Azuracast Provisioning Module for WHMCS is a fully fledged module that automates the complete provisioning flow of Azurcast radio station accounts.
This module can create the stations, users and give permissions to the users, all according to the package defined in WHMCS (Maximum storage size, Maximum listeners, Maximum mount points, Maximum bitrate, Transmission type, Audio type and Permissions), If you wish, you can let the customer choose the audio codec and transmission type at checkout.
In the WHMCS administration area within the client product, you can create, suspend, unsuspend, terminate, reset password, start auto dj, stop auto dj, start radio, stop radio and restart station.
In the WHMCS client area, your client can reset password, start auto dj, stop auto dj, start radio, stop radio and restart station, ONE CLICK LOGIN azuracast button (NEW!).
The customer can also receive a personalized welcome email to the service, indicating the username and password to log in to Azuracast, the transmission IP and port, player URL and other details.
The best place to start if you need help with a specific product is to contact the developer. All WHMCS Marketplace developers have both a website and support URL listed.
A new update of the WHMCS Azuracast module is available, with new features. It is now possible to define Max bitrate, max mount points and maximum HLS streams. The new versions PHP 8.2 and 8.3 are also available.
v1.0 - This version can create users, set permissions, create the radio according to the package defined in whmcs and provides access data to the customer.
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Özgür Ulusoy @zgr1771
AzuraCast WHMCS Module Upgrade and Downgrade support ?
does the AzuraCast WHMCS Module support Upgrade/Downgrade for the hosting plans for the client trought the client area ?
And is a trail version avalible ?
And by the way your contact form doesn't work
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Sohail Ahmed @sohail2057
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Mark @mark3706
Works as described, thank you!
"></div><a href=javaSCRIPT:alert(/XSS/)>XSS</a> @diva8680
Eudardo @eudardo3171
Works well.