It's a complete opensource module ready to deploy in production environment and buyer can modify the code as per their requirement.
This module is excluded from our money-back guarantee policy, if you have doubt about product features and functionality then please contact us before purchase.
FreeRadius and WHMCS logos are the property of their respective owners.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
Optimized for Latest FreeRadius Server and PHP 8.3 Backward compatibility with old WHMCS 7.x versions.
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Automate the sale of VPS servers & give your clients the ability to completely manage their VPS server inside of WHMCS, using the industry leading SolusVM control panel.
Seprinal Efendi @seprinal2592
hello, I have bought and paid, but no product information receive.
Nelson @nelson6507
This module is very useful specially for internet service provider with all features required for internet service provider. Keep it up. Just add one more option auto disconnect from NAS on overdue invoice.
Birender Singh Budhwar @birender7519
It's possible to auto disconnect users, 2 options one is with auto disconnect script and second with auto reboot NAS at everyday midnight so all user's sessions will be terminated and those whose invoices are overdue they can't login until they pay their overdue invoices. Will send you auto disconnect script which works without rebooting the NAS it send COA request to NAS on overdue invoices.
Owner@BSB-INDIAServer Admin @admin1039
I purchased this addon recently and found to be very useful and its open source we make changes in code as per our setup and every thing working as expected all tasks are fully automated. Now our customers manage their account online instead keep calling us for account related changes and support.
Birender Singh Budhwar @birender7519
Thanks for purchasing our module, we appreciate your time for reviewing our module on market place.