The IRC Provisioning System for WHMCS is designed to automate the process of provisioning IRC-related accounts on a Server. Support currently exists for a fully automated provision of ZNC, IRC, and IRCd Accounts (as configured in the Product Configuration). It has the ability to create accounts/shells with variables including the total number of shell processes to permit, the storage limits to impose, the connections allotted for an IRCd Account, and more!
This System runs in three parts:
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IRC Provisioning System - Provisioning Module 4.5
[+] Added Check Update - This will check the latest version information.
[+] Core Design Concept and Testing for the IRC Provisioning System 5.0 release.
IRC Provisioning System - Addon 4.5
[*] Adjusted the Servers Widget to change color of Servers that haven't connected to 2 hours from 24 hours.
[-] Corrected an issue with the Client Configuration details -- Server Name was showing vs Hostname on the ZNC Configuration.
IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.5
[+] Added the local logfile for tracking tasks performed.
[+] Added configuration.php setting to set the timezone (for reporting purposes).
[-] License Reset no longer requires a SQL Database Connection.
[+] Server Licensing Check System
[+] HTML Formatting Improvement for Messages
[+] Automatic Updating of Records for ZNC Connections
[-] Fixed invalid formatting / link missing on Product ID in Daily Report.
[-] Fixed an issue with the Daily report not retrieving infomration properly due to an invalid MySQL Resource issue.
[-] Fixed an issue with License Check system not catching the local license file for checks.
[+] Updated Command Listing to use new formatting/naming convention to make things easier to understand. (Backwards compatibility with previous commands for similar commands has been maintained).
[+] Fixed an issue with a terminated user file not being relocated as it should.
[+] Package Listing Report now identifies if an item is Retired.
[+] Addon Default Page updated to reflect information about the Addon as well as a Summary of the system status.
[+] Added License Reload link to the Addon Menu. This will come into play when users upgrade or downgrade the number of servers they want to support.
[-] Fixed an issue with the Version Response (v1.4 still showed v1.3).
[+] Fixed an issue with the licensing not reporting properly on the Addon Information Page.
[-] Fixed last update time to reflect a readable time.
[-] Main License check issue resolved.
[-] Package Listing Report will omit packages that are retired that have 0 active and 0 suspended clients.
[-] ZNC Accounts now list details in the Package Summary and User Summary Pages.
[-] ZNC Accounts have the Package Summary link in the User Summary page.
[-] User Summary page now includes the Last Login time.
[+] Updated formatting for the Menubar listing so that it properly reflects/spaces without any blank areas.
[-] Main License check issue resolved.
[-] E-mail CSS Formatting fixed.
[+] Report E-mails that run as part of the Cronjob will now send to ALL administrators with the System E-mails flag enabled on their role.IRC Provisioning ServerClient 1.4
[+] Full support for ZNC 1.6.x provisioning (Create, Suspend, Unsuspend, Terminate, Change Package, and Change Password). Additional settings in configuration.php
[+] Upgrade Support added.
[-] Updated Configuration Settings on Server Information page to reflect updated settings for ZNC.
[+] Added support for system to show Registration Date.
[+] Full support for ZNC 1.6.x provisioning (Create, Suspend, Unsuspend, Terminate, Change Package, and Change Password).
[+] ZNC Usage Details in Client Area.
[+] ZNC Usage Details in Admin Area.
[+] Reporting system is now working properly. Reports are designed to send out daily, check for overuse (based on the provisioned account settings, and generate Overuse notices (e-mail to the client, and open a support ticket via the HelpDesk).
[-] Terminated users were not processed properly. Processes weren't stopped, files were not removed. This has been fixed.
[-] Fixed an issue with the Timezone. Moving forward, if no timezone is set, time is set as America\New_York. To fix this, use PHP to set your date (or .htaccess).
[-] Automatic Install for software is working.
[-] Daily report system now includes details such as Server Name, OS, RAM, Software Versions (PHP, SQL, etc).
[-] New function for handling Overuse (overages).
[-] New function for getting the signature of the Company for adding to Support Tickets.
[-] New function for getting the URL used by the Company for linking to SUpport Tickets.
[-] New function for getting the Support Department E-mail for notices regarding tickets.
[-] New function for finding the right OS for the Reporting system.
IRC Provisioning Addon 1.3
[-] Adjusted sidebar output to reflect more accurate links.
[+] Added the Hooks System to automate Reporting Systems.
[-] Fixed typo in formatting for Server Summary.
[-] Fixed the User Details report showing inactive services.
[+] Added Package Details to break down a list of the current user information for active packages.
[+] Added System Details to break down a list of active services per server.
IRC Provisioning ServerClient 1.0
[-] Adjusted UsageUpdate to reflect new format/table.
[+] Added UsageUpdate check to clear old Usage table placement.
[+] Added Alerts System to notify the initial admin on the WHMCS Install.
[+] Added InstallApp System for Eggdrop and EnergyMech for IRC Accounts.
[+] Added InstallApp System for Bahamut for IRCd Accounts.
[+] Added InstallApp System for UnrealIRCd for IRCd Accounts. This IRCd does not support auto-compile, but will put the files for UnrealIRCd in the user account.
[+] Added List of Available Commands when calling the ServerClient.php system. Note: Blank will return the list. An invalid command will return an error and the list.
IRC Provisioning Addon 1.0
[+] Added new table for usage to stop utilizing tblhosting due to problems with usage reports on the admin side.
[+] Added new User Summary page.
[+] Added new Usage Details page for individual Packages.
[+] Added new User Account Details page to outline all IRC Provisioning based account details for a client.
IRC Provisioning Module 1.0
[-] Adjusted Usage Details to reflect correct information for new formatting.
[-] Added back the auto-install options for software packages.
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