      • Disabled
    • Select Client Area Login Information
    • Toggle Logging API Requests
    • Enable Login Restrictions
    • Toggle Password Removal After Project Creation
    • Toggle Opening Management Panel In New Window
  • Set Up Limits For:
    • Compute
    • Block Storage
    • Network
    • Load Balancer
    • Container Infrastructure
    • Kubernetes
    • Traits (OpenStack) / Placement Groups (Virtuozzo)
    • QoS Policy - Minimum Bandwidth Rate Rules
    • QoS Policy - Maximum Bandwidth Limit Rules
  • Set Up Module Custom Web And Shell Hooks
  • Set Up Usage Billing Settings
  • Set Up Configurable Options Settings
  • Generate Configurable Options
  • Set Up OpenID Connect For Single Sign-On To Virtuozzo Hybrid Instrastructures
  • Run Server Connection Test

Client Area Features:

  • View Project Details:
    • Web Address
    • Domain
    • Username
    • Password
  • View Project Servers
  • Manage Login Restrictions:
    • Enable Temporary Passwords Valid Only For Predefined Time
    • Secure User Accounts To Prevent Access
  • Log In To Panel
    • With Single Sign-On Support To Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructures

Configurable Options:

  • Backup Gigabytes
  • Backups
  • Cores
  • Fixed IP Addresses
  • Floating IP Address
  • Floating IP Addresses
  • Gigabytes
  • Groups
  • Hard Limit
  • Heath Monitor
  • Injected File Content [Bytes]
  • Injected File Path [Bytes]
  • Injected Files
  • Instances
  • Key Pairs
  • Listener
  • Load Balancer
  • Member
  • Metadata Items
  • Network
  • Per Volume Gigabytes
  • Pool
  • Port
  • QoS Minimum Bandwidth Rates Rules
  • QoS Maximum Bandwidth Limit Rules
  • RAM [MB]
  • Role-based Access Control Policy (RBAC Policy)
  • Router
  • Security Group
  • Security Group Rule
  • Security Group Rules
  • Security Groups
  • Server Group Members
  • Server Groups
  • Snapshots
  • Subnet
  • Subnet Pool
  • Traits (OpenStack) / Placement Groups (Virtuozzo)
  • Volumes

Required Components:

  • Gnocchi (Required For Billing)

General Info:

  • Integrated With Advanced Billing For WHMCS - Actual Project Resource Usage Billing
  • Integrated With Products Reseller For WHMCS - End-To-End Solution For Products And Servers Reselling
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Supports OpenStack Victoria and Previous
  • Supports OpenStack Gnocchi
  • Supports Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure
  • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.4
  • Supports WHMCS Metric Billing - Integration: CPU, Compute Instance Booting Time, Disk Device Read Bytes, Disk Device Read Requests, Disk Device Write Bytes, Disk Device Write Requests, Disk Ephemeral Size, Disk Root Size, Memory, Memory Usage, Network Incoming Bytes, Network Incoming Packets, Network Outgoing Bytes, Network Outgoing Packets, OS Images, VCPUs, Volume Size, Volumes Usage
  • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
  • Supports WHMCS V8.10 Back To WHMCS V8.8
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
  • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version


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Version Compatibility

Compatible with WHMCS v8.10

Full Version Compatibility

  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.10
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.9
  • Selected versions of WHMCS v8.8

Support for this product

The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.

Developed By ModulesGarden


v1.8.4 Released July 19th, 2024

Latest Version

  • Improvement: Addressed problems related to opening the "Management Panel" on specific browsers by adding a redirection button once the automatic redirect has failed - case #273
  • Bug Fix: Access to the "Change Password" action will no longer be possible once the "Login Restrictions" for temporary access is enabled - case #280
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Call to undefined function (...)\Providers\get_query_val()" error that might have occurred when creating new orders via the administrative WHMCS URL - case #279


Previous Versions

v1.8.3 Released May 28th, 2024

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  • New Feature: Added option for product configuration to choose whether to open the "Management Panel" in the current window or in a new one - case #273
  • Improvement: Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with the creation of the "OpenstackProjects_BillingMetricLogs' database table after module installation - case #276
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem where the "Inherit Domain Roles" option could not be be switched off in the product's configuration - case #275
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated critical error in the module setting that could occur if one of the available projects did not contain any images - case #274
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.8.2 Released May 17th, 2024

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  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue with the "Log In To Panel" button that might not open the sign-in window - case #273


v1.8.1 Released May 7th, 2024

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.10 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.6 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved specific migration issues that could occur after upgrading the module from previous versions
  • Bug Fix: Corrected RAM sum calculation for configurable option with the "Alternative Mode" on - case #264
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "Object of class (...)\UI\View could not be converted to string" error that could occur when performing server usage update on WHMCS daily cron job - case #266
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Unsupported operand types: int + string" error notice that might have occurred when trying to set up temporary access to a project
  • Bug Fix: Fixed exception error that could occur when using the "Go" button on the product page in the admin area - case #267
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.8.0 Released March 21st, 2024

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.9 support
  • New Feature: Support for OpenStack "Bobcat" release
  • New Feature: "Login Restrictions" - allows for automatic generation of passwords for each project user every specified number of hours, allowing clients to share access to their projects temporarily - case #211
  • New Feature: "Project Servers" table which lists the current servers added to the project, including their hostname and status
  • New Feature: Addon module - "Queue" enables monitoring and managing of queued cron job tasks
  • New Feature: Addon module - "Translations" tool introduces customization of the module language files directly in the addon Note: Please activate the addon module after performing the upgrade
  • New Feature: Support for WHMCS "Change Password" section and module command - case #212
  • New Feature: New option for product configuration that will automatically remove the password from the database after project creation
  • Improvement: Refactored framework code to ensure better compatibility with other modules and to facilitate future improvements Note: We recommend deleting the old module files before upgrading to remove several obsolete files that might prevent the module from working properly
  • Improvement: "User" type accounts can now be used for server details configuration - #237
  • Bug Fix: Resolved conflict with Password Manager For WHMCS module
  • Bug Fix: Assorted code corrections and other adjustments


v1.7.0 Released October 11th, 2023

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.8 support
  • New Feature: Support for VHI 6.0 (Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure 6.0)
  • New Feature: Option to set an empty password after project creation, which is particularly useful for authentication with the OpenID protocol
  • New Feature: Prevent project termination by setting the "disableTerminate" flag to the value "true" in the "configuration.yml" file - case #196
  • New Feature: Added icon for copying the project password into the clipboard - case #166
  • New Feature: Use the latest version of the Advanced Billing For WHMCS module to bill clients for the usage of "Custom IPs", "Custom Floating IPs", "Custom Network Incoming / Outgoing Bytes Bandwidth" and "Custom Network Incoming / Outgoing Packets"
  • New Feature: Configure the "Usage Billing Settings" by selecting specific networks and IP address versions for custom parameters calculations within the Advanced Billing For WHMCS integration
  • Improvement: Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Added hook setting the quota to 0 (disabled) for any storage type without a defined quota to prevent issues with unsuccessful API calls - case #194
  • Bug Fix: Resolved issue where the required minimum quantity for configurable options, such as "Fixed IP Addresses" number, was not properly considered for configured project parameters - case #197
  • Bug Fix: Assorted specific issues related to usage calculations in the latest version of Advanced Billing For WHMCS module integration
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and improvements


v1.6.1 Released May 18th, 2023

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  • Bug Fix: Product termination will now result in an error, if the "Project ID" custom field is empty, instead of deleting its details - case #186


v1.6.0 Released May 10th, 2023

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  • New Feature: Alternative mode that allows summing the selected configurable options values with the default product configuration values instead of overwriting them - case #175
  • Bug Fix: Solved issues with automatically generated configurable options for settings that contained a "space" character in their names - case #182
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.5.1 Released April 7th, 2023

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.7 support
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "Declaration of Symfony(...)\ResponseHeaderBag::all() must be compatible with Symfony (...)" PHP error that could occur after upgrading WHMCS to the latest version - case #168
  • Bug Fix: Solved problem with the "Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float" error that might have occurred in the admin area - case #170
  • Bug Fix: Fixed number of errors that caused problems with obtaining the WHMCS metrics usage statistics - cases #169, #171, #172
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.5.0 Released December 21st, 2022

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.6 support
  • New Feature: Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • New Feature: Support for OpenStack "Zed" release
  • New Feature: Configure "vinfra" commands file to use the "OpenID Connect" authentication layer which allows clients to single sign-on to their VHI (Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure) environment
  • Changed: Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.2 version
  • Bug Fix: Additional corrections related to problems that might occur when volume endpoints are not in use - case #100
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problems with order links that could have caused PHP errors when WHMCS was set to "Fully Friendly Rewrite" or "Friendly index.php" path mode - case #146
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with saving the module setting values for inputs that use round brackets in their field names - case #147
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated critical error that might have occurred due to invalid parsing of the endpoint path address - case #152
  • Bug Fix: Solved issue with "Bad Request: authenticate_for_token() got an unexpected keyword argument 'authUrl'" error that might have occurred for some server configurations - case #155
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem where floating IP addresses and load balancers associated with the account were not removed in VHI upon project termination - case #156
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and improvements


v1.4.0 Released June 1st, 2022

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.5 support
  • New Feature: Define minimum bandwidth rate rules and maximum bandwidth limit rules for QoS policies
  • New Feature: Added option to inherit and define domain user roles - case #119
  • New Feature: Select which of the service details, web address, domain, and credentials, should be displayed in the client area - case #122, #127
  • New Feature: Decide whether the WHMCS "Domain" field should contain the project name after the service creation - case #123
  • New Feature: Added support for "Load Balancer", number of "IP Addressed" and "Floating IP Addresses" for billing using Advanced Billing For WHMCS integration or built-in WHMCS metric billing
  • Improvement: Volumes endpoints are not required for the module correct performance - case #100
  • Changed: The project password is now unveiled in a new popup window instead of being loaded every time when accessing service details - case #126
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problems with specific "Client Projects Mode" that could prevent having projects acting as domains with the same name - case #136
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections and UI improvements


v1.3.0 Released March 16th, 2022

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.4 support
  • Improvement: Suspend/unsuspend action on an OpenStack project will now also effect its VMs statuses - case #116
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with interrupting the WHMCS automation cron when trying to calculate metrics for a project without a domain
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue connected with duplicating a product - case #113
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated number of errors reported into the "tblerrorlog" database table
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.2.1 Released October 14th, 2021

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.3 support
  • Improvement: Added option to product configuration which allows you to decide if project users will have or not admin permissions when there is only one domain per client created - case #105
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with terminating a client account when their order was canceled earlier than cron could perform the removal task - case #99
  • Bug Fix: Removing domains from ordered products will no longer cause problems with displaying the management panel in the client area - case #94
  • Bug Fix: The Advanced Billing For WHMCS module will no longer communicate errors to a project without a domain assigned to it - case #102
  • Bug Fix: Fixed errors when trying to enable WHMCS metric billing - case #103


v1.2.0 Released August 25th, 2021

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
  • Improvement: "Random Domain Prefix" changed to "Default Domain", it will be used when a domain is not provided, supports {clientId}, {serviceId}, {orderId} and {rand} variables
  • Improvement: Added "{domainName}" merge field variable support for "OpenStack Panel Web Address" URL so users can now single sign-on into the panel without the need to provide the domain - case #93
  • Improvement: Adjusted code to be compliant with the latest Advanced Billing For WHMCS update that includes changes in the billing method of certain resources
  • Improvement: Improved daily metrics collected by the module after recent WHMCS fixes
  • Improvement: RAM amount units can now be chosen to generate required configurable options
  • Removed: Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated "OSMetricsProvider not found" request errors from the module logs
  • Bug Fix: Fixed error occurring when running cron with "-TenantUsageMetrics" parameter
  • Bug Fix: Resolved problem with generating due invoices from client's summary profile
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted compatibility with Resellers Center For WHMCS module when different themes were used between admin and reseller store - case #70
  • Bug Fix: License will no longer be validated for client area to avoid compatibility problems with Multibrand and Resellers Center modules - case #69
  • Bug Fix: Eliminated errors in Products Reseller For WHMCS requests
  • Bug Fix: "Module Configuration Incomplete" error will no longer appear in "Module Queue" when using "Cancel and Refund" action for order - case #95
  • Bug Fix: Fixed case where public images could be deleted during the project termination
  • Bug Fix: Providing "0" quota values when configuring the product will no longer be saved as "-1" which should be used for unlimited amounts
  • Bug Fix: Admin user roles will be now properly assigned as domain administrators along with access to project - case #87
  • Bug Fix: Other minor code corrections


v1.1.0 Released June 2nd, 2021

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.2 support
  • New Feature: Define pricing for the OS images using WHMCS "Metric Billing" solution - case #34
  • New Feature: Use built-in WHMCS "Metric Billing" for storage volumes usage - case #47
  • New Feature: Specify compute quota limits for "Traits" (OpenStack) / "Placement Groups" (Virtuozzo) using configurable options - case #35
  • Improvement: Added notification if the server does not support specific endpoints
  • Improvement: WHMCS "Metric Billing" will now only make requests to obtain data for enabled records
  • Improvement: Assorted adjustments related to deleting a project with its resources
  • Changed: Some resource metrics have been changed to GB units
  • Bug Fix: Other code corrections and improvements


v1.0.2 Released May 4th, 2021

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  • Removed: Support for PHP 7.1 version
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem that might have caused issues with an empty API token


v1.0.1 Released December 18th, 2020

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  • New Feature: WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
  • Bug Fix: Adjusted auto-trimming of "Identity Version" when configuring a server - case #41
  • Bug Fix: Corrected loading of inputs for the product configuration when they have different host addresses than provided for the "Identity" field - case #42
  • Bug Fix: WHMCS metrics will be now displayed with the correct units for billed records - case #44
  • Bug Fix: Changed the CPU units for metric billing from nanoseconds to hours - case #44
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a certain security issue


v1.0.0 Released November 4th, 2020

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  • Stable Release


See also

Hetzner Servers Manager

Integrate manager for Hetzner Dedicated

Liquid Web VPS & Cloud Dedicated Reseller Program

Resell VPS & Cloud Dedicated Products from Liquid Web

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud

AI-Powered Integration of Data Protection and Cybersecurity.

SolusVM WHMCS module

Automate the sale of VPS servers & give your clients the ability to completely manage their VPS server inside of WHMCS, using the industry leading SolusVM control panel.

VPN reseller module

Resell VPN accounts with whitelabel Windows, Mac, IOS and Android software
